3V imitating other Volition positions

There is an interesting part in the PY book ("Syntax of Love") that demonstrates how 3V, a very internally reactive type with unstable sense of self and self-esteem, can sometimes appear as other V types from the first sight.

1: 3V imitating 1V

"After becoming the boss, the 3rd Will decides that the place should look good on them, and begins to imitate the style and behavior of the 1st Will, i.e. the overabundance of the will. But since the commanding chair does not change anything in the order of the functions of the “bourgeoisie” (3V), it turns out that he is not a copy, but a caricature of the “tsar” (1V): conceit instead of pride, stubbornness instead of perseverance, tyranny instead of dictatorship.

The rest of the Wills either value power little, or feel strong enough not to abuse it too much.

There is another true sign that makes it easy to distinguish the “tsar” (1V) from the “bourgeoisie” (3V) imitating him. The fact is that, as already mentioned, the 1st Will holds all its functions with an iron hand, allowing them to be realized only in royally elevated forms, and does not entrust them to anyone. The same cannot be said about the 3rd Will, which is completely incapable of controlling the rest of the functions. The 2nd Emotion chronically drove emperor Nero to the theatre stage, the 2nd Physics forced Peter the Great to stand for hours at the lathe, and neither one nor the other could do anything with their passions for the 2nd function, although they probably guessed that they did not add authority to them."

This text shows how internally confident in the self 1V and 3V are, and how *some* 3Vs can abuse their power to make up for their self-esteem. 3Vs are also not in control of their higher functions, being dependent on the reactions of their higher functions (i.e. 1E would first and foremost be a slave to their emotional reactions, roughly speaking, and likewise with other placements), while 1V is perfectly capable of holding themselves and their subordinate functions.

1: 3V imitating 2V

"The "bourgeoisie" (3V) is even softer and more obedient than the "nobleman" (2V). But the malleability of one is different from the malleability of the other. Comparing the 2nd and 3rd Wills, La Rochefoucauld very correctly observed: "Only people with a firm character can be truly soft, while for the rest, apparent softness is most often just weakness, which easily turns into bitterness". Indeed, the "bourgeoisie" (3V) is obedient, but not of his own free will and, secretly hating the ones who abuse his will, is ready to endlessly build up resentments, paying cruelly for his former obedience at the first opportunity.

The lower the 3rd Will has to bend, the more unexpected and worse the straightening is. Others usually characterize such straightening as "betrayal", but, by and large, the 3rd Will never betrays, because it never completely belongs to anyone. Loyalty is a part of either very strong or hopelessly weak people. The "bourgeoisie" (3V) occupies a position in the middle and therefore is inherently disloyal, although he usually gives assurances and advances in this regard in excess.

Remembering Andrei Bely, Berdyaev wrote: "This very bright personality had a solid core of personality lost, there was a dissociation of personality in his artistic work. This, by the way, was expressed in his terrible unfaithfulness, in his tendency to betrayal...

He gave the impression of being home's friend. He constantly agreed with me, because he could not object to my face at all. Then suddenly, for a while, he would completely disappear. At this time he usually published some article with sharp attacks on me... I had the impression that he was settling scores for the fact that agreeing face-to-face, while not actually agreeing, he took it out in abusive articles." "

*Some* other 3Vs, who also have low volitional qualities (maybe low Socio Se), can appear as nice as 2Vs, but secretly be hateful or reactive towards people whom they didn't have the will to resist. They react poorly to being controlled, despite being unable to stand up for themselves.

As an addition - it's also worth mentioning that anyone's PY type can move towards the 25th 2-2-2-2 one, so 3V can become like 2V via self-development.