

Psychosophy divides spheres of human existence into four aspects: Will (Volition), Logic, Physics and Emotions.

"Man realized himself early as a multi-faceted, heterogeneous being, composed of some independent, little dependent on each other primary elements. It all started with an epiphany of an obvious thing for everyone now: a person consists of a body and a soul.

Further, complicating this situation, which has not yet become banal, the person divided the soul into the actual "soul", i.e. the emotional function, the area of feelings, moods, heart reactions, experiences, and the "spirit", i.e. the volitional function, desire, control, character, personality, temper, "I".

With the beginning of the cultural revolution, when man gradually began to turn from a hostage of nature into its tyrant, another completely independent element of his nature was revealed - "mind", "reason", "intellect", i.e. a logical function, the ability to mentally see the essence of things, the connection between them and accurately describe them.

So, gradually, the idea of the internal architecture of a person, consisting of four mental modules or functions: EMOTION ("soul"), LOGIC ("mind"), PHYSICS ("body") and WILL ("spirit"), was formed."

basic characteristics

Will/V (Volition): "spirit".
The core & the most important aspect of your personality, the driving force that influences the manifestation of other functions in your type, your sense of self & self-worth, will, fortitude, strength of character/personality, your psyche's perception of your stance in the social hierarchy and your attitude towards people and external circumstances based on that, how you handle responsibilities and decision-making, perseverance.

1Vs are voluntarists and first and foremost believe in personal energy.

Physics/F: "body".
Everything related to materialism, physical pleasures/hedonism, personal sense of comfort & comfort zone (how much you depend on your environment on it), how mobile your movements are & your activity level, personal sense of aesthetics in the environment, caring for appearance, hygiene, health, physical violence, physical strength, material world (money, finances, possession of territory), avarice of your possessions, optimistic (high F)/pessimistic (low F) outlook towards life.

1Fs are sensualists and first and foremost believe in personal experience.

Emotions/E: "soul".
The area of inner feelings and worries, moods, emotional reactions, the richness of your your emotional palette, how you perceive and your emotions and emotions of others, the ability and/or desire to manage/control moods (your & other people), aesthetical/artistic tastes.

1Es are mystics and first and foremost believe in emotional experiences.

Logic/L: "mind".
Reasoning, the world of ideas - everything that is a product of the activity of the human mind regardless of whether they have a material embodiment or not, rigidity/flexibility and completeness of your thoughts, your attitude towards the incoming information and its accuracy, how you value the pursuit of the truth, desire (or lack of thereof) for discussions and talkativeness, the ability to mentally see the essence of things & the connections between them.

1Ls are rationalists and first and foremost believe in logic.

Each aspect manifests itself differently in each position, so this information it's just a brief introduction to them.

(The text above is an oversimplification written based on Afanasyev's original descriptions. I recommend reading the official book to understand them more in depth. The info might be edited from time to time).

importance of will (volition)

Will (Volition) is the most important aspect of Psychosophy, much more important than the other three.

"The position of the Will at the levels of the functional hierarchy strongly influences the legal norms of a person, completely forms ethics (unwritten law), an individual picture of society and the universe. In general, being one of the functions and obeying in its action the same principles and laws as the rest, the Will is at the same time the invisible core of the entire order of functions."

"Accordingly, the 1st Will is all like a monologue, overabundance, result, individualism. The 2nd Will is like a norm, dialogue and process. The 3rd Will is insecurities, total vulnerability. The 4th Will is all like wax, dependence and omnivorousness. Therefore, without canceling anything of what was said before, I will pay special attention: the position of the Will in the functional hierarchy is crucial for the human psyche. And although by the words “character”, “personality”, “I” we usually understand the sum of the mental properties of an individual, in fact it is primarily the Will, and only then, as an appendage, the rest of the functions."

Afanasyev's wife also mentions that Afanasyev first divided people into people with the four types of Will and place in the social hierarchy, and only then he divided the 4 Wills into 24 types with the other 3 aspects (Physics, Emotions, Logics).