What is Psychosophy?

Psychosophy is a coherent system of views on human relations, written by Alexander Yuryevich Afanasyev in the philosophical-psychological treatise “Syntax of Love. Typology of personality and forecast of relationships.” (couples)“

from me:

Psychosophy is a typology theory that describes your psyche’s values / sense of confidence / etc. towards four aspects of life - Volition (Will), Emotions, Logics, and Physics - how you interact with the world based on this attitude, and how it influences you and your interactions with others. In total, there are 24 types in the theory, + an additional unnamed 25th type.

The original name of this typology was "Psyche-Yoga" (PY), but later it was renamed to "Psychosophy".

Interesting info: Afanasyev, the creator of the system, self-typed as LVFE.