Influence of Volition
on your functions

In Psychosophy, Volition (or Will) is the most important part of a person - it’s the core of your personality, your perception of your self and your attitude to other people and circumstances based on that. Depending on its position, this aspect might dictate the confidence and manifestation of your other functions.

(Most of the stuff here is written by me, because I wanted to simplify the information for conveniences, but I included the important excerpts from the book inside - all of them are quotes).


The First Will has firm control over its aspects, making all functions appear more like a First and Result-oriented one, and submit to the 1V’s high standards.

[It's also not rare for 1Vs to want to hide their insecurities of their 3rd aspect and work hard towards its' improvement, either hiding the insecurities well or use it in a very rigid and aggressive way.]

1V is described to be very self-confident, perceiving everyone as equal yet below the 1V (monarchic), and prone to forming high standards to the self the 1V perfectly adheres to.

Precisely because of this special attitude towards itself — 1V sets high standards for the subordinate functions, making them correspond to either the 1V’s personal idea of a “royal” or "respectable/worthy" behavior, or to behavior that is seen as “royal” by societal standards.

• "The premonition of belonging to the higher world not only subordinates the entire personality of the 1st Will without a trace, but literally warps, abuses it. The life of the “tsar” is initially tragic, because feeling like an “alpha”-chicken, 1V forces itself to behave in accordance with its’ IDEAS about the behavior of the “alpha”, sometimes contrary to 1V’s own inner inclinations and needs. The trouble is that the 1st Will allows the functions located below to be realized only in “royal”, hierarchically elevated forms, whereas, say, the 2nd function is by nature a consistent democrat and, by its propensity for process and richness of expression, is completely alien to any aristocratic attempts."
(editor's note:

• "Akhmatova (VELF) was not just an “akyn” of 2nd Emotion, but according to the 1V, a “royal akyn”, for whom not everything is permitted in poetry, but only that which does not drop dignity, does not hurt the author’s pride and generally goes back to the hierarchical elevated system of themes and images, placing the poet in an exceptional position above the crowd."

Even the 2nd function, that is supposed to be flexible and oriented to other people, can be forced to look as a Result-oriented function by 1V.

• "The Result-oriented 1V seems to cancel the orientation for Process of the 2nd and 3rd functions, and the whole personality of the "king" in the image of the 1st Function becomes Result-oriented. However, this is just an outward appearance: the “king” does not actually cancel, but drives his orientation to process inside."

Despite that, the 2nd function still might want to engage in Process later, ignoring the previously set "high standards" and flexibly engaging in the aspect.

• "One woman who had been sleeping in the same room with Akhmatova for some time said that “the first nights she could not fall asleep because Anna Andreevna was muttering or singing all the time in her sleep. The words could not be distinguished—only the rhythm, quite definite and insistent: “It seemed like she was buzzing like a beehive.” Amazing evidence, isn't it?

Abused by Akhmatova's 1st Will during the waking period, the 2nd Emotion still breaks through into the period of unconsciousness and does the “akynical” work of poetic design of everything experienced during the day, without dividing into worthy and unworthy, low and high.

Buzzing at night like a beehive Akhmatova — is an ideal image for the embodiment of the idea of the indestructibility of the ionic process in a person, no matter how it is trampled by the excessive 1st Will."

The 1V forces even the Superprocess-oriented 3rd function to make faces and double-deal, making its action dependent on the personal principles.

• "About Leo Tolstoy, who had the 3rd Physics, i.e. Physics that’s supposed to be painfully caring and compassionate, his own wife wrote bitterly:
“If anyone knew how little tender true kindness is in him and how much he did according to principle, and not according to his heart. They would write in his biography that he carried water for a janitor, but no one will ever know that he didn’t give his wife to rest at least once, not caring to give his child water to drink and didn’t sit with the sick for 5 minutes at 32 years old." "

Even the Fourth function, which, as it was said, a person usually willingly lets go and entrusts to others, the 1st Will lets go and entrusts only to the extent of its interest in that.

• "The "Tsar" is an amazing creature, he never relaxes. His self-control is absolute. Like a knight, clad in the armor of his iron will, the "tsar" passes through life, alien to passions, temptations, weaknesses, attachments. Even the Fourth function, which, as it was said, a person usually willingly lets go and entrusts to others, the 1st Will lets go and entrusts only to the extent of its interest in that. The degree of self-control of the "tsar" can be judged at least by the example of Napoleon, who, in the midst of the battle of Wagram, fell asleep, slept for ten minutes under the roar of the cannonade, and then, as if nothing had happened, again took command of the troops."


Among all V positions, 2V has the most balanced perception of the self and fearlessness before life, being both confident in the self and accepting of others. Because of it, 2V might make their other functions appear more like a flexible Second and Process-oriented, making 2V's interactions with other people more comfortable to others.

❚ "The basis of the human psyche - Will - occupies the second line in its order of functions, and thus provides the owner of the 2V with spiritual comfort unknown to others.

The strength and flexibility of the 2V gives the individual a rare wholeness and fearlessness before life."

"Even the vulnerability of the 3rd Function, which the 2nd Will, although unable to cancel, still worries the “nobleman" (2V) less than others, and the picture of pathology of the 3rd function is usually thoroughly blurred."

• "The Second function, as it was said, is the best side of a person, and if the Will is at the 2nd position, then the worst features of the First function are not canceled, but significantly smoothed out, leveled."

❚ "In addition, the fearlessness generated by the strength and flexibility of the 2V allows it to boldly take the risk of consistently closing the ulcer of the 3rd function and, despite blows, mistakes, falls, achieve its complete healing.

Thanks to this, sometimes an ideal state for a person living in the sublunar world is achieved - a state of complete inner harmony."


An aspect of Will being in a vulnerable position makes a person highly insecure in themselves, and makes up for several scenarios (that I'm not sure if cancel each other or not):

1: 3V is highly insecure in every position, so almost every function appears as a 3rd.

2: 3V focuses too much only on their overconfident and overabundant (1st) function, overexaggerating it, and ignoring other aspects entirely.

1: The person is highly insecure in every position, so almost every function appears as a 3rd.

• "But since all functions of 3V are vulnerable, 3V has to cover itself entirely, with all the fans from the existing “fig leaves”: either being a fool (3V), now being prude (3F), now using irony (3E), now falling into the deepest skepticism (3L)."

2: ❚ Due to low self-esteem and deep insecurities, the person focuses too much only on their overconfident and overabundant (1st) function, overexaggerating it, and ignoring other aspects entirely.

• "One of the typical examples of the state of mind of the 3V is that, feeling how the Will bends and cracks under the weight of other functions, it tries to transfer the center of gravity of the personality to the overabundant 1st function.

It turns out to be something similar to a person who, instead of walking on a rope bridge (out of four functions), prefers to walk on one rope (on the 1st function), considering that one rope, but reliable, is better than four, especially if you make this one rope thicker."

In comparison to 1V, 3V can't hold itself to high standards and go against temptations like 1V does with ease, no matter how much 3V tries.

3Vs are not in control of their urges and easily submit to higher functions, being dependent on the reactions of their higher functions (i.e. 1E would first and foremost be a slave to their emotional reactions, roughly speaking, and likewise with other placements), while 1V is perfectly capable of holding themselves and their subordinate functions.

• "There is another true sign that makes it easy to distinguish the “tsar” (1V) from the “bourgeoisie” (3V) imitating him. The fact is that, as already mentioned, the 1st Will holds all its functions with an iron hand, allowing them to be realized only in royally elevated forms, and does not entrust them to anyone. The same cannot be said about the 3rd Will, which is completely incapable of controlling the rest of the functions.

The 2nd Emotion chronically drove emperor Nero to the theatre stage, the 2nd Physics forced Peter the Great to stand for hours at the lathe, and neither one nor the other could do anything with their passions for the 2nd function, although they probably guessed that they did not add authority to them.

The ears of the 1st function uncontrollably crawl out in the behavior of the 3V too. No matter what kind of lordly look Khrushchev would sometimes put, the overabundant 1st Emotion was getting out from all the cracks of his nature. The example of Khrushchev clearly shows that the 3rd Will can't control the 4th Function either. Khrushchev's 4th Logic was constantly captured by various, often delusional ideas, clearly introduced from the outside, which he easily accepted for execution, which, of course, also did little to color his image, which claims to be royalty."


Influence of 4V on the person also varies for several reasons.

1: Most of 4V's functions might not appear as rigid to others.

2: 4V's functions work the way they are supposed to work: 1st function as a 1st, 2nd as a 2nd, etc. - without any additions (2V & 1V) and unnecessary problems (1V & 3V).

3: 4V can be "disguised" as some other type under the influence of parents, spouses or idols, becoming a chameleon, taking other people's values as their own.

1:Due to 4Vs accepting and chill/unbothered demeanor (that’s similar to 2V), most of their functions might not appear as rigid to others.

• "Outwardly, the 4V is practically no different from the 2V. It has the same naturalness and simplicity of behavior, respectfulness and delicacy of treatment, serenity and openness of its gaze. Indeed, I myself do not presume to distinguish 4V from 2V in a capped acquaintance. However, as already mentioned, for all their essential differences, the 2nd and 4th functions are almost indistinguishable outwardly."

2: ❚ 4V has Will (Volition) on the least valued place, making this type unbothered to matters related to Will, i.e. - self-esteem, self-promotion, etc. They also lack any additions (2V & 1V) and unnecessary problems (1V & 3V) that other placements of Will are capable of, so, after finding a stable and secure environment for themselves - their functions can express themselves in free and direct ways - just the way they are supposed to work: 1st function as a 1st, 2nd as a 2nd, etc. You can compare them to a soldier following the given orders.

• "The main thing is that the activity of the Fourth does not have an independent value, it is not a goal, but a means of existence. Therefore, if, say, someone with the 4th Logic is engaged in sphere of intellectual labor, it means that they’re trying to use this function (regardless of success) as a tool with the help of which the requests of other self-valuable higher functions are realize: ambitions* - for Will, material interests - for Physics, etc." (the same goes for 4V and their higher functions)

• "On the one hand, in contrast to 3V - a crafty slave, searching and highly sensitive to the needs of his master, 4V - is a slave without guile, serving with a soldier's directness, insensitive to the owner, often continuing to move the same course even after after the boss has already made another turn. Hence the behavior that resembles rebellion.

As Thomas Mann said: "Voluntary slavery is freedom." This aphorism applies the best only to the 4th Will. Voluntary and sincere slavery gives it the right to free, direct self-expression of the rest, higher functions, which could well be mistaken for a rebellion if it had any consequences."

• "The life of the 4th Will is the life of a chip thrown into the water. The “serf” (4V) is not his own master, their fate is entirely ruled by fate and inertia. Therefore, once, when Molotov's interlocutor stated that he had become a communist as a result of some consistent and conscious choice, Molotov simply replied: “The wind brought me here, so I became a communist. The wind carried, carried, and carries me now. And then I got into exile - now there is nowhere to go." "

* - extremely important thing to note, but there's a potential for miscommunication due to the language barrier. The original word that's written on Russian here is "честолюбие", that most online translators translate as "ambition", but these words have two different meaning. "Ambition" on English most likely means "a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work", yet "честолюбие" on Russian means "Excessive thirst for fame, honors, desire for an honorable position, to gain recognition in society, to achieve notable success, etc." - Will is still related to the matter of the self much more than goals and anything else. Ambition only serves to make your self-esteem better, but the essence of this aspect is not about ambition alone.

3:4V can be "disguised" as some other type under the influence of parents, spouses or idols, becoming a chameleon, taking other people's values as their own.

• "The special difficulty of capturing the image of "Rousseau" (ELFV) lies in the instability of his psychological appearance. Like any 4V, he is an involuntary Proteus, living in that world and in that system of values that a person who happened to be nearby easily imposed on him. Therefore, there is no certainty that tomorrow he will be the same as yesterday. The ability to sincere chameleonism was recognized by Rousseau himself as a kind of original property of his nature and did not even cause internal protest or anything similar to lynching. What to do - he was born that way...

Telling, how from a boarding house, that was claiming the status of an institution enlightened and sophisticated, he immediately got into an artisan's workshop, Rousseau told the following about the metamorphosis that happened to him: «My master Ducommen was a young man, rude and harsh; and in a very short time he succeeded in darkening my joyful childhood, coarsening my affectionate, lively character and reducing me mentally, as I had already been reduced in my position, to the level of a real apprentice. The Latin language, the ancient world, history - everything was forgotten for a long time; I didn't even remember that Romans existed in the world... The lowest inclinations, the most vile mischief took the place of cute amusements, without leaving even a memory of them. Apparently, despite the most favorable upbringing, I had a great tendency to moral decline, since it was accomplished very quickly, without a slightest difficulty..."

So Rousseau was being passed from hand to hand, constantly mimicking others, until he fell into the steel claws of his mother-in-law, Madame Levasseur. A sweet, simple-minded masochist before marriage, Rousseau under the fifth mother-in-law’s 3V became “3V-like” vindictive, envious, timid, so the post-marital psychological appearance of the philosopher appeared to the world not in his own, but in his mother-in-law's makeup. Although the memory of himself, in his natural form, continued to live in Rousseau, and the following excerpt from the "Confession" shows what a self-aware "Rousseau" looks like in those brief moments when he is not being held by his collar. Rousseau confessed: «...mediocre existence was largely a consequence of my personality -ardent, but weak, more prone to gloom than to enterprise... A personality alien to great virtues and even more alien to great vices, which constantly brought me back to a carefree and peaceful life, for which I felt born, and never allowed me to strive for something great, both in good and evil." The entire order of the Rousseau functions is reproduced here in full: 1st Emotion, 2nd Logic, 3rd Physics, 4th Will."

4 (Bonus): I'm not sure whether I remember it being in the book or not, but this one was mentioned by Marta Letz, whose work on Psychosophy was published on the official website: 4Vs are also capable of trusting their personal authority more than themselves in other functions, even in the 1st and 2nd.

•" The picture of the universe living in the soul of the 4th Will practically repeats the corresponding picture of the 1st Will, i.e. the cosmos is a hierarchy consisting of two stages: top and bottom. The difference is that the “serf” (4V) automatically places himself not on the top, like the “tsar” (1V), but on its lower level, assigning himself the role of a shepherd, subordinate, child."