Institutional Profile

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The Polytechnic University of the Philippines is a 117-year old higher education institution with over 22 branches and campuses across Luzon. Its services reach more than 80,000 students, clients, partners, and other stakeholders each year. Over the years, PUP has established models, practices, and systems that enabled it to perform its commitments at a premium. Some of PUP's enabling features are discussed below:


One of the major commitments of PUP is to continuously review and re-engineer its processes and services aimed at providing the best quality of service, output, and product for its clienteles and stakeholders. One of the strategies that the University implemented to achieve this is by undergoing ISO 9001:2015 accreditation. Further the measure is consistent with Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2020-01 issued by DBM and AO25 IATF on June 02, 2020 setting the Guidelines on the Grant of Performance Based Bonus (PBB) fo Fiscal Year 2020 under Executive Order No. 80, s. 2012 and Executive Order No. 201, s. 2016. Further, the Governent Quality Management Committee (GQMC) composed of the Department of Budget and Management, Department of Trade and Industry, Department of Interior Local Government, and Internal Audit Office-Office of the President issued on September 11, 2020 Memorandum Circular No. 2020-1 providing Guidelines on the Validation of ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management (QMS) Certification/ Recertification as a Requirement under the Support to Operations (STO) Target for the Grant of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 Performance-Based Based Bonus (PBB) which serves as basis for government offices to institutionalize Quality Management Standards in their systems and processes by undergoing ISO Certification.

In 2018, PUP enrolled 57 services in the Main Campus which include the Top Management, Support to Operations, Extension, Research, and Instruction Services to undergo the ISO 9001:2015 evaluation and accreditation. During the University's Recertification application in 2021, the number of services enrolled in ISO 9001:2015 expanded to 158 services in total across all PUP branches and campuses.

The ISO 9001:2015 specifies the requirements for a quality management system which includes the establishment of an Internal Quality Audit System (IQA). The IQA is a key component of an organization which shall ensure the optimal performance of a quality management system. Per ISO 9001:2015 clause 9.2 2 internal audit shall be conducted per planned intervals to verify that the quality management system conforms to:

  • a company’s own requirements

  • ISO 9001 requirements

  • and is effectively implemented and maintained.

The PUP Administration formed an Internal Quality Audit which is the key unit of the University that assesses the compliance of its processes, systems, and policies to regulatory requirements and international standards as well as ensures that potential risks are mitigated or reduced, while highlighting the best practices of the organization. The IQA also ensures that the following specific objectives are met:

  • determine the conformance, non-conformance and opportunities for improvement of the established Quality Management System with reference to ISO 9001:2015 standards;

  • verify the effectiveness of implementation of the established QMS and its conformance to ISO 9001:2015 standards; and

  • determine the readiness of each office for certification.

The PUP IQA is composed of employees from the different sectors and offices in the University in order to ensure that all sectors are onboard in all QMS and IQA - led activities and to make sure that the practice of quality service is well imbibed in all sectors. Below is the list of the members of the PUP IQA who are all certified Internal Quality Auditors.

VPF Marisa J. Legaspi

Audit Program Manager

AVPRED/Dir. Tomas O. Testor

Audit Team Leader

Ms. Grace L. Ferrer

Mr. Jaime Y. Gonzales

Mr. Fausto D. Gutierrez

Engr. Eugene A. Jaraplasan

Ms. Eileen Joy M. Valiente

Ms. Christine A. Del Rosario

Mr. Ernie H. Del Rosario

Mr. Ireneo C. Delas Armas, Jr.

Engr. Arlheth P. Delos Angeles

Ms. Andrea Rose E. Rimorin

Asst. Prof. Kathleen N. Macapagal

Mr. Rosalinda R. Madelo

Assoc. Prof. Sherry Ann C. Medrano

Ms. Sandy A. Osorio

Dr. Flordeliza E. Alvendia

Ms. Sheila B. Arano

Dr. Angelina E. Borican

Dr. Armin S. Coronado

Assoc. Prof. Sharon Joy F. Pelayo

Fundamentally, the PUP IQA is both a body and a mechanism of the University which guarantees that its processes, systems, and policies are implemented following the standards of good governance and management of the University and complying with the quality standards set by ISO 9001:2015.

The IQA Report serves as the basis of the Management in adopting new policies, implementing new guidelines, streamlining of processes and services offered in the University, and applying office improvements which include efficient documentation and filing, regular monitoring and evaluation of target outputs, and periodic review of activities leading to increased productivity and better quality of services.


PUP's marketing tagline for its disaster and preparedness campaigns is "PUP: Pamantasang Una sa Paghahanda." It is a fitting brand for PUP which has always been proactive in ensuring the safety and disaster preparedness of its community. In 2016, PUP created an Ad Hoc Committee to address issues related to the management of man-made and natural calamities called University Disaster and Risk Reduction Committee. In pushing for a more sustainable and encompassing unit to address calamities and disasters, the University has constituted the University Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council. The council is comprised of members of the PUP community representing the different sectors of the University.

In 2020, the University went through two major transitions: change in leadership and implementation of alternative work and study arrangements. Dr. Manuel M. Muhi swore into office as the 13th President of PUP in March of 2020. A few days after he assumed office, the entire country was put into a hard lockdown by the national government due to the rising cases of COVID-19 in the country. Consequently, study sessions and work plans had to immediately shift to alternative modes. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the rising cases of PUP employees getting infected of the virus, the University through its UDRRMC's Sub-Committee for Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery, formed the COVID-19 Task Force, an Ad Hoc Committee which was activated during the pandemic to assist the University in its rehabilitation and recovery efforts from the pandemic. It serves as the main arm of PUP that assists the Executive Committee in performing the following functions in relation to COVID-19:


• Office of the President

• Office of the Vice President for Administration

• Safety and Security Office

• Medical Department Services

• Communication Management Office

• Facility Management Office

• NDC Campus

The Task Force has been instrumental in the University’s efforts to combat the spread of COVID-19 in the community. One of the major achievements of the Task Force is the partnership of the University with LGUs for the conduct of vaccination drives for PUP officials, faculty members, employees, their family members, as well as residents of nearby communities. Around 4,000 individuals were inoculated with full doses of COVID-19 vaccine as well as boosters in the University through the assistance of the LGUs.

Moreover, the PUP administration, through the Task Force, is able to effectively establish health and safety protocols including the implementation of the online Health Declaration Form that is a system where PUP employees and PUP visitors can register and report their health status. It is also the tool utilized by the University Medical Service Department in its contact tracing and monitoring of patients. Further, the online HDF of PUP is linked with the online Daily Time Record of the employees which generates the attendance of employees as well as their assigned alternative work arrangement at the office.

Another major output of the Task Force which is the implementation of the e-Consultation where PUP employees and students including their families are able to access free medical attention, consultation, and medical prescription from the Medical Services Department. Aside from online access to medical assistance for physical illnesses, the University also recognized the adverse effects of the pandemic to the mental health of the employees, faculty, students, and employees. Thus the University opened services for those who needed psychological assistance through the Tele-Counselling services spearheaded by the PUP Guidance and Counselling Office.


Succession planning is a future-focused strategy usually practiced in private companies and industries. It aims to ensure the continuity of service as well as excellent performance of the establishment while clearly defining career pathing and growth of employees and identifying and developing future leaders which shall hold key positions in the organization.

"A leader's lasting value is measured by succession."

-John C. Maxwell

The Polytechnic University of the Philippines administration envisions to adopt the succession planning practiced mostly in private institutions to the PUP system given the evolving landscape of the Philippine higher education that challenges educational managers to regularly and consistently enhance their competence, integrity, and effectiveness. Further, PUP remains steadfast in its commitment to provide the highest quality of learning and service outcomes for students and other stakeholders.

Moreover, the shift of the University vision under the leadership of its current President Dr. Manuel Muhi aims to ensure that the progressive development of the University is a top priority. Recognizing the need for a training program to ensure continuing development and formation of senior executives who will be capable to provide competent supervision and leadership in the various areas of its operations, Sintang Paaralan launched PUP Leadership and Management Program or PUP LAMP. The main objective of PUP LAMP is to develop critical competencies of the University’s current and emerging academic and non-academic senior executives in the main, branches, and extension campuses by prescribing the mechanics and guidelines of leadership succession and management especially in the New Normal.


is a convenient but thorough learning and development program for the current and emerging University Executives who are expected to lead PUP towards the realization of its vision, mission, goals, and objectives, guided by its philosophy. Its program objectives are as follows:

Through the PUP LAMP, the administration targets to develop the core competencies of PUP leaders such as critical, strategic, dynamic, results-oriented, and values-driven. Its target participants include middle managers (Deans, Directors, AVPs and other officials) who are performing managerial functions preferably serving not more than 5 years in their position; designees with supervisory responsibilities (Chairpersons, Academic program Heads and Chiefs); and faculty members, administrative staff and other designees identified by the sector Vice President to potentially occupy supervisory or managerial roles in the future.


As stipulated in the University Code, the President may create an Executive Committee (ExeCom) for the primary purpose of providing him assistance in policy making and implementation. It is chaired by the President with the Executive Vice President and all the Vice Presidents as members.

Manuel M. Muhi, D.Tech., ASEAN Engr.

Alberto C. Guillo, MS (Stat) MA (Econ)

Marisa J. Legaspi, CPA

a. Conduct studies on methods for the effective and efficient execution of development programs and projects;

b. Conduct reviews, analyses and evaluations of proposed and existing policies affecting university operations;

c. Translate Presidential perspective/insights, policies and plans on development issues into strategic action programs/projects;

d. Assist in the coordination function of the President with respect to the implementation of the various development programs of the University;

e. Organize and supervise task forces as may be necessary to respond to instructions from the President; f. Oversee effective implementation of special assignments as directed by the President;

g. Monitor issues and development focusing specifically on those that shall impact on the Presidency and the University;

h. Provide alternative opinions and recommendations on policy and program issues;

i. Perform other functions as may be delegated or assigned by the University President.

The PUP Executive Committee regularly meets twice a month, while special meetings are conducted whenever the need arises.

Ultimately, the PUP Executive Committee embodies democratic and transparent leadership in education. It has been instrumental in setting an example of a dynamic, transformational, and synergistic management in PUP. While in most Universities where the right to govern and decide on critical matters of the institution mostly resides with the President as its Chief Executive Officer, in PUP, such power and responsibility are shared within the ExeCom.

This is exemplified in the practice of the ExeCom where the issues and concerns of the different sectors including their members are discussed and acted upon by the Committee as one cohesive body.

Further, the Execom members share other responsibilities in the University through Ad Hoc Committees where they may be assigned as Chair, Co-Chair, or Member.


The following prevailing best practices allow the PUP Management to achieve superior results from the University's established other enabling features.

Sufficient Representation of Sectors in the Internal Quality Audit

The PUP Internal Quality Audit guides the management toward implementing commensurate and responsive corrective actions on University processes that require improvement or modification. They further offer preventive actions for risk factors that are reported as extreme or high. The periodic internal audit conducted by the PUP IQA ensures the continuous enhancement and refinement of the processes and services of the University. The PUP IQA is represented by individuals appointed by their respective sectors. The complementary representation of all sectors allows the IQA to have a dynamic and unique perspective in evaluating the processes and services of all enrolled offices.

Digital Repository of Files

The pandemic has compelled most organizations to implement alternative work arrangements or remote work set-ups to ensure the safety and wellness of their employees. Placing a digital repository for an office or organization has proven to be effective and a convenient system in storing, securing, managing, and preserving important documents, files, and information. Moreover, this permits members of the organization to access files relevant to the performance of their work and monitoring of tasks. Such is the case for the Executive Committee and the University Finance Committee, whereas, a digital repository of the files discussed in the meetings are accessible via Microsoft 365 for all its members. This has allowed for the easy monitoring of the decisions made by the ExeCom since most of its meetings are conducted online as well. This has also enabled the ExeCom Secretariat a more convenient way to take notes and save them online during the meetings.

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Dissemination of Information via Multiple Digital Platforms

An efficacious communication strategy is primordial in keeping all the members of an organization updated and in-line with its new policies and actions. The University applies the same strategy by maximizing the use of all available means of disseminating information aside from the issuance of traditional black and white documents. Several online platforms are being utilized by the University to reach its stakeholders. They include PUP's own website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Viber. One of the latest platforms released by the University to address the needs of its stakeholders is Sinta the Chatbot.