Parameter D

S.1 There are written policies and guidelines in the use of various funds.

S.2 There are systems for monitoring and evaluation to ensure compliance with laws and rules of governance expenditures.

S.3 Stakeholders are aware of the laws and rules on Government Expenditures.


I.2 Appropriate actions are done to address findings in internal/external audit reports performed by appropriate internal audit office, the COA, and other external independent bodies.

I.3. Funds provided by agencies and individuals are used for the intended purposes, with the Governing Body ensuring the proper use and monitoring of results.

I. 4 The Administration ensures that funds are allocated in accordance with the approved budget of expenditures and under specified terms and conditions.


O.2. Accounting of funds is robust.

O.3. There is Unqualified Annual Audit Report.


  1. Optimal Utilization of Technology the accounting department is currently maximizing the use of technologies and other online avenues to comply with the preparation and expedite the queuing process such technology are :

  • Accounting-Voucher Processing and Tracking System (AVPTS) and Payroll System An in-house Accounting-Voucher Processing and Tracking System (AVPTS) and Payroll System internally was developed by the PUP Accounting Department in 2018 and implemented in June 2019 without incurring additional cost to the University. All funds are integrated into one semi-automated system that shortens the preparation time in the processing and recording of transactions. The AVPTS and Payroll System are both program-compliant with the updated issuance of COA and DBM requirements. Further, the following features of the system navigate towards efficiency and effectiveness, namely: (1) easy generation of reports such as disbursement journals and reports of cheques issued, (2) audit trail of every transaction, (3) tracking of documents in different finance offices, and (4) monitoring of the Actual Cash Balance of the General Fund. These features underscore unique and creative ways of work processing, documentation, checking of reports and internal feedback monitoring.

  • Utilization of Google Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides constitute a free, web-based office suite offered by Google and integrated with Google Drive. It allows users to create and edit documents, spreadsheets, and presentations online while collaborating in real-time with other users. This practice, which started in 2018, enables remote access of data for the preparation of reports for home set-up. The salient benefits of using these platforms include the generation of semi-automated reports, facilitation and preparation of financial statements, and maintenance of streamlined, synchronized, and auto-generation of accounting reports and documents.

  • Online Payment Systems The University, through its finance sector, continues to connect with other government agencies through partnership agreements that help gain access to new technologies in serving our clients effectively and conveniently. The Landbank of the Philippines is one of the University’s partners in achieving its goal. This is done by implementing various LBP systems, such as

  1. § The Landbank Electronic Modified Disbursement System (eMDS) and Landbank WeAccess enable us to conduct MDS and other disbursement transactions electronically, such as creating and uploading Advice of Checks Issued and Canceled, approving Check advice, and paying for remittances during and beyond banking hours or on work-from-home set up without having to visit banks; and

  2. § The Landbank LinkBiz.Portal Payment Gateway offers a secured payment transaction to University Clients via the PUP Information Systems (iApply, PUP SIS and PUP ORDS). It also provides more convenient payment options with the efficiency of higher payment security and contactless transactions with minimal fees.

2. Regular conduct of University Finance Committee (FinCom) meeting for the discussion and initial evaluation of proposals, projects, and other financial matters prior to its endorsement to the ExeCom and BOR-Finance Committee. This practice has navigated a pathway toward ensuring financial accountability and transparency through discussion and dialogue from the PUP administrators/experts. The committee is composed of the Sector Heads, Budget Director, Accountant, Legal Officer, HRMD Director and Procurement Director. Its composition helps fast transactions of the requests facilitated.

3. Creation of the Income Generating Projects Evaluation Committee (IGPEC) to strictly assess, evaluate and recommend IGP proposals for the approval of the University Finance Committee, ExeCom and Board of Regents. This Committee functions as the University’s arm in determining the viability, appropriateness, and compliance to all existing policies, rules, and regulations of the proposed IGPs and is represented by each Sector and the Office of the Vice President for Finance designated as the Chair.