List of Academic and Administrative Councils and their Functions

In PUP, there are two councils that assists the President in the management and governance of the University. These councils shall draw institutional programs and rules of discipline of the University. At present, the University Academic Council consists of four hundred thirty three (433) members and the Administrative Council consists of one hundred thirty five (135) members.

A.2.1 University Academic Council


There shall be an Academic Council in the University with the President as Chairman and all the members of the instructional staff with the rank of not lower than Assistant Professor as members.


Following the PUP University Code, the Academic Council shall have the following powers:

  • To review and recommend curricular / course offerings of the University;

  • To devise, review and recommend the rules of discipline of the University, subject to the approval of the Board of Regents;

  • To fix the requirements for admission of students to the University, as well as, for their graduation, and for the conferment of degrees, subject to review and approval of the Board of Regents; and

  • disciplinary power over the students of the University within the limits prescribed by the rules of discipline as approved by the Board of Regents.


The President of the University shall be the presiding officer of the Academic Council. In his absence, the Vice President for Academic Affairs shall preside.

The University Registrar shall be the Ex-Officio Secretary of the Academic Council. It shall be his/her duty to issue the notices for meetings of the Council, to keep the minutes of its proceedings, and to furnish a copy of such minutes to each member of the Council.


The Academic Council shall meet at least once every term and at such times as the President may determine. The quorum required for Academic Council meetings shall be a majority of all its members.



Consistent with the mandate of an academic council stated in Section 10 of Republic Act 8292 or the Higher Education Modernization Act of 1997 “to review and recommend the curricular offerings and rules of discipline of the university or college subject for appropriate action of the Board of Regents; fix the requirements for the admission of students as well as for graduation and the conferment of degrees subject to review and/or approval by the Board of Regents/Trustees through the president of the university or college”, the PUP Academic Council has submitted the following proposals to the PUP Board of Regents for appropriate action:


Date of University Academic Council Meeting: November 9, 2016

The University Academic Council approved the proposal of the Office of the University Registrar specifically the Student Records Services to implement the online request of school records. The system was created to improve the processing of request of the increasing demand of graduates and students.

Request for a copy of credentials such as Transcript of Records (TOR), Certificate of Graduation (COG) and Diploma shall be made through the Online Document Request System (ODRS) at https://odrs.pup.edu.ph. To facilitate the request, graduates or students shall just upload the required documents like certificate of candidacy, general clearance, colored picture and others. Graduates and students should go to the PUP website (www.pup.edu.ph) then click Online Document Request System (ODRS) under Students’ category. Select the Registrar. Create an account then request TOR, pay and submit the requirements. There will be a status monitoring for the requested document and requester will be informed if it is ready for pick-up.


Date of University Academic Council Meeting: November 13, 2018

Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 2017-11 dated March 9, 2017 was issued by the Administrative Order (AO) No. 252 Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) to provide the criteria and conditions for the grant of the FY 2017 PBB. As indicated under said MC, one of the conditions under the common Support to Operations (STO) indicators and targets for the grant of the FY 2017 PBB is the posting of either of the following in the Agency website's Transparency Seal page not later than December 31, 2017 (Items 5.1.a.6 and 6.2.a): 1.1.1 QMS ISO certification of at least one (1) core process by any international certification body (ICB) accredited by the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) members, following through with the progress achieved in 2016. Pursuant thereto fifty-seven (57) processes of the University will be presented to the ISO Accreditor.

The preparation for ISO 9001:2015 Certification started in 2017 after PUP procured consultancy services of Rosehall Management Consultants, Inc. to conduct gap assessment, series of QMS Seminars and workshops, provide QMS Orientation Course, process orientation, risk orientation, documentation and conduct Internal Quality Audit and Management Review.


Date of University Academic Council Meeting: November 13, 2018

The PUP Academic Council approved the proposal to submit for consideration of the Board of Regents the initiative to amend PUP Charter in order to realize a national university status with fiscal autonomy. The University believed that a legislation be passed considering that PUP has stood out, being among the first in the country to emphasize hands-on, skills-based education that respond to market demands and societal needs.

Through more than a century’s worth of history, the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) has evolved into a premier state university—never ceasing in its efforts to provide responsive, quality, relevant yet affordable higher education to aspiring students, or more fondly called, ‘iskos at iskas ng bayan’. Reflective of the great emphasis being given by the country's leadership aimed at providing appropriate attention to the alleviation of the plight of the poor, the development of the citizens, and of the national economy to become globally competitive, the University commits its academic resources and manpower to achieve its goals.

Aside from pioneering two-year associate’s degrees that bring students faster and closer to gainful employment, PUP piloted ladderized technical courses, which the national government is currently working to ramp up across the country with the recent passage of the Philippine Qualifications Framework. Moreover, PUP has remarkable Board and Licensure Examination performance and has long been producing notable pool of graduates in various fields.

PUP is also the first to establish a Pamantasan ng Bayan or Open University in the Philippines. The Polytechnic University of the Philippines Open University (PUP OU) otherwise known as the "Pamantasang Bayan", which formally commenced in 1990, is a fresh and innovative system of delivering higher educational services in a manner that differs from the formal, highly structured, and classroom-oriented traditional approach. The PUP OU is in consonance with the 1987 Philippine Constitution. Article IV mandates that quality education at all levels should be made accessible to all Filipinos and self-learning, independent, out-of-school study programs, non-formal, informal and indigenous learning systems, be developed particularly those which respond to community needs. The PUP Open University System is an accredited member of the International Council on Distance Education (ICDE) and the Asian Association for Open Universities (AAOU). It has been recognized by UNESCO Asia Pacific Region for Higher Education Knowledge Based on Open and Distance Learning in Bangkok, Thailand since 2003.

PUP has also established high-caliber partners from various industries. PUP is also the University Most Preferred by Industry. For four consecutive years now, results of annual surveys conducted by JobStreet.com show that employers in the Philippines consider graduates of PUP as their top choice for employment underscoring that PUP education is competitive and relevant to industry’s demands and society’s needs.


Date of University Academic Council Meeting: November 12, 2019

In compliance with CHED Memorandum Order dated April 5, 2019 which reads: “Pursuant to the pertinent provisions of RA 7722, otherwise known as “Higher Education Act of 1994″ and CEB Resolution No. 142-2019, all State Universities (SUCs) and Local Universities and Colleges (LUCs) are enjoined to synchronize its respective Academic Year (AY) to a Fiscal Year (FY) starting FY 2019 and to ensure that starting FY 2020, all SUCs and LUCs have synchronized their academic year to a fiscal year.”, the PUP Academic Council recommended the opening of classes in August Beginning SY 2020-2021.

The University earlier asked the PUP-BOR to postpone for a year the implementation of the change academic calendar because it will need more time to prepare as the decision would mean that there would be two (2) consecutive summer terms, but second summer would not be offered courses for enrollment. The University also has to prepare training plan because the permanent faculty members would be required to produce module or revise their learning materials and the first summer term with subject offering.


Date of University Academic Council Meeting: November 12, 2019

To fulfill its commitment to primarily provide higher occupational, technical and professional instruction and training in the applied arts and sciences; promote applied research, advance studies, and progressive leadership in the stated fields (Sec. 2, PD 1341) and to continuously expand to other polytechnic areas and enrich its academic program in other fields of study such as agriculture, arts and trades, and fisheries by integrating such courses as are necessary to produce individuals with highly-technical and managerial skills (Sec. 3, PD 1341), the PUP Academic Council recommended to the PUP BOR the offering of the following additional programs:

Master of Arts and Sociology

Master of Science in Entrepreneurship

Bachelor of Public Administration major in Public Financial Management

After a careful deliberation, the University Curriculum Evaluation Committee have approved the abovementioned three (3) new curricula programs and accepted to offer in the colleges. The curricula of the abovementioned programs were also approved by the Department and College Curriculum Evaluation Committees after the required benchmarking and stakeholders’ consultation were conducted.

The Master of Arts in Sociology shall be offered in the Graduate School for SY 2020-2021, subject to the issuance of the CHED Certificate of Program Compliance.

The program Master of Science in Entrepreneurship under the Open University System shall for also be offered beginning SY 2020-2021, subject to the issuance of the CHED Certificate of Program Compliance.

The College of Political Science and Public Administration shall begin offering Bachelor of Public Administration major in Public Financial Management on SY 2020-2021, subject to the issuance of CHED Certificate of Program Compliance.

This is part of University’s effort to pursue vertical articulation, explore more academic partnerships and continuously innovate its program to respond to changing workforce needs.