Parameter B

As a State-funded institution of higher learning, the Polytechnic University of the Philippines holds high the banner of integrity and accountability. Being one of its shared values and principles, these steer the University’s plans and actions for the fulfillment of its primary mandate of providing quality and accessible education for Filipino students. Imbued with a deep sense of commitment to public service, PUP officials, faculty and administrative employees work hard to maintain a high level of transparency, trustworthiness and equity in the performance of their day-to-day duties.


Republic Act Number 8292, also known as the Higher Education Modernization Act of 1997, and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (Commission on Higher Education Memorandum Order Number 03, Series of 2001) provide for the uniform composition of the governing body of chartered state universities and colleges. As the University’s highest policy-making body, the Board of Regents serves to realize the State’s declared policy to establish, maintain and support a complete, adequate, and integrated system of higher education relevant to the needs of the people and society. It provides relevant direction in the governance of a state higher education institution and in the formulation and implementation of state policies on higher education.

The PUP Board of Regents is composed of the following:

  • Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Commissioner – Board Chairman;

  • Incumbent PUP President – Board Vice Chairman;

  • Chairperson of the Senate Committee on Higher, Technical and Vocational Education – Board Member;

  • Chairperson of the House of Representatives Committee on Higher and Technical Education – Board Member;

  • National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) Director – Board Member;

  • Department of Science and Technology (DOST)-National Capital Region (NCR) Regional Director – Board Member;

  • President of the Federation of Faculty Associations in PUP – Board Member representing the Faculty Sector;

  • President of the Federation of Student Councils in PUP – Board Member representing the Student Sector;

  • President of the Federation of PUP Alumni Associations – Board Member representing the Alumni Sector; and

  • Two (2) prominent individuals who have distinguished themselves in their profession or field of specialization – Board Members representing the Private Sector

The terms of office of the faculty, student and alumni representatives to the BOR are contemporaneous with their terms of office in such capacities in accordance with their respective organization’s constitution and by-laws. Their rights to become members of the BOR automatically rise from their election and qualification into their respective offices.

The two (2) private sector representatives serve for a term of two (2) years each, but they may be reappointed for another term only.

The Board of Regents regularly convenes at least once every quarter, but a special BOR meeting may also be called as the need arises. The Board is assisted by the BOR-Finance Committee which scrutinizes all fiscal/finance-related agenda items before submission and endorsement to the Board for its consideration. The BOR Finance Committee is composed of six Board members: NEDA Director who acts as the Committee Chair; Alumni Regent as Committee Vice Chair; DOST-NCR Regional Director, Faculty Regent, Student Regent, and one (1) Private Sector Regent as Committee members.

Below is the current composition of the PUP Board of Regents.



Commissioner, Commission on Higher Education



President, Polytechnic University of the Philippines



Senator and Chair, Senate Committee on Higher, Technical and Vocational Education

Represented by:




District Representative, Baguio City

Chair, House Committee on Higher and Technical Education

Represented by:




OIC- Undersecretary

Corporate Affairs Group - Office of the Undersecretary

National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA)



Regional Director, Department of Science and Technology-NCR



President, PUP Federated Faculty Association, Inc.

Faculty Representative



President, Alyansa ng Nagkakaisang Konseho ng PUP (ANAK-PUP) Student Sector Representative



Assitant Vice President and Head, Relationship Management Division-Corporate Philippines , Security Bank Private Sector Representative



Vice Chair/CEO, Eastwest Bank Private Sector Representative



President, Federation of Alumni Associations in PUP, Inc. (FEDAAPI) Alumni Sector Representative


The governance of PUP is vested upon the Board of Regents, which exercises policy-making functions to carry out the mission and programs of the University by virtue of Republic Act 8292 (Act Providing for the Uniform Composition and Powers of the Governing Boards, the Manner of Appointment and Term of Office of the President of Chartered State Universities and Colleges, and for Other Purposes) or the Higher Education Modernization Act of 1997. The functions of the BOR are specified in Sections 4 and 5 of RA 8292, to wit:

Section 4. Powers and duties of Governing Boards. – The governing board shall have the following specific powers and duties in addition to its general powers of administration and the exercise of all the powers granted to the board of directors of a corporation under Section 36 of Batas Pambansa Blg. 68 otherwise known as the Corporation Code of the Philippines:

(a) to enact rules and regulations not contrary to law as may be necessary to carry out the purposes and functions of the university or college;

(b) to receive and appropriate all sums as may be provided, for the support of the university or college in the manner it may determine, in its discretion, to carry out the purposes and functions of the university or college;

(c) to receive in trust legacies, gifts and donations of real and personal properties of all kinds, to administer and dispose the same when necessary for the benefit of the university or college, subject to limitations, directions and instructions of the donors, if any. Such donations shall be exempt from all taxes and shall be considered as deductible items from the income tax of the donor: Provided, however, That the rights, privileges and exemptions extended by this Act shall likewise be extended to non-stock, non-profit private universities and colleges: Provided, finally, That the same privileges shall also be extended to city colleges and universities with the approval of the local government unit concerned and in coordination with the CHED;

(d) to fix the tuition fees and other necessary school charges, such as but not limited to matriculation fees, graduation fees and laboratory fees, as their respective boards may deem proper to impose after due consultations with the involved sectors.

Such fees and charges, including government subsidies and other income generated by the university or college, shall constitute special trust funds and shall be deposited in any authorized government depository bank, and all interests that shall accrue therefrom shall be part of the same fund for the use of the university or college: Provided, That income derived from university hospitals shall be exclusively earmarked for the operating expenses of the hospitals.

Any provision of existing laws, rules and regulations to the contrary notwithstanding, any income generated by the university or college from tuition fees and other charges, as well as from the operation of auxiliary services and land grants, shall be retained by the university or college, and may be disbursed by the Board of Regents/Trustees for instruction, research, extension, or other programs/projects of the university or college: Provided, That all fiduciary fees shall be disbursed for the specific purposes for which they are collected.

If, for reason of control, the university or college, shall not be able to pursue any project for which funds have been appropriated and allocated under its approved program of expenditures, the Board of Regents/Trustees may authorize the use of said funds for any reasonable purpose which, in its discretion, may be necessary and urgent for the attainment of the objectives and goals of the university or college;

(e) to adopt and implement a socialized scheme of tuition and school fees for greater access to poor but deserving students;

(f) to authorize the construction or repair of its buildings, machineries, equipment and other facilities and the purchase and acquisition of real and personal properties including necessary supplies, materials and equipment. Purchases and other transactions entered into by the university or college through the Board of Regents/Trustees shall be exempt from all taxes and duties;

(g) to appoint, upon the recommendation of the president of the university or college, vice presidents, deans, directors, heads of departments, faculty members and other officials and employees;

(h) to fix and adjust salaries of faculty members and administrative officials and employees subject to the provisions of the revised compensation and classification system and other pertinent budget and compensation laws governing hours of service, and such other duties and conditions as it may deem proper; to grant them, at its discretion, leaves of absence under such regulations as it may promulgate, any provisions of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding; and to remove them for cause in accordance with the requirements of due process of law;

(i) to approve the curricula, institutional programs and rules of discipline drawn by the administrative and academic councils as herein provided;

(j) to set polices on admission and graduation of students;

(k) to award honorary degrees upon persons in recognition of outstanding contribution in the field of education, public service, arts, science and technology or in any field of specialization within the academic competence of the university or college and to authorize the award of certificates of completion of non-degree and non-traditional courses;

(l) to absorb non-chartered tertiary institutions within their respective provinces in coordination with the CHED and in consultation with the Department of Budget and Management, and to offer therein needed programs or courses, to promote and carry out equal access to educational opportunities mandated by the Constitution;

(m) to establish research and extension centers of the SUC where such will promote the development of the latter;

(n) to establish chairs in the university or college and to provide fellowships for qualified faculty members and scholarships to deserving students;

(o) to delegate any of its powers and duties provided for hereinabove to the president and/or other officials of the university or college as it may deem appropriate so as to expedite the administration of the affairs of the university or college;

(p) to authorize an external management audit of the institution, to be financed by the CHED and to institute reforms, including academic and structural changes, on the basis of the audit results and recommendations;

(q) to collaborate with other governing boards of SUCs within the province or the region, under the supervision of the CHED and in consultation with the Department of Budget and Management, the restructuring of said colleges and universities to become more efficient, relevant, productive, and competitive;

(r) to enter into joint ventures with business and industry for the profitable development and management of the economic assets of the college or institution, the proceeds from which are to be used for the development and strengthening of the college or university;

(s) to develop consortia and other forms of linkages with local government units, institutions and agencies, both public and private, local and foreign, in furtherance of the purposes and objectives of the institution;

(t) to develop academic arrangements for institution capability-building with appropriate institutions and agencies, public or private, local or foreign, and to appoint experts/specialists as consultants, or visiting or exchange professors, scholars, researchers, as the case may be;

(u) to set up the adoption of modern and innovative modes of transmitting knowledge such as the use of information technology, the dual system, open learning, community laboratory, etc., for the promotion of greater access to higher education;

(v) to establish policy guidelines and procedures for participative decision-making and transparency within the institution;

(w) to privatize, where most advantageous to the institution, the management of non-academic services such as health, food, building or grounds or property maintenance and similar such other activities; and

(x) to extend the term of the president of the college or university beyond the age of retirement but not later than the age of seventy (70), whose performance has been unanimously rated as outstanding and upon unanimous recommendation by the search committee for the president of the institution concerned.

Section 5. Promulgation and implementation of policies. – The governing boards shall promulgate and implement policies in accordance with the declared state policies on education and other pertinent provisions of the Philippine Constitution on education, science and technology, arts, culture and sports; as well as the policies, standards and thrusts of the CHED under Republic Act No. 7722.


Major policies adopted by the Board from 2017 - present

The PUP Board of Regents (BOR) adopted the following major policies in the academic area. These policies support the vision of the University from being an epistemic community (2012-2020) towards becoming a National Polytechnic University (2020-2024).

These major policies were adopted to support the commitment of the University in

  • pursuit of academic excellence through disciplinal integrity (IDP 2018-2020, Agenda 1);

  • reconceptualization of academic freedom (IDP 2018-2020, Agenda 5);

  • provision of responsive and innovative curricula and instruction (IDP 2020-2024, Pillar 2); and in

  • continuously working for global academic standards and excellence (IDP 2020-2024, Pillar 7).

Board Resolution No.

Board Resolution No. 2414, Series of 2020

Date Passed

December 10, 2020

Subject of the Resolution

Guidelines on the Implementation of the Policy on Modified Graduate Thesis and Dissertation Writing

Board Resolution No. 2367, Series of 2020

September 16, 2020

Modifying the 6-Unit Thesis Writing and 12-Unit Dissertation Writing Courses into Two Phases of 3 Units each for Thesis Writing I and Thesis Writing II, and 6 Units each for Dissertation Writing I and Dissertation Writing II

Board Resolution No. 2324, Series of 2020

June 26, 2020

Establishment of the Center for Teaching and Learning

Board Resolution No. 2295, Series of 2020

March 2, 2020

New Academic Year for PUP, shifting the opening of classes from June to August, beginning SY 2020-2021

Board Resolution No. 2264, Series of 2019

December 10, 2019

Criteria for Evaluating PUP Part-time Faculty

Board Resolution No. 2265, Series of 2019

December 10, 2019

Creation of the PUP Faculty Evaluation Office

Board Resolution No. 2230, Series of 2019

September 26, 2019

Full Implementation of NBC 461 Cycle 7 Evaluation Based on the Review and Endorsement of the AdHoc Committee, as required by the CHED Directive dated September 4, 2019

Board Resolution No. 2210, Series of 2019

September 9, 2019

Policy on Publication as Part of the Requirements for Conferment of Graduate Degrees

Board Resolution No. 2075, Series of 2019

June 21, 2019

Guidelines for Faculty Fellowship

Board Resolution No. 1967, Series of 2018

July 13, 2018

Establishment of the PUP Bar Review Center

Board Resolution No. 1913, Series of 2018

July 4, 2018

Guidelines on University Visiting Professor Program

Board Resolution No. 1874, Series of 2018

March 16, 2018

Vertical Articulation of the College of Business Administration (CBA) Academic Year for PUP, shifting the opening of classes from June to August, beginning SY 2020-2021

Board Resolution No. 1897, Series of 2018

March 16, 2018

Ratification of All Academic Programs with No Board Resolutions

Board Resolution No. 1790, Series of 2017

September 25, 2017

Offering of Refreshers’ Capacity Advancement Program (RECAP) in the College of Law

Board Resolution No. 1770, Series of 2017

June 20, 2017

Revised Non-traditional Study Program Policies and Procedures

Board Resolution No. 1776, Series of 2017

June 20, 2017

University Manual for Thesis and Dissertation

The PUP Board of Regents (BOR) adopted the following major policies in terms of faculty and administrative staff welfare and development. These policies actualize the vision of the University from being an epistemic community (2012-2020) towards becoming a National Polytechnic University (2020-2024).

These major policies were crafted to realize the commitment of the University to

    • ensure transparent participatory governance (IDP 2018-2020, Agenda 3);

    • re-conceptualize academic freedom (IDP 2018-2020, Agenda 5); and

    • develop empowered faculty members and employees (IDP 2020-2022, Pillar 5).

Board Resolution No.

Board Resolution No. 2638, Series of 2022

Date Passed

March 23, 2022

Subject of the Resolution

Revised Guidelines on the Grant of Professional Enhancement and Skills Development Incentives (PESDI)

Board Resolution No. 2546, Series of 2021

September 24, 2021

Proposed Guidelines on the Annual Grant of “Gawad Sintang Paaralan Para sa Natatanging Kawani ng Taon

Board Resolution No. 2502, Series of 2021

June 25, 2021

Granting of Paper Presentation Assistance to Faculty Members with Published Research Through Pathways (Capability Activity on Publication)

Board Resolution No. 2519, Series of 2021

June 25, 2021

Merit Promotion of Faculty Members on the Basis of Research Publication and Citation

Board Resolution No. 2459, Series of 2021

March 22, 2021

2021 Revised Guidelines for the Grant of Professional Enhancement and Skills Development Incentive (PESDI)

Board Resolution No. 2464, Series of 2021

March 22, 2021

Extension on the Period (to cover the entire year of 2021) of the University Financial Subsidy for COVID-19 Testing Fee Using RT-PCR Test for PUP Personnel

Board Resolution No. 2413, Series of 2020

December 10, 2020

Implementing Guidelines on Dissertation Financial Assistance

Board Resolution No. 2403, Series of 2020

December 10, 2020

Grant of Collective Negotiation Agreement Incentive for FY 2020 to Faculty Members and Administrative Employees

Board Resolution No. 2409, Series of 2020

December 10, 2020

Revision on the Implementing Guidelines on International and National Paper Presentation and Financial Assistance (OP Memo No. 16, Series 2020)

Board Resolution No. 2415, Series of 2020

December 10, 2020

Implementing Guidelines on Merit Promotion for Part-Time Faculty Members on the Basis of Research, Publication and Citation

Board Resolution No. 2432, Series of 2020

December 10, 2020

Request for Authority to Provide Assistance to Agency Janitors and Security Guards to Undergo RT-PCR Test for COVID-19

Board Resolution No. 2434, Series of 2020

December 10, 2020

Guidelines for Payment to Part-Time Faculty Members for the Preparation of Instructional Materials

Board Resolution No. 2440, Series of 2020

December 10, 2020

Reimbursement of Actual Internet Expense of Regular Faculty and Administrative Employees

Board Resolution No. 2381, Series of 2020

September 16, 2020

Authority to Grant Cash Advance or Reimbursement of Expense to PUP Employees who will undergo or have undergone RT-PCR Test for COVID-19

Board Resolution No. 2266, Series of 2019

December 10, 2019

Revised Implementing Guidelines on Merit Promotion on the Basis of Research Publication and Citation

Board Resolution No. 2251, Series of 2019

December 10, 2019

Implementing Guidelines for Thesis and Dissertation Grant

Board Resolution No. 2218, Series of 2019

September 9, 2019

PUP Faculty Collective Negotiation Agreement (CNA)

Board Resolution No. 2141, Series of 2019

June 21, 2019

2019 Revised Guidelines on the Participation of PUP Officials, Faculty Members and Administrative Employees in Staff Development, Seminar and Training Activities

Board Resolution No. 2144, Series of 2019

June 21, 2019

PUP Internal Guidelines for Official Local Travels and Payment of Travel Expenses

Board Resolution No. 2132, Series of 2019

March 27, 2019

Anti-Drug Abuse Policy for PUP Officials and Employees

Board Resolution No. 2137, Series of 2019

March 27, 2019

Implementation of the 4th Tranche Compensation Adjustment of Civilian Personnel in the National Government

Board Resolution No. 1997, Series of 2018

November 8, 2018

Salary Adjustment of Part-time Faculty Members from SSL 3 2010 Rate to SSL 3 2012 Rate

Board Resolution No. 2017, Series of 2018

November 8, 2018

Grant of Loyalty Cash Award to Qualified PUP Employees

Board Resolution No. 1895, Series of 2018

March 16, 2018

PUP UNAKA (Administrative Employees Association) Collective Negotiation Agreement for 2018-2021

Board Resolution No. 1664, Series of 2017

March 2017

Internal Guidelines for the Grant of

CNA Incentive

Board Resolution No. 1766, Series of 2017

June 20, 2017

Revised 2016 General Guidelines on the Evaluation of Applications for Promotion of PUP Administrative Employees

Board Resolution No. 1811, Series of 2017

September 25, 2017

Guidelines on Funding Support for Internationalization-related Activities and Official Foreign Travels by PUP Officials, Faculty Members and Administrative Employees

The PUP Board of Regents (BOR) forged the following major policies in research and extension work pursuant to the vision of the University from being an epistemic institution (2012-2020) towards becoming a National Polytechnic University (2020-2024).

Specifically, these major policies were created in support of the University’s commitment to

  • embed a culture of research (IDP 2018-2020, Agenda 2);

  • institutionalize civil society engagement and involved extension service program (IDP 2018-2020, Agenda 6); and

  • have vigorous research production and utilization (IDP 2020-2024, Pillar 6).

Board Resolution No.

Board Resolution No. 2634, Series of 2022

Date Passed

March 23, 2022

Subject of the Resolution

Proposed Implementing Guidelines on the Structure and Functions of the University Research Ethics Center (UREC)

Board Resolution No. 2500, Series of 2021

June 22, 2021

Guidelines on Institute-Funded Research Project/Program

Board Resolution No. 2503, Series of 2021

June 22, 2021

Ultra Violet (UV) Light Conveyor for Document Disinfection

Board Resolution No. 2514, Series of 2021

June 22, 2021

Renaming of the Research Institute for Gender and Development to Gender and Development Office

Board Resolution No. 2515, Series of 2021

June 22, 2021

Revised Executive Order No. 16, Series of 2021 - Guidelines on Internally-Funded Extension Projects

Board Resolution No. 2405, Series of 2020

December 10, 2020

Implementing Guidelines for PUP Day Care Admission

Board Resolution No. 2406, Series of 2020

December 10,2020

Implementing Guidelines for Needs-Based Outreach Project, Quick Response and Other Related Activities/Collaboration

Board Resolution No. 2407, Series of 2020

December 10,2020

Implementing Guidelines on the Submission of Community Outreach Projects for Institutional Funding

Board Resolution No. 2408, Series of 2020

December 10,2020

Revision on the Implementing Guidelines on Publication and Citation Incentives (MO No. 15, Series 2020)

Board Resolution No. 2410, Series of 2020

December 10,2020

Policy on Research Activities: Production, Presentation, and Publication/Patent for Regular Faculty Members

Board Resolution No. 2412, Series of 2020

December 10,2020

Creation of the Center for Inclusivity and Diversity

Board Resolution No. 2365, Series of 2020

September 16, 2020

Creation of the Center for GAD Focal Point System (CGFPS)

Board Resolution No. 2366, Series of 2020

September 16, 2020

Implementing Guidelines for Internally-funded Extension Projects

Board Resolution No. 2335, Series of 2020

June 26, 2020

Anti-COVID-19 Spread Program (ACSP): Production of 70% Ethyl Alcohol Solution with Silver-Copper Nanocomposite and Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) for Enhancing its Antimicrobial Activity

Board Resolution No. 2286, Series of 2020

March 2, 2020

Creation of Sentro ng Pagsasalin/Center for Translation, and Guidelines on Translation Services

Board Resolution No. 2250, Series of 2019

December 10, 2019

Amendment to the Implementing Guidelines on University Research Ethics Board Structure and Functions

Board Resolution No. 2252, Series of 2019

December 10, 2019

Guidelines for the Gawad Lingap Komunidad, formerly Gawad Suhay Best Extension Program and Best Extensionist Awards

Board Resolution No. 2267, Series of 2019

December 10, 2019

Revised Implementing Guidelines of Gawad Tuklas

Board Resolution No. 2235, Series of 2019

October 23, 2019

Implemanting Guidelines for Gawad Lathala (International Publication Excellence Award)

Board Resolution No. 2190, Series of 2019

September 9, 2019

Creation of the Center for Extension and Community Linkages

Board Resolution No. 2192, Series of 2019

September 9, 2019

Guidelines on the University Extension, Funding, Support, Incentives and Accountability

Board Resolution No. 2216, Series of 2019

September 9, 2019

PUP Extension Manual

Board Resolution No. 2147, Series of 2019

June 21, 2019

Policy on Commercialization of Research and Development Outputs

Board Resolution No. 2148, Series of 2019

June 21, 2019

Revised Implementing Guidelines on Invention Disclosure Incentive

Board Resolution No. 2115, Series of 2019

March 27, 2019

Creation of the Institute for Gender and Development

Board Resolution No. 2105, Series of 2019

March 27, 2019

Research Guidelines on the:

> Selection/Designation of Faculty Researchers

> Submission of Extension Project Proposal

> Selection of Faculty Extensionists

Board Resolution No. 1933, Series of 2018

July 4, 2018

PUP Day Care Operational Guidelines

Board Resolution No. 1951, Series of 2018

July 4, 2018

Publishing Guidelines for Authors

Board Resolution No. 1880, Series of 2018

March 16, 2018

Establishment of the Center for Indigenous Peoples Studies (CIPS)

Board Resolution No. 1787, Series of 2017

September 25, 2017

Creation of the University Research Ethics Board (UREB)

Board Resolution No. 1732, Series of 2017

June 20, 2017

Implementing Guidelines for Internally-Funded Researches

Board Resolution No. 1733, Series of 2017

June 20, 2017

Implementing Guidelines on the Use of College/Branch Research Fund

The PUP Board of Regents (BOR) adopted the following major policies in terms of student welfare and services. These policies are consistent with the vision of the University of being an epistemic community (2012-2020) towards becoming a National Polytechnic University (2020-2024).

These major policies were implemented to support the University’s commitment to

    • re-conceptualize academic freedom (IDP 2018-2020, Agenda 5); and

    • foster holistic student development and engagement (IDP 2020-2024, Pillar 6).

Board Resolution No.

Board Resolution No. 2557, Series of 2022

Date Passed

March 23, 2022

Subject of the Resolution

Proposed Policy on Enrolment in Second Graduate Degree

Board Resolution No. 2551, Series of 2022

September 16, 2020

Proposed Policy Second Baccalaureate Degree – Guidelines and Schedule of Fees

Board Resolution No. 2437, Series of 2020

December 10, 2020

College Admission Evaluation of PUP (CAEPUP)

Board Resolution No. 2371, Series of 2020

September 16, 2020

Policy and Guidelines for Students with Disabilities

Board Resolution No. 2338, Series of 2020

June 26, 2020

Amendments to the Guidelines on Granting of Scholarship to Cultural Artists, President’s Listers and Dean’s Listers Effective School Year 2020-2021

Board Resolution No. 2214, Series of 2019

September 9, 2019

2019 Student Handbook

Board Resolution No. 2161, Series of 2019

June 21, 2019

Amendment to the Revised Guidelines on Acceptance of Student Athletes, Cultural Artists, Creative Media Artists/Campus Journalists and Honor Students for Entrance Scholarship

Board Resolution No. 2110, Series of 2019

March 27, 2019

Drug Testing of Students in All Higher Education Institutions

Board Resolution No. 2132, Series of 2019

March 27, 2019

Anti-Drug Abuse Policy for PUP Students

Board Resolution No. 1848, Series of 2018

March 16, 2018

Amendments to the Guidelines in Providing University Funding Support to Student Participation in Local and International Conferences, Seminars, Study Programs, Training-Workshops, and other Academic-Related Development Activities (Memorandum Order No. 007, series of 2017)

Board Resolution No. 1798, Series of 2017

September 25, 2017

Revised Guidelines on the Implementation of the Special Scholarship Program SY 2017-2018

Board Resolution No. 1810, Series of 2017

September 25, 2017

Amendment to the University Memorandum Order (UMO) No. 005, Series of 2014 – Revised Guidelines on the Conduct of Off-Campus Student Activities

Board Resolution No. 1742, Series of 2017

June 20, 2017

Implementing Guidelines on Granting Financial and Welfare Benefits to Student Athletes

The PUP Board of Regents (BOR) approved the following major policies in fiscal management and resource generation. These policies concretize the vision of the University from being an epistemic community (2012-2020) towards becoming a National Polytechnic University (2020-2024).

These major decisions demonstrate strong support to the commitment of the University to

    • enhance fiscal discipline and responsibility (IDP, 2018-2020, Agenda 7); and

    • harness a dynamic, transformational and responsible leadership (IDP 2020-2024, Pillar 1).

Board Resolution No.

Board Resolution No. 2586, Series of 2022

Date Passed

March 23, 2022

Subject of the Resolution

Revised Guidelines of the PUP Income Generating Project Evaluation Committee

Board Resolution No. 2481, Series of 2021

March 22, 2021

Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Procurement Plan (APP)

Board Resolution No. 2482, Series of 2021

March 22, 2021

Fiscal Year 2021 Special Trust Fund Program of Receipts and Expenditures (PRE)

Board Resolution No. 2483, Series of 2021

March 22, 2021

Fiscal Year 2021 Internal Operating Budget

Board Resolution No. 2459, Series of 2021

March 22, 2021

2021 Revised Guidelines on the Grant, Utilization andLiquidation of Cash Advances Issued to, and Reimbursementof Expenses Made by, Accountable Officers

Board Resolution No. 2363, Series of 2020

September 16, 2020

Use of Special Trust Fund (STF) 2019 Unexpended Balances/Savings from the Completed Programs/Activities/Projects (PAPs)

Board Resolution No. 2343, Series of 2020

June 26, 2020

Realignment of Academic Year 2018-2019 Collection for Field Trips and Seminars Amounting to Php 197,645,470.00 Which Shall be Used to Fund Programs/Projects and Activities for the Implementation of the Flexible Technology-enhanced Learning (FlexTEL)

Board Resolution No. 1994, Series of 2018

November 8, 2018

Budget Realignment to Fund the Information and Communications Technology Office (ICTO) Projects:

> PUP Information Security

> Bar Review Portal System Development

> Existing Server Upgrade and New Acquisition for Future System Development

> Internet Protocol (IP) Radio Upgrade

Board Resolution No. 1999, Series of 2018

November 8, 2018

Realignment of Fiscal Year 2018 Special Trust Fund (STF) Budget for Personnel Services (Other Personnel Benefits) to Capital Outlays to Fund Infrastructure Projects:

> Contruction of Academic/Office Building, Phase 2, Main Campus

> Construction of Four-storey Building for the College of Engineering Phase 3, PUP Maragondon Branch

> Repair and Rehabilitation of Property and Supply Management Office in Main Campus

> Improvement of Ground Floor Dome Area, Main Campus

> Construction of Commercial Spaces in Lagoon Area, Main Campus

> Installation of Vertical Garden in Lagoon Parameter, Main Campus

Board Resolution No. 1881, Series of 2020

March 16, 2018

Guidelines for the PUP Income Generating Project Evaluation Committee

Board Resolution No. 1757, Series of 2017

June 20, 2017

Amendment to the Guidelines in the Conduct of Transient Business Transactions in the University (Policies on Business Regulations)

Board Resolution No. 1785, Series of 2017

September 25, 2017

Rates/Fee per Hour for Film Shooting for Commercial Motion Picture/Promotional Advertisements for Television at Php 8,500 per Hour, and Rate/Fee per Hour for Photography/Pictorials Using Still Camera at Php 1,700 per Hour

Board Resolution No. 1786, Series of 2017

September 25, 2017

PUP Souvenir Shop

The PUP Board of Regents (BOR) conceived the following major policies pertaining to organizational and infrastructure planning and development. These policies support the vision of the University from being an epistemic community (2012-2020) towards becoming a National Polytechnic University (2020-2024).

These major policies were crafted to strengthen the commitment of the University to

    • modernize and upgrade Information and Communication Technology services, physical facilities, equipment, library and campus development (IDP 2018-2020, Agenda 4);

    • assess the institutional processes and conduct critical-rational review of the entire organization (IDP 2018-2020, Agenda 8); and

    • cultivate a dynamic, transformational and responsible leadership (IDP 2020-2024, Pillar 1).

Board Resolution No.

Board Resolution No. 2507, Series of 2021

Date Passed

June 22, 2021

Subject of the Resolution

Scrap and Build of 144 Vacant Faculty Plantilla Items to Create 103 Administrative Positions and 41 Faculty Positions, and Re-classification of 36 Administrative Positions

Board Resolution No. 2461, Series of 2021

March 22, 2021

2021 PUP Organizational Structure

Board Resolution No. 2480, Series of 2020

March 22, 2021

Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Between PUP and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) for the Project Land-Use Development and Infrastructure Plan (LUDIP)

Board Resolution No. 2397, Series of 2020

December 10, 2020

2022-2024 Three-Year PUP Infrastructure Programs

Board Resolution No. 2390, Series of 2020

December 10, 2020

PUP Institutional Development Plan 2020-2024

Board Resolution No. 2336, Series of 2020

June 26, 2020

Creation of the PUP Disaster Resilience Center

Board Resolution No. 2293, Series of 2020

March 2, 2020

Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Between PUP and the Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA) for the Establishment, Development and Operation of a New PUP Campus in Clark City

Board Resolution No. 1976, Series of 2018

September 5, 2018

Upgrade of Hospitality Management Laboratory Facilities (Hot and Cold Kitchen, Bakery, Bar and Beverage Room and Housekeeping Room) Utilizing the Realigned Laboratory Fiduciary Fund-Equipment Fund Outlay to Building and Structure Outlay

Board Resolution No. 1984, Series of 2018

September 5, 2018

Land-Use Plan of PUP Branches and Campuses: Main Campus, Lopez, Mulanay, Quezon City, Ragay, Sto. Tomas, Unisan, Maragondon, Taguig

Board Resolution No. 1963, Series of 2018

July 13, 2018

Completion of the Construction of Multi-Purpose Building and Sports Development Facility, Phase 2 in Sta. Mesa, Manila, and Completion of the Construction of Four-storey Building for the College of Engineering in PUP Maragondon, Cavite

Board Resolution No. 1782, Series of 2017

September 25, 2017

2017 Revised University Code

Board Resolution No. 1758, Series of 2017

June 20, 2017

Amendment to the Policies and Guidelines on the Use of University Facilities (Memorandum Order No. 39, Series of 2016)

The PUP Board of Regents (BOR) adopted the following major policies that pertains to information and communications technology innovation. These policies are in sync with the vision of the University from being an epistemic community (2012-2020) towards becoming a National Polytechnic University (2020-2024).

These major policies were crafted to help the University realize

    • a modernized and upgraded Information and Communication Technology services, physical facilities, equipment, library and campus development (IDP 2018-2020, Agenda 4); and

    • an enabling and productive learning environment (IDP 2020-2024, Pillar 3).

Board Resolution No.

Board Resolution No. 2315, Series of 2020

Date Passed

March 2, 2020

Subject of the Resolution

PUP Data Privacy Manual

Board Resolution No. 2185, Series of 2019

September 9, 2019

PUP Finance Management Portal (Integrating Property and Supply Management Office, Procurement Management Office and Human Resources Management Department)

Board Resolution No. 2186, Series of 2019

September 9, 2019

PUP Information Security

Board Resolution No. 1700, Series of 2017

March 2017

Implementation of the Electronic Documentary Stamp Tax (eDST) System in PUP Main, Branches and Campuses, and Collection of Php 15.00 per Document for Diploma, Transcript of Records (TOR) and Other Taxable Documents as Certificates Issued by the University Registrar

The PUP Board of Regents (BOR) adopted the following major policies that pertains to global and local partnerships and linkages. These policies support the vision of the University from being an epistemic community (2012-2020) towards becoming a National Polytechnic University (2020-2024).

These major policies on global and local partnerships and linkages which are commonly academic and research matters were created in support to the commitment of the University to

  • pursue academic excellence through disciplinal integrity (IDP, 2018-2020, Agenda 1)

  • embed a culture of research (IDP, 2018-2020, Agenda 2)

  • have a synergistic, productive, strategic, networks and partnerships (IDP 2020-2024, Pillar 8).

Board Resolution No.

Board Resolution No. 2536, Series of 2021

Date Passed

June 25, 2021

Subject of the Resolution

Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Between PUP and the Authority of the Freeport Area of Bataan (AFAB)

Board Resolution No. 2477, Series of 2021

March 22, 2021

Composition and Representatives of PUP in Project Antena

Board Resolution No. 2492, Series of 2021

March 22, 2021

Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Between PUP and Renergy System Inc. for the Installation of Waste Cooking Oil-to-Energy Laboratory

Board Resolution No. 2476, Series of 2021

March 22, 2021

Consortium Agreement Between PUP and Marinduque State College (MSC)

Board Resolution No. 2451, Series of 2020

December 10, 2020

Establishment of Consortium of PUP and Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges for the Offering of Doctor of Engineering, Doctor of Business Administration, and Doctor of Public Administration

Board Resolution No. 2298, Series of 2020

March 2, 2020

Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Between PUP and Silla University of the Republic of Korea

Board Resolution No. 2299, Series of 2020

March 2, 2020

Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Between PUP and Maharishi Markandeshwar University

Board Resolution No. 2114, Series of 2019

September 9, 2019

Implementation of Collaboration with the British Council – PUP as authorized British Council International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Registration Center

Board Resolution No. 1934, Series of 2018

July 4, 2018

Memorandum of Understanding for Academic Cooperation between PUP and Centro Escolar University


Board Resolutions supporting the implementation of programs and projects of the University:

The PUP Board of Regents (BOR) adopted the following major decisions in the academic area. These decisions support the vision of the University from being an epistemic community (2012-2020) towards becoming a National Polytechnic University (2020-2024).

These major decisions were adopted to support the commitment of the University in

    • pursuit of academic excellence through disciplinal integrity (IDP 2018-2020, Agenda 1);

    • reconceptualization of academic freedom (IDP 2018-2020, Agenda 5);

    • provision of responsive and innovative curricula and instruction (IDP 2020-2024, Pillar 2); and in

    • continuously working for global academic standards and excellence (IDP 2020-2024, Pillar 7).

Board Resolution No.

Board Resolution No. 2414, Series of 2020

Date Passed

December 10, 2020

Subject of the Resolution

Guidelines on the Implementation of the Policy on Modified Graduate Thesis and Dissertation Writing

Board Resolution No. 2430 , Series of 2020

December 10, 2020

PUP Internal Guidelines for Special Lectureship Program

Board Resolution No. 2324, Series of 2020

June 26, 2020

Establishment of the Center for Teaching and Learning

Board Resolution No. 2264, Series of 2019

December 10, 2019

Criteria for Evaluating PUP Part-time Faculty

Board Resolution No. 2265, Series of 2019

December 10, 2019

Creation of the PUP Faculty Evaluation Office

Board Resolution No. 2075, Series of 2019

June 21, 2019

Guidelines for Faculty Fellowship

Board Resolution No. 1967, Series of 2018

July 13, 2018

Establishment of the PUP Bar Review Center

Board Resolution No. 1913, Series of 2018

July 4, 2018

Guidelines on University Visiting Professor Program

Board Resolution No. 1913, Series of 2018

July 4, 2018

Guidelines on University Visiting Professor Program

Board Resolution No. 1897, Series of 2018

March 16, 2018

Ratification of All Academic Programs with No Board Resolutions

Board Resolution No. 1790, Series of 2017

September 25, 2017

Offering of Refreshers’ Capacity Advancement Program (RECAP) in the College of Law

Board Resolution No. 1770, Series of 2017

June 20, 2017

Revised Non-traditional Study Program Policies and Procedures

Board Resolution No. 1776, Series of 2017

June 20, 2017

University Manual for Thesis and Dissertation

The PUP Board of Regents (BOR) adopted the following major decisions in terms of faculty and administrative staff welfare and development. These decisions actualize the vision of the University from being an epistemic community (2012-2020) towards becoming a National Polytechnic University (2020-2024).

These major decisions were crafted to realize the commitment of the University to

    • ensure transparent participatory governance (IDP 2018-2020, Agenda 3);

    • re-conceptualize academic freedom (IDP 2018-2020, Agenda 5); and

    • develop empowered faculty members and employees (IDP 2020-2022, Pillar 5).

Board Resolution No.

Board Resolution No. 2459, Series of 2021

Date Passed

March 22, 2021

Subject of the Resolution

2021 Revised Guidelines for the Grant of Professional Enhancement and Skills Development Incentive (PESDI)

Board Resolution No. 2413, Series of 2020

December 10, 2020

Implementing Guidelines on Dissertation Financial Assistance

Board Resolution No. 2409, Series of 2020

December 10, 2020

Revision on the Implementing Guidelines on International and National Paper Presentation and Financial Assistance (OP Memo No. 16, Series 2020)

Board Resolution No. 2415, Series of 2020

December 10, 2020

Implementing Guidelines on Merit Promotion for Part-Time Faculty Members on the Basis of Research, Publication and Citation

Board Resolution No. 2381, Series of 2020

September 16, 2020

Grant of Cash Advance or Reimbursement of Expense to PUP Employees who will undergo or have undergone RT-PCR Test for COVID-19

Board Resolution No. 2266, Series of 2019

December 10, 2019

Revised Implementing Guidelines on Merit Promotion on the Basis of Research Publication and Citation

Board Resolution No. 2251, Series of 2019

December 10, 2019

Implementing Guidelines for Thesis and Dissertation Grant

Board Resolution No. 2141, Series of 2019

June 21, 2019

2019 Revised Guidelines on the Participation of PUP Officials, Faculty Members and Administrative Employees in Staff Development, Seminar and Training Activities

Board Resolution No. 2144, Series of 2019

June 21, 2019

PUP Internal Guidelines for Official Local Travels and Payment of Travel Expenses

Board Resolution No. 2132, Series of 2019

March 27, 2019

Anti-Drug Abuse Policy for PUP Officials and Employees

Board Resolution No. 1664, Series of 2017

March 2017

Internal Guidelines for the Grant of

CNA Incentive

Board Resolution No. 1766, Series of 2017

June 20, 2017

Revised 2016 General Guidelines on the Evaluation of Applications for Promotion of PUP Administrative Employees

Board Resolution No. 1811, Series of 2017

September 25, 2017

Guidelines on Funding Support for Internationalization-related Activities and Official Foreign Travels by PUP Officials, Faculty Members and Administrative Employees

The PUP Board of Regents (BOR) forged the following major decisions in research and extension work pursuant to the vision of the University from being an epistemic institution (2012-2020) towards becoming a National Polytechnic University (2020-2024).

Specifically, these major decisions were created in support of the University’s commitment to

    • embed a culture of research (IDP 2018-2020, Agenda 2);

    • institutionalize civil society engagement and involved extension service program (IDP 2018-2020, Agenda 6); and

    • have vigorous research production and utilization (IDP 2020-2024, Pillar 6).

Board Resolution No.

BBoard Resolution No. 2655, Series of 2022

Date Passed

March 23, 2022

Subject of the Resolution

Proposed Reconstitution of the University Research and Development Council

Board Resolution No. 2597, Series of 2021

December 17, 2021

Proposed Increase in the Copyright Registration Application Fee for Academic Works

Board Resolution No. 2500, Series of 2021

June 22, 2021

Guidelines on Institute-Funded Research Project/Program

Board Resolution No. 2515, Series of 2021

June 22, 2021

Revised Executive Order No. 16, Series of 2021 - Guidelines on Internally-Funded Extension Projects

Board Resolution No. 2405, Series of 2020

December 10,2020

Implementing Guidelines for PUP Day Care Admission

Board Resolution No. 2406, Series of 2020

December 10,2020

Implementing Guidelines for Needs-Based Outreach Project, Quick Response and Other Related Activities/Collaboration

Board Resolution No. 2407, Series of 2020

December 10,2020

Implementing Guidelines on the Submission of Community Outreach Projects for Institutional Funding

Board Resolution No. 2410, Series of 2020

December 10,2020

Policy on Research Activities: Production, Presentation, and Publication/Patent for Regular Faculty Members

Board Resolution No. 2412, Series of 2020

December 10,2020

Creation of the Center for Inclusivity and Diversity

Board Resolution No. 2365, Series of 2020

September 16, 2020

Creation of the Center for GAD Focal Point System (CGFPS)

Board Resolution No. 2366, Series of 2020

September 16, 2020

Implementing Guidelines for Internally-funded Extension Projects

Board Resolution No. 2335, Series of 2020

June 26, 2020

Anti-COVID-19 Spread Program (ACSP): Production of 70% Ethyl Alcohol Solution with Silver-Copper Nanocomposite and Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) for Enhancing its Antimicrobial Activity

Board Resolution No. 2286, Series of 2020

March 2, 2020

Creation of Sentro ng Pagsasalin/Center for Translation, and Guidelines on Translation Services

Board Resolution No. 2250, Series of 2019

December 10, 2019

Amendment to the Implementing Guidelines on University Research Ethics Board Structure and Functions

Board Resolution No. 2190, Series of 2019

September 9, 2019

Creation of the Center for Extension and Community Linkages

Board Resolution No. 2192, Series of 2019

September 9, 2019

Guidelines on the University Extension, Funding, Support, Incentives and Accountability

Board Resolution No. 2216, Series of 2019

September 9, 2019

PUP Extension Manual

Board Resolution No. 2147, Series of 2019

June 21, 2019

Policy on Commercialization of Research and Development Outputs

Board Resolution No. 2148, Series of 2019

June 21, 2019

Revised Implementing Guidelines on Invention Disclosure Incentive

Board Resolution No. 2115, Series of 2019

March 27, 2019

Creation of the Institute for Gender and Development

Board Resolution No. 2105, Series of 2019

March 27, 2019

Research Guidelines on the:

> Selection/Designation of Faculty Researchers

> Submission of Extension Project Proposal

> Selection of Faculty Extensionists

Board Resolution No. 1933, Series of 2018

July 4, 2018

PUP Day Care Operational Guidelines

Board Resolution No. 1951, Series of 2018

July 4, 2018

Publishing Guidelines for Authors

Board Resolution No. 1880, Series of 2018

March 16, 2018

Establishment of the Center for Indigenous Peoples Studies (CIPS)

Board Resolution No. 1787, Series of 2017

September 25, 2017

Creation of the University Research Ethics Board (UREB)

Board Resolution No. 1732, Series of 2017

June 20, 2017

mplementing Guidelines for Internally-Funded Researches

Board Resolution No. 1733, Series of 2017

June 20, 2017

Implementing Guidelines on the Use of College/Branch Research Fund

The PUP Board of Regents (BOR) adopted the following major decisions in terms of student welfare and services. These decisions are consistent with vision of the University of being an epistemic community (2012-2020) and becoming a National Polytechnic University (2020-2024).

These major decisions were implemented to support the University’s commitment to

    • re-conceptualize academic freedom (IDP 2018-2020, Agenda 5); and

    • foster holistic student development and engagement (IDP 2020-2024, Pillar 6).

Board Resolution No.

Board Resolution No. 2557, Series of 2022

Date Passed

March 23, 2022

Subject of the Resolution

Proposed Policy on Enrolment in Second Graduate Degree

Board Resolution No. 2551, Series of 2022

March 23, 2022

Proposed Policy Second Baccalaureate Degree – Guidelines and Schedule of Fees

Board Resolution No. 2371, Series of 2020

September 16, 2020

Policy and Guidelines for Students with Disabilities

Board Resolution No. 2338, Series of 2020

June 26, 2020

Amendments to the Guidelines on Granting of Scholarship to Cultural Artists, President’s Listers and Dean’s Listers Effective School Year 2020-2021

Board Resolution No. 2214, Series of 2019

September 9, 2019

2019 Student Handbook

Board Resolution No. 2161, Series of 2019

June 21, 2019

Amendment to the Revised Guidelines on Acceptance of Student Athletes, Cultural Artists, Creative Media Artists/Campus Journalists and Honor Students for Entrance Scholarship

Board Resolution No. 2110, Series of 2019

March 27, 2019

Drug Testing of Students in All Higher Education Institutions

Board Resolution No. 2132, Series of 2019

March 27, 2019

Anti-Drug Abuse Policy for PUP Students

Board Resolution No. 1848, Series of 2018

March 16, 2018

Amendments to the Guidelines in Providing University Funding Support to Student Participation in Local and International Conferences, Seminars, Study Programs, Training-Workshops, and other Academic-Related Development Activities (Memorandum Order No. 007, series of 2017)

The PUP Board of Regents (BOR) approved the following major decisions in fiscal management and resource generation. These decisions concretize the vision of the University from being an epistemic community (2012-2020) towards becoming a National Polytechnic University (2020-2024).

These major decisions demonstrate strong support to the commitment of the University to

    • enhance fiscal discipline and responsibility (IDP, 2018-2020, Agenda 7); and

    • harness a dynamic, transformational and responsible leadership (IDP 2020-2024, Pillar 1).

Board Resolution No.

Board Resolution No. 2640, Series of 2022

Date Passed

March 23, 2022

Subject of the Resolution

Income Generating Project Proposal – Notarial Service

Board Resolution No. 2481, Series of 2021

March 22, 2021

Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Procurement Plan (APP)

Board Resolution No. 2482, Series of 2021

March 22, 2021

Fiscal Year 2021 Special Trust Fund Program of Receipts and Expenditures (PRE)

Board Resolution No. 2483, Series of 2021

March 22, 2021

Fiscal Year 2021 Internal Operating Budget

Board Resolution No. 2459, Series of 2021

March 22, 2021

2021 Revised Guidelines on the Grant, Utilization andLiquidation of Cash Advances Issued to, and Reimbursementof Expenses Made by, Accountable Officers

Board Resolution No. 1994, Series of 2018

November 8, 2018

Budget Realignment to Fund the Information and Communications Technology Office (ICTO) Projects:

> PUP Information Security

> Bar Review Portal System Development

> Existing Server Upgrade and New Acquisition for Future System Development

> Internet Protocol (IP) Radio Upgrade

Board Resolution No. 1999, Series of 2018

November 8, 2018

Realignment of Fiscal Year 2018 Special Trust Fund (STF) Budget for Personnel Services (Other Personnel Benefits) to Capital Outlays to Fund Infrastructure Projects:

> Contruction of Academic/Office Building, Phase 2, Main Campus

> Construction of Four-storey Building for the College of Engineering Phase 3, PUP Maragondon Branch

> Repair and Rehabilitation of Property and Supply Management Office in Main Campus

> Improvement of Ground Floor Dome Area, Main Campus

> Construction of Commercial Spaces in Lagoon Area, Main Campus

> Installation of Vertical Garden in Lagoon Parameter, Main Campus

Board Resolution No. 1881, Series of 2020

March 16, 2018

Guidelines for the PUP Income Generating Project Evaluation Committee

Board Resolution No. 1757, Series of 2017

June 20, 2017

Amendment to the Guidelines in the Conduct of Transient Business Transactions in the University (Policies on Business Regulations)

Board Resolution No. 1785, Series of 2017

September 25, 2017

Rates/Fee per Hour for Film Shooting for Commercial Motion Picture/Promotional Advertisements for Television at Php 8,500 per Hour, and Rate/Fee per Hour for Photography/Pictorials Using Still Camera at Php 1,700 per Hour

Board Resolution No. 1786, Series of 2017

September 25, 2017

PUP Souvenir Shop

The PUP Board of Regents (BOR) conceived the following major decisions pertaining to organizational and infrastructure planning and development. These decisions support the vision of the University from being an epistemic community (2012-2020) towards becoming a National Polytechnic University (2020-2024).

These major decisions were crafted to strengthen the commitment of the University to

  • modernize and upgrade Information and Communication Technology services, physical facilities, equipment, library and campus development (IDP 2018-2020, Agenda 4);

  • assess the institutional processes and conduct critical-rational review of the entire organization (IDP 2018-2020, Agenda 8); and

  • cultivate a dynamic, transformational and responsible leadership (IDP 2020-2024, Pillar 1).

Board Resolution No.

Board Resolution No. 2642, Series of 2022

Date Passed

March 23, 2022

Subject of the Resolution

Organizational Structure of the Office of the Student Services (OSS)

Board Resolution No. 2641, Series of 2022

March 23, 2022

Organizational Structure of the Office of Scholarship and Financial Assistance (OSFA)

Board Resolution No. 2639, Series of 2021

March 22, 2021

Proposed Organizational Structure of the PUP Office of International Affairs

Board Resolution No. 2552, Series of 2021

September 24, 2021

Land Use Development and Infrastructure Plan (LUDIP)

Board Resolution No. 2550, Series of 2021

September 24, 2021

New Internal Audit Office (IAO) Organizational Structure Based on COA AOM No. 2021-014 Recommendations

Board Resolution No. 2507, Series of 2021

June 22, 2021

Scrap and Build of 144 Vacant Faculty Plantilla Items to Create 103 Administrative Positions and 41 Faculty Positions, and Re-classification of 36 Administrative Positions

Board Resolution No. 2461, Series of 2021

March 22, 2021

2021 PUP Organizational Structure

Board Resolution No. 2397, Series of 2020

December 10, 2020

2022-2024 Updated Proposed Three-Year PUP Infrastructure Programs

Board Resolution No. 2390, Series of 2020

December 10, 2020

PUP Institutional Development Plan 2020-2024

Board Resolution No. 2336, Series of 2020

June 26, 2020

Creation of the PUP Disaster Resilience Center

Board Resolution No. 2293, Series of 2020

March 2, 2020

Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Between PUP and the Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA) for the Establishment, Development and Operation of a New PUP Campus in Clark City

Board Resolution No. 1976, Series of 2018

September 5, 2018

Upgrade of Hospitality Management Laboratory Facilities (Hot and Cold Kitchen, Bakery, Bar and Beverage Room and Housekeeping Room) Utilizing the Realigned Laboratory Fiduciary Fund-Equipment Fund Outlay to Building and Structure Outlay

Board Resolution No. 1984, Series of 2018

September 5, 2018

Land-Use Plan of PUP Branches and Campuses: Main Campus, Lopez, Mulanay, Quezon City, Ragay, Sto. Tomas, Unisan, Maragondon, Taguig

Board Resolution No. 1963, Series of 2018

July 13, 2018

Completion of the Construction of Multi-Purpose Building and Sports Development Facility, Phase 2 in Sta. Mesa, Manila, and Completion of the Construction of Four-storey Building for the College of Engineering in PUP Maragondon, Cavite

Board Resolution No. 1782, Series of 2017

September 25, 2017

2017 Revised University Code

Board Resolution No. 1758, Series of 2017

June 20, 2017

Amendment to the Policies and Guidelines on the Use of University Facilities (Memorandum Order No. 39, Series of 2016)

The PUP Board of Regents (BOR) adopted the following major decisions that pertains to information and communications technology innovation. These decisions are in sync with the vision of the University from being an epistemic community (2012-2020) towards becoming a National Polytechnic University (2020-2024).

These major decisions were crafted to help the University realize

  • a modernized and upgraded Information and Communication Technology services, physical facilities, equipment, library and campus development (IDP 2018-2020, Agenda 4); and

  • an enabling and productive learning environment (IDP 2020-2024, Pillar 3).

Board Resolution No.

Board Resolution No. 2315, Series of 2020

Date Passed

March 2, 2020

Subject of the Resolution

PUP Data Privacy Manual

Board Resolution No. 2185, Series of 2019

September 9, 2019

PUP Finance Management Portal (Integrating Property and Supply Management Office, Procurement Management Office and Human Resources Management Department)

Board Resolution No. 2186, Series of 2019

September 9, 2019

PUP Information Security

The PUP Board of Regents (BOR) adopted the following major decisions that pertains to global and local partnerships and linkages. These decisions support the vision of the University from being an epistemic community (2012-2020) towards becoming a National Polytechnic University (2020-2024).

These major decisions on global and local partnerships and linkages which are commonly academic and research matters were created in support to the commitment of the University to

    • pursue academic excellence through disciplinal integrity (IDP, 2018-2020, Agenda 1)

    • embed a culture of research (IDP, 2018-2020, Agenda 2)

    • have a synergistic, productive, strategic, networks and partnerships (IDP 2020-2024, Pillar 8).

Board Resolution No.

BBoard Resolution No. 2585, Series of 2022

Date Passed

November 3, 2021

Subject of the Resolution

Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) executed between CHED and PUP on the Smart Campus Project: Learning Management System

Board Resolution No. 2536, Series of 2021

June 25, 2021

Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Between PUP and the Authority of the Freeport Area of Bataan (AFAB)

Board Resolution No. 2492, Series of 2021

March 22, 2021

Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Between PUP and Renergy System Inc. for the Installation of Waste Cooking Oil-to-Energy Laboratory

Board Resolution No. 2476, Series of 2021

March 22, 2021

Consortium Agreement Between PUP and Marinduque State College (MSC)

Board Resolution No. 2451, Series of 2020

December 10, 2020

Establishment of Consortium of PUP and Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges for the Offering of Doctor of Engineering, Doctor of Business Administration, and Doctor of Public Administration

Board Resolution No. 2298, Series of 2020

March 2, 2020

Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Between PUP and Silla University of the Republic of Korea

Board Resolution No. 2299, Series of 2020

March 2, 2020

Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Between PUP and Maharishi Markandeshwar University

Board Resolution No. 2114, Series of 2019

September 9, 2019

Implementation of Collaboration with the British Council – PUP as authorized British Council International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Registration Center


The Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) implements a system of (and utilizes various platforms for) disseminating policies and guidelines approved by its Executive Committee (EXECOM) and the Board of Regents (BOR). Once a proposed policy or set of guidelines has been approved by the BOR, the University/Board Secretary will communicate the official Board action through the issuance of Board certifications to the members of the EXECOM for appropriate action (i.e. issuance of Memorandum or Guidelines). A Board-approved policy or guidelines emanates from the Office of the University President through the issuance of a duly-signed memorandum.

Cascading of information to the PUP community is done in various ways to ensure that concerned stakeholders, both internal and external, are reached out and duly informed. To be able to guarantee that the policies, set of guidelines and other pertinent information are effectively delivered for guidance and appropriate action of the different PUP sectors, the following methods, channels and platforms of information dissemination are used. Policies and guidelines are disseminated in many ways, to wit:

  • via different online media platforms by posting at the PUP official website and social media accounts;

  • by providing copies of documents both in printed format/hard copy and through email; and

  • through verbal announcements aired during meetings or official University events and gatherings, whether face-to-face or virtual.


      • PUP Website – The official PUP website ( serves as the primary and biggest source of information about the University. It contains a wide variety of information about the University such as its general information, admission information, branches and campuses, academic programs, and news and events, among others. It provides access to Executive Orders and Memorandum Orders, procurement activities, and downloadable forms for the offices, faculty members, administrative employees, students and alumni. The website also features the PUP Good Governance Conditions and Transparency Seal where pertinent information are accessible in compliance with government rules and regulations. The PUP Website is managed and regularly updated by the Information and Communications Technology Office (ICTO) which is under the Office of the Executive Vice President (OEVP).

      • Social Media Platforms – PUP maintains its official social media accounts through its Facebook Page (, Twitter Account (, and LinkedIn ( with hundreds of thousands of followers. These social media accounts serve as channels of the University in disseminating information to the PUP community as almost everybody is connected via social media.

      • The Pylon Flash Online wherein PUP students, officials, administrative employees, and faculty can participate as news reporters for the program. The Pylon Flash Online is managed by the Communications Management Office (CMO).

      • PUP CreaTV – as PUP’s TV network on the internet, it is the very first university-based online channel in the Philippines. It is managed by the Communications Management Office (CMO) which is under the Office of the University President. Currently, its YouTube channel ( has 5,000 subscribers and has garnered more than 324,800 views since it was created in February 2013. Uploaded in PUP CreaTV YouTube account are official university events such as commencement exercises, Academic and Administrative Council Meetings, and the following programs:

        • The Pylon Flash Online - like its print counterpart, The Pylon Flash Online delivers straight news about major university and college events, announcements and issues concerning the PUP Community.

        • V-PUPian - is a series of short films that highlight the values of “Iskolar ng Bayan” (scholars of the nation, as students of a state university). These short films aim to help the University imbue PUPians not only knowledge but virtues to successfully prepare them as nation-builders.

        • Pinaka Usap-usapan sa Pamantasan - sets the mood light as it delivers information and entertainment together in one serving. As a magazine program hosted by true-blooded PUPians, the program features anything and everything about PUP in a very friendly and witty manner. The program’s features can go as historical as the iconic landmarks of PUP to as simple as students’ summer vacation plans, or quirky ways to survive the first day of school.

        • State U - presents stories of students, faculty members, and administrative employees focusing on their struggles, triumphs and the lessons they learned in their journey in the University. The program intends to inspire the PUP community from the experiences of their fellow PUPians.

        • LOL: Learn On-Line - is an educational program that offers alternative and creative methods of discussing general education courses. Hosted by expert professors of featured subject matters, LOL aims to provide simplified discussions that would help students understand basic concepts of general education courses.


  • Manual distribution of information through the Central Records Office. Hard copies of the official document containing the information that must be disseminated are recorded and managed by the Central Records Office. The Office is tasked to provide copies of the duly-signed executive orders or memoranda of the University President to all PUP units/offices.

  • The Pylon (formerly The Observer) – is the official publication of the University which provides straight news about major university and college events, announcements and issues concerning the PUP Community. It is managed by the Communications Management Office (CMO). The Pylon is also accessible online at the PUP website.

  • Citizen’s Charter – the different offices/units in the PUP Main, Branches and Campuses maintain their respective posting of Citizen’s Charter which details the processing flow of requested documents. It includes the vision and mission of PUP, the frontline services offered, the step-by-step procedures in availing of frontline services, the employee responsible for each step, the time needed to complete the procedure, the amount of fees, the required documents and the procedure for filing complaints. In addition to the posting of the Citizen’s Charter to designated areas in PUP, the same is also accessible online at the PUP website.

  • Bulletin Boards of PUP offices – Memoranda and copies of University policies and guidelines are usually posted in the bulletin boards of respective offices.

  • President’s Annual Reports – Periodically, the Office of the University President consolidates the reports of all the members of the Executive Committee to highlight the accomplishments of the different sectors. Moreover, digitized copy of Quarterly Reports are produced and disseminated to the members of the Board of Regents as part of the President’s Report. The Annual Report is also shared to the PUP community through the PUP website and printed copies.

  • University Code – The 2017 University Code of PUP is an updated version of the original Code drafted in the 1970s prior to the conversion of the Philippine College of Commerce as a polytechnic university. Enshrined in the University Code are the standards, policies, and processes that protect the welfare of all the members of the community. It serves as the implementing guidelines towards accountable, transparent, and professional decision-making and governance of the University. The Code is composed of two parts: Book 1, Governance, Organizational Structure and Services, and Book 2, Conditions of Employment. The 2017 University Code can be accessed at the PUP website.

  • Student Handbook – it is published by the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs and Services. The latest Student Handbook is the 2019 edition which provides detailed information on the following: a)The PUP Education, b) Student Rights, c) General Regulations, d) Code of Conduct, e) Academic Regulations, Procedures and Services, f) Student Affairs and Services, g) Student Councils, h) Student Organizations and Student Constitutional Commissions, i) Campus Publications, j) Code of Discipline, k) Drug Abuse Policy, l) Procedure for the Settlement of Complaints/Grievances and m) other pertinent information. The Student Handbook is also available online at the PUP Website.

  • Student Publications – The University-wide official student publication, The Catalyst, and the student publications based in various colleges serve as another venues for information dissemination from the perspective of the students.


  • Freshman Orientation – this is a yearly activity set at the beginning of each school year to provide first year students with the necessary information about the University in aid of a successful college life. During orientation meetings, students are given pertinent information that they need to know such as the following: the University vision, mission, goals and objectives, the University and College officials, the faculty members of their respective colleges, the different offices offering student support services, the academic policies and guidelines which are stipulated in the Student Handbook, and other latest information.

  • Professional Development Activities for the Faculty and Employees – there are professional activities in the form of seminars/webinars, trainings and workshops which are intended to enhance the capability of the faculty and employees regarding the implementation of University policies, for professional advancement and skills development. Topics may vary such as government procurement rules and regulations, use of online systems or procedures, records management, development of soft skills, and the like.

  • Meetings – University policies and procedures are also cascaded through sectoral and office meetings, from top level management to the smallest unit of an office.

  • University Programs and Special Events – Flag-raising ceremonies, Founding Anniversary celebrations, Academic Council Meetings, Administrative Council Meetings, General Assemblies, Faculty and Administrative Employees Fellowship Activities, and other special events also serve as venues to cascade EXECOM- and Board-approved University policies.


The University has developed and maintains a functional and active partnership with the following agencies and organizations for the strategic and effective dissemination of policies. The implementing rules and regulations of the policies from these government agencies are presented during meetings and seminars/workshops or the copies are appended to issued memoranda. Periodically, the University consults with or invites resource persons from these agencies to discuss relevant policies.




Department of Budget and Management (DBM)

For matters related to budget utilization on Personnel Services, Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) and Capital Outlay

General Appropriations Act (GAA)

DBM circulars

Civil Service Commission (CSC)

For matters related to human resources development and management such as hiring, change of status, promotion, retirement, grievance or complaints resolution

CSC Issuances / Memorandum Orders

Commission on Audit (COA)

For effective financial management based on government rules and regulations, thus, preventing irregular, unnecessary, excessive or extravagant expenditures or uses of funds and properties

COA Issuances / Memorandum Orders

Commission on Higher Education (CHED)

For matters regarding the initiatives and policies relevant to the implementation of higher education. In particular, PUP adheres with the policies and standards set by CHED for the different academic programs in the baccalaureate and graduate degree programs. The University also adheres with other policies detailed in CHED Memorandum Orders (CMO) concerning the faculty, the students and SUC Levelling. Moreover, CHED also serves as an external funding agency of PUP in many of its researches.

CHED Memorandum Orders (CMOs)

Department of Science and Technology (DOST)

For matters related to scientific research, innovation and development that involve PUP offices and personnel in the conduct of research production, innovation or commercialization.

Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)

Department of Education (DEPED)

For matters related to the implementation of Senior High School programs and teaching internship (i.e. K-to-12 program).

Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)

Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC)

For matters related to the standardization and implementation of faculty evaluation and promotion aligned with the National Budget Circular (NBC).

DBM National Budget Circular 461, s. 1998

PASUC Advisories/Issuances

Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP)

For matters related to standardization, development and accreditation of academic programs.

AACUP Board Action and Technical Review

International Linkages

For possible tie ups or collaborations with foreign academic institutions, funding agencies or governments that are related to faculty fellowship/scholarship, research activities and innovations, academic exchange through invited professorial chairholders, and research funding, among others.

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)


Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)

Office of the Solicitor General (OSG)

For matters related to legal concerns of the University

Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)

Department of Information and Communications Technology

For matters concerning the building, development and security of ICT facilities, infrastructure and systems.

DICT Issuances

Committees on Higher and Technical Education of the House of Representatives and the Senate

For matters related to crafting of bills and other legislative measures relevant to higher and technical education

Congress Gazette or Official Issuances


1. Adoption and implementation of the 2017 University Code. Delineating the standards, policies and processes that protect the welfare of all the members of the PUP community, it serves as the implementing guidelines towards accountable, transparent, and professional decision-making and governance of the University.

2. Annual submission of SALN and Disclosure of Business Interest and Financial Connections of all PUP officials, faculty members and administrative staff, in consonance with RA 6713 (Code of Conduct of Public Officials and Employees). The University created the Review and Compliance Committee to ensure its proper implementation.

3. Implementation of the Revised Guidelines for the evaluation of books and other instructional materials for prescription as textbooks and general reference. All textbooks and other instructional materials for use in the University at college and high school levels are submitted for evaluation and approval of the UTIMEC/CTIMEC/HSTIMEC to ensure that these pass quality standards set by government regulatory bodies, not plagiarized or illegally reproduced.

4. Implementation of the 2021 Revised Guidelines on the Grant, Utilization and Liquidation of Cash Advances Issued to, and reimbursement of expenses made by accountable officers. Pursuant to COA Circular No. 97-002 dated February 10, 1997, as amended by COA Circular No. 2006-005 dated July 13, 2006, this provides a more cohesive, integrated and systematic management of fund disbursements, cash advances and reimbursements by concerned employees of the University.

5. Implementation of the Guidelines in the Designation of Faculty Members and Administrative Employees to Administrative Positions. This ensures proper procedures and standards are observed when designating employees to administrative or technical position in any office of the University.

6. Implementation of the Online Client Satisfaction Survey (OCSS) wherein clients encode their responses to queries on their experience in transacting with PUP offices. This ensures the continuous process of collecting feedback from the clients of the University in terms of quality, timeliness and efficiency of the services provided them, even during the period of emergency when face-to-face onsite transactions are not possible.

7. Institutionalization and strengthening of the University’s internal audit system and internal control mechanisms by delineating the functions of the Internal Audit Office, Accounting Office, Inspection Management Office, Facilities Management Office, Office of Student Services, Special Disbursing Officers, Resource Generation Office, Property and Supplies Management Office, Accountable Officers/Project Coordinators (EO 35, s. 2021 issued on August 9, 2021). This is in conformance with AO No. 278, s. 2002, AO No. 70, s. 2003 IASPPS, Revised PGIAM.

8. Institutionalization of the University Policy on Research Ethics by creating the University Research Ethics Board (UREB). The UREB functions to ensure that published research works, endorsed or funded by the University observe the highest and strictest standards of academic and scientific integrity.

9. Implementation of anti-drug abuse policy pursuant to RA 9165 (Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002). By virtue of this policy, PUP institutionalizes a dangerous drugs-free workplace program and the periodic conduct of random drug testing for its employees and students.

10. Implementation of the Supplies Inventory Management System, an online system of supplies monitoring, requisition and inventory to facilitate supplies requests and delivery to various offices/units of the University.

11. Implementation of University Policy concerning illegal copying and use of unlicensed software. This prohibits the illegal copying and use of unlicensed software and other copyrighted materials, pursuant to RA 9239 (optical media law) and RA 8293 (intellectual property code of the Philippines). This ensures that only licensed softwares are installed in office computers or other gadgets for official use by PUP employees. (Feb. 20, 2018)

12. Institutionalization of the policy on hiring, appointment and promotion of administrative staff of the University through the operationalization of the Personnel Selection Board (PSB) and issuance of the 2017 General Guidelines on Selection, Promotion and Change of Status of applicants for first and second level administrative positions in PUP (July 7, 2017). These ensure that the selection and/or promotion of employees are based on merit and qualifications standards prescribed by the CSC rules and regulations.

13. Creation of the Faculty Evaluation Office. The office serves to facilitate the evaluation of application of part-time and tenured faculty members aspiring for permanent position or promotion. The office strictly observes the CSC rules and regulations and PASUC evaluation instruments in the performance of its mandate.

14. Adoption and implementation of the Committee on Decorum and Investigation (CODI) Manual. The PUP CODI Manual is a codification of all existing laws and CSC rules on cases involving sexual harassment. It supplements the PUP Student Handbook for student disciplinary cases involving sexual harassment and provides the penalties depending on the acts committed by a student. It sets the standard operating procedures in attending to victims of sexual harassment and the standard procedural requirements for sexual harassment cases committed in the University. It also provides the remedies available to parties after a decision has been rendered by the University.

15. Adoption and implementation of the 2019 Data Privacy Manual. Pursuant to RA 10173 (Data Privacy Act of 2012), its Implementing Rules and Regulations, and other relevant policies and issuances of the National Privacy Commission, the University respects and values data privacy rights, and makes sure that all personal data collected from clients/customers are processed in adherence to the general principles of transparency, legitimate purpose and proportionality. With this, PUP clients/customers are informed of the University’s data protection and security measures, and provide them proper guidance in exercising their rights under said law.

16. Adoption and implementation of the 2019 Student Handbook. As a compendium of relevant information on student concerns and interests, the PUP Student Handbook contains the code of conduct, scholastic standards, cultural and religious guidelines, and such other policies and directives that lend distinction to PUP as a fount of knowledge and skills.

17. Establishment of the PUP’s internal controls through the Baseline Assessment of Internal Control System (BAICS). The conduct of BAICS is required to all government agencies including SUCS as mandated by DBM. It also provides a starting point for internal audit strategic planning and an integral activity in the internal audit cycle.

(a) Subjecting all financial matters to channels of evaluation before approval and implementation: from the University Finance Committee, Executive Committee, Board of Regents – Finance Committee to the Board of Regents

(b) Institutionalization and rationalization of the grant of Annual Performance Enhancement Skills Development Incentive (PESDI)

(c) Institutionalization of high standards of research ethics

(d) Implementation of the Online Client Satisfaction Survey (OCSS)

(e) Implementation of the Office of the University/Board Secretary Data Management System (OUBS-DMS) to facilitate Board meetings

(f) Aligning with and subjecting the BAC-PMO processes and procedures to the Agency Procurement Compliance and Performance Indicator (APCPI) System

(g) Establishing the PUP's internal controls through the Baseline Assessment of Internal Control Systems (BAICS)