Parameter H


S.1. The institution makes effective use of Information and Communications Technology to manage its operations and academic affairs. (Separate from ICT for learning)

Student and the Academe

PUP Student Information System (PUP SIS) 

The PUP SIS is an Internet-based admission, registration, enrollment, and student records management system. It is composed of online modules for the students, faculty, academic heads, and the registrar. Among its features, the Academic Heads utilize the PUP SIS to encode the teaching load of their faculty and designees. When accomplished properly, it can generate the faculty’s Report on Official Time.

PUP Online Document Request System (PUP ODRS)

Online Document Request ( 

The PUP ODRS provides easier submission of documentary requirements and monitoring of document requests such as copy of grades of students, and diploma or transcript of records for the Alumni. Document request processing in PUP Sta. Mesa, Manila is centralized, which provides convenience for both clients and the Office of the University Registrar.

PUP Instruction and Teaching Effectiveness Evaluation System (PUP ITEES)


The ITEES will systematically summarize, analyze and present the data collected through the Online Faculty Evaluation Survey (OFES) on the evaluation of the instructional and teaching practices of the University’s faculty members conducted by four sets of evaluators – students, superiors, peers and self. The OFES is accessible at the PUP Website at the end of each semester.

PUP iApply

PUP iApply

PUP iApply is a Web-based Registration System that streamlines the University’s ability to develop, deploy, and operate a massive admission process. Interested applicants may use this online service to register and apply for admission evaluation or entrance exam for enrollment to an academic program of the University.

Administrative and Finance

PUP Personnel Portal 

The PUP Personnel Portal is a Web-based, integrated system that provides a centralized repository of employee master data that also includes time and attendance recording, generation of a daily time record, personal data sheet, and filing of leave.

PUP Payroll System

(Desktop client server application)

The PUP Payroll System automates computation of taxes and payments to university personnel. It can generate payroll reports that are submitted to the Budget Services Office and Fund Management Office.

PUP Online Payment (Link.Biz Portal)

PUP Online Payment 3.0 

The PUP Online Payment is an online service and a middleware Application Programming Interface (API) that enables the PUP Information Systems (iApply, PUP SIS and PUP ODRS) to send secured data to the LANDBANK LinkBiz Payment Gateway to conduct a secured online payment transaction to the LANDBANK LinkBiz Payment Gateway of University clients.

PUP Document Management System for the PUP Office of the University and Board Secretary (PUP DMS OUBS)


A Web-based system that enables users to encode and organize agenda, upload executive summary and supporting documents, generate documents such as Notice of Meeting, Matrix of Decision, Committee Endorsement, and Status of Implementation and allows the board member to review the agenda and save notes via online.

PUP Online Service Request for Faculty and Administrative Employees (PUP OSRFAE)


A Web-based system aimed to determine the performance of its different offices on the basis of a measure of the level of satisfaction of the University’s clients.

PUP Document Tracking System (PUP DTS)


A Web-based system that facilitates the tracking and monitoring of official documents and correspondence that passes through different PUP Offices 

PUP Supplies Inventory Management System (PUP SIMS)


A Web-based system that facilitates the tracking and monitoring of official documents and correspondence that passes through different PUP Offices 

PUP Visitors Appointment Scheduling System (PUP VASS)


A Web-based system that facilitates the tracking and monitoring of official documents and correspondence that passes through different PUP Offices 

S.2. There is a responsive link between ICT systems of administrative and academic offices to ensure optimal communication and use of information.

Interconnected Systems and Information Ecosystem

The ICT Systems of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines is geared towards an interconnected system wherein data is shared among Information Systems for optimal processing and consumption.

As an example, the University utilizes its PUP Student Information System (PUP SIS) in encoding and plotting the Teaching Load of the faculty or designee. When accomplished, the system can generate their Report on Official Time. The data from the PUP SIS is captured by the PUP Personnel Portal to track and monitor the time and attendance of the faculty or designee, then generated a Daily Time Record. This data is then captured by the PUP Payroll System for the computation of taxes and payment. The faculty or designee is given a system-generated pay slip via email or they can log in the PUP ePayslip to view their payroll information.


I.1. The use of ICT resources makes it easier and more efficient to manage operations, including accounting, HR, purchasing, etc.

The PUP Office of the University Board Secretary Document Management System (PUP OUBS DMS)  had significant institutional impact on the University beneficial to all stakeholders and the entire community. It provided for a digitized and easily accessible but secured system of storage and archiving of ageing and current University and Board documents; Improved and greater ease of communication and faster dissemination to concerned University officials and Board members of official notice of meeting, agenda items and other documents pertinent to the scheduled BOR meeting; Lessened the cost of document preparation and dissemination in terms of economy in the use of office supplies, labor, and other assets of the University. It generated savings for the University as the use of bond paper, printer and copier, toner/ink, other office supplies and electricity for the preparation of BOR agenda documents immensely decreased; and provided greater efficiency, as the number of days in the preparation and dissemination of BOR agenda documents (with complete staff work) was significantly reduced from 7-12 working days to 1-3 working days.

The PUP Personnel Portal provides convenience and efficiency in updating  and generating the Personnel Data Sheet (PDS). In the PDS, there is no need to encode everything from a blank template. The personnel only updates particular sections of the online PDS then generates a PDF ready to be printed,  signed, and submitted. 

With the PUP Student Information System, PUP Online Payment (Link.Biz Portal), and PUP SIS Tools, students are able to do online enrollment, payment of fees¹, and apply for change of enrollment, respectively, without having to queue personally inside the campus.

¹ For students not covered by Republic Act 10931 also known as Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act of 2017

I.2. The HEI uses the Management Information System (MIS) to enable it to be more efficient in the management of student and faculty records, as well as in planning for, and implementation of academic programs, budget, etc

The PUP Student Information System consists of various modules functioning as complementary to the other modules to provide a holistic and integrated student records management, grades capturing, and pertinent report generation for an effective and efficient university management:

I.3. Staff, faculty and administrators are proficient in ICT, with the HEI providing training and/or support.

Administrative Offices use the PUP Document Tracking System to track documents routing through various delivery units.

All PUP Personnel use the Online Health Declaration Form (HDF) during workdays to report their current health condition. The Medical Services Department use this ICT system to monitor instances of COVID19

Evaluation of the instructional and teaching practices of the University’s faculty members conducted by four sets of evaluators – students, superiors, peers and self.

The University implemented the Client Satisfaction Survey (CSS) in 2013 which aimed to determine the performance of its different offices on the basis of a measure of the level of satisfaction of the University’s clients. The Online CSS in PUP continued especially when, in 2018, Republic Act 11032 (also known as the Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of 2018) was passed which requires all agencies to “embed feedback mechanisms and client satisfaction measurement in their process improvement efforts,” (Section 3.b).

The University recognizes the use of electronic mail (e-mail) as an essential and indispensable means of communication of officials and employees in the University and as a tool in the seamless operation of offices towards effective and efficient delivery of services to its clients. Thus, there is a need for policies to ensure proper use of institutional email and serve as guidance to guarantee safety and security of e-mail transactions and maintain confidentiality of online documents of the University.

With the implementation of the PUP Visitors Appointment Scheduling System (VASS), both the clients and service providers of the University are expected to benefit. Benefits accruing to visitors and clients of PUP include reduced waiting time, greater flexibility in appointment schedule and better customer experience. On the other hand, the University’s service providers will be able to have better control over arrival flow and customer footfall on premises, matching service requests to staff competency, improved operational and staff efficiency and will create less pressure on staff.

The PUP Supplies Inventory Management System (SIMS) aims to streamline and improve Supplies request from each office/college/department/unit, Controlling the release of requested supplies, Monitoring and management of supplies inventory, and Inventory adjustment.

All officials, faculty members (Regular and Part-Time) and administrative employees (Regular and Casual) of the University are required to submit two (2) copies of the properly accomplished PDS that is generated from the PUP Personnel Portal (formerly the PUP Human Resource Information System, or HRIS)

PUP Webmail, SharePoint, MS Teams, Office 365 are used by faculty, administrative staff, and students

This graph shows the number of users accessing the online system grouped according to the use of Microsoft 365 Services, Microsoft 365 Applications, Email Activity and Microsoft Teams. 


O.1. Technologically enhanced system of communication enhances management coordination and cooperation.

MS Teams for online meetings and collaborations

Viber for quick exchange of communication among the groups and committees

Zoom for online meetings

⬆️ OneDrive and SharePoint for document sharing and collaboration

⬆️ PUP WebMail and Office 365 for sending inter-office announcements, executive orders, special orders, and memos

⬆️ Messenger for instant communication, calls, and cooperation

MS Word in SharePoint enables online collaboration among members. This will enable simultaneous editing of the document in real time to save time and for everybody to see.

Image courtesy of Microsoft Techcommunity 

O.2. The institution projects the image of a modern technologically enabled academic institution.

PUP bags FOI Award

For its exceptional and significant contribution to the government’s program on Freedom of Information (FOI), the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) received the 2020 FOI Award under the State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) Category) last November 25. The Presidential Communication Operations Office (PCOO) recognized PUP’s efforts towards transparency. 

PUP ranking in the Most Popular University in the Philippines by UniRank

Top Universities in the Philippines | 2022 Philippine University Ranking ( 

2017, 7th

2018, 6th

2019, 6th

2020, 6th

2021, 8th 

2022, 6th 

UniRank publishing the Philippine University Ranking of 232 Philippine higher-education institutions meeting the following UniRank selection criteria:

UniRank's aim is to provide a non-academic League Table of the top Philippine Universities based on valid, unbiased and non-influenceable web metrics provided by independent web intelligence sources rather than data submitted by the Universities themselves.

PUP ranks 72nd in the Top 200 Universities Worldwide on Facebook in 2021 

PUP ranks 197th in the Top 200 Universities Worldwide on Twitter in 2021 

The uniRank Facebook and Twitter University Ranking aim is to provide a non-academic League Table of all world Universities based on the popularity (number of likes or followers) of their main Facebook and Twitter page.

uniRank logos and badges are © ® of uniRank

PUP now part of Huawei ICT Academy

Huawei and the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) recently signed a memorandum of agreement (MOA), adding the educational institution as part of the Huawei ICT Academy. The MOA signing ceremony was held at PUP’s main campus in Santa Mesa, Manila.

The ICT Academy is part of Huawei’s ecosystem which addresses the challenge of talent shortage in the field of information and communications technology (ICT), particularly in the areas of cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI), big data, and Internet of things (IoT).


PUP Online Student Support Services Action Center (PUP OSSSAC) (Decision Making Process using IT)

PUP OSSSAC  is an online system that provides the clients (Guest, Parents, Faculty, Students, Employee, etc.) the equivalence of a one-on-one customer service like experience. Answering inquiries and providing them solutions via the OSSSAC messaging facility.

ICT Enabled Systems in the Governance and Management of the University

The PUP Document Management System for the PUP Office of the University and Board Secretary (PUP OUBS DMS) - streamline the process of agenda submitted by the Office Sectors to be presented to the board members

PUP INSTRUCTION AND TEACHING EFFECTIVENESS EVALUATION SYSTEM (PUP ITEES) - the instructional and teaching effectiveness evaluation is intended as the basis for:

Moving from silo systems into interconnected and integrated systems.

Hybrid approach in the development process such as:

Water Fall principle to Agile using Scrum.  This is a type of methodology that addresses the change management of software development to respond to immediate needs of the user. The water fall principle is a step by procedure in the development where it needs to get the requirements ahead of time. But if the users need to adjust the requirements during the creation process, the methodology will be changed to an agile approach using scrum. This is an iterative process where in the much after and quick response to constant changing requirements of the users. 

ICTO introduces IT Project Managers for each sector to guide and assist in converting their functional requirements into a computer program in the system that gives value to the university.

PUP Finance Management Portal Terms of Reference

PUP Personnel Portal Terms of Reference