The Organizational Chart


The success of the past administration of Dr. Emanuel de Guzman in laying the foundations for PUP to become an epistemic university has prepared this great institution to aim for a higher status of being the country’s National Polytechnic University.

To realize this vision for PUP, Dr. Manuel M. Muhi, the 13th PUP President, advances the Ten Pillars as his reform agenda for the University in the next four years. High in these agenda is the promotion and implementation of dynamic, transformational and responsible leadership in the whole system of the University. Through this kind of leadership, the University hopes to enhance the quality of its services to global standards. The stimulus for re-engineering the processes within PUP is the combination of various developments in the global society, namely, the changing educational needs; the proliferation of alternative learning opportunities; the emergence and availability of digital technology; and the potential of enhancing human performance and productivity, which is the central core of an institution of higher learning.

Presently, PUP continues in its efforts of re-engineering its educational processes focusing on its manpower, systems and procedures, organizational structure, available technologies, and the demands of internationalization. An organizational review that will center on streamlining the services offered by each unit through the assessment of the office mandate, adequacy of existing positions, and the analysis of procedural steps is both timely and of great strategic value.

After the adoption of the 2020-2024 Institutional Development Plan thru the issuance of the PUP President’s Executive Order No. 20, series of 2020, on November 9, 2020, the President created the Committee to Review the PUP Organizational Structure tasked to submit proposal for changes in the 2019 BOR-approved organizational structure, guided by these objectives:

After rigorous review of the consolidated proposal of the Committee by the University Finance Committee, the Executive Committee and the Board of Regents- Finance Committee, the PUP Board of Regents approved the creation of offices and/or revision of office structure of sixty-two (62) offices in seven (7) sectors of the University BOR Finance Committee on its regular meeting on March 22, 2021.

PUP - Organization Structure 2019 BOR Approved.pdf