Parameter J


S.1. The HEI has other features that enable it to achieve its goals.


The PUP-IQA is a key component of the organization which ensures the optimal performance of its quality management system. It oversees the compliance of the enrolled processes to ISO 9001:2015 Standards. Further, through the IQA, the University is able to achieve the targets set in the Institutional Development Plan particularly Objective 1: To steer the PUP community to critically review, evaluate, and re-engineer the human resources, processes, structures, and systems of the university. Below are pertinent documents in relation to PUP-IQA:


The PUP Task Force COVID-19 is an instrumental unit of the University in preparing the members of the PUP community in adjusting to the new normal. The PUP IDP specifies the goal of the Administration to provide a conducive and safe environment to students, employees, and all stakeholders which is directly addressed by the creation of Task Force COVID-19. Below are the documents about the UDRRMC and Task Force COVID-19:


The PUP Succession Plan through PUP LAMP is the Administration's response to ensure the realization of Pillar 1: Dynamic, Transformational, and Responsible Leadership and Pillar 5: Empowered Faculty Members and Employees with the end-goal of fostering and kindling leadership among its young and bright employees as well as middle managers.




The Executive Committee is the University's bastion of dynamic and transparent leadership. Its roles and responsibilities are specified in the University Code. It is comprised of the core Top Management Officials of the University from which the main decisions are discussed, formulated, approved, and recommended to the Board of Regents when necessary.

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I.1 The enabling features are fully used to enhance efficiency and effectiveness of administration


The IQA regularly conducts internal quality audit to evaluate the compliance of the enrolled processes to the standards of ISO 9001:2015. After each audit, the IQA issues Internal Quality Audit Reports that summarize their observations during the audit. The audit findings of the report are mainly categorized into a) Positive Findings, b) Observations, c) Opportunities for Improvement, and d) Non-Conformities. All process owners are informed of the results of the audit report at the end of the audit. Offices which received an observation of Non-Conformity are required to submit to the IQA Corrective Action Report as well as other documentation which show that they have addressed the NC to comply with the standards. This ensures that the administration is able to monitor the best practices in the University as well as calibrate its processes to ensure effectivity and efficiency. Below is a sample of an completed compliance of the Institute of Data and Statistical Analysis in a Non-Comformity that the office received.


The Philippines is positioned in the west of the Pacific Ocean and is sitting along the Pacific Ring of Fire which has made it vulnerable to a yearly battering from different natural catastrophes. Hence, the establishment of the University Disaster Risk Reduction Management Committee has efficiently directed all the efforts of the University in educating, preparing, empowering, and guiding the members of the community in the event that a disaster would occur while they are within the University premises or even otherwise. In 2020, the entire world was struck by a health pandemic and was forced to reset and get used to the "new normal."

To best address the concerns and needs of the members of the University in the midst of the pandemic, the administration created a special committee called Task Force COVID-19. The evidences below would show the activities conducted by the Task Force as well as the various issuances and communications and guidelines distributed to the PUP Community.

COVID-19 Initiatives

PUP Community Pantry



The PUP LAMP serves as the University's action to achieve its goal to empower its employees and faculty members and hone new breeds of leaders, managers, and administrators who are equipped with necessary and relevant knowledge and skills to perform varied roles in the University. Part of the PUP Lamp program is the submission of a capstone paper/ proposal known as the PUP Re-entry Initiative Service Excellence (PUP RISE). It is the administration's strategy to gather possible solutions to the some of the issues or gaps in the operations within the University. By clicking the button below, some sample proposals of the PUP-RISE will be shown.


The Executive Committee is the University's main agent in monitoring systems and processes, approving rules and guidelines, and addressing pressing issues and concerns. All sectors are represented in the Executive Committee which ensures that there is a collective decision and accountability in all of the guidelines being implemented in the system.

  • EXECOM Planning

  1. 2022

  2. 2021

  3. 2020

  4. 2019

  5. 2018

  6. 2017

  • EXECOM Resolutions

  1. 2022

  2. 2021

  3. 2020

  4. 2019

  5. 2018

  6. 2017

  • Executive Orders

  1. 2022

  2. 2021

  3. 2020

  • Memorandum Orders

  1. 2020

  2. 2019

  3. 2018

  4. 2017


O.1 A high-tech administrative machinery.


To successfully pass the scrutiny of third-party ISO accreditors, the documentation of an institution has to be efficient and complete. To do so, PUP IQA has selected the use of MS Teams in conducting the internal audit activity. MS Teams is an online communication platform developed by Microsoft which may be used in Teleconferencing, file storage, work sharing, and others which align with the requirements of the IQA. Through MS Teams, the administration is able to efficiently conduct the activities of the IQA and have an online storage at the same time.


O.1.2.1 Online PUP Personnel Portal (Health Declaration Form)

The PUP Administration puts premium in ensuring the safety and security of the entire community particularly its personnel because they are the backbone of the operations of the University. To monitor the health status of the personnel including the faculty members and administrative employees, the University launched the PUP Online Health Declaration Form which monitors the daily health status of the PUP workforce. PUP OHDF is linked in the PUP Personnel Portal which automatically generates the Daily Time Record of the employees.

Moreover, as a contact tracing mechanism of the University, the PUP OHDF is also linked in the PUP Visitor's Appointment Scheduling System (PUP VASS) where clients report their health status and travel history before being allowed to come in to the University.

Anyone who reports symptoms of COVID-19, are denied access to the University and are immediately contacted by the doctors or nurses of the University Medical Services Department for e-Teleconsultation.

O.1.2.2. PUP Visitors Appointment System


To best ensure that the learnings, knowledge, and skills of the select participants to PUP LAMP are maximized to the fullest, its overhead committee uploaded the presentations, recorded lectures, and other activities in the PUP eMabini Portal. By doing so, the participants are able to visit their respective accounts and review any material that was previously discussed by invited lecturers.


Aside from the OUBS-DMS, the Executive Committee uses another cloud-based storage for filing its documents particularly its Resolutions via Google Drive. This technology gave way to a more efficient and systematic retrieval of documents which translated to better service especially for those who request a copy of pertinent Execom Resolution.

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Although not a standard practice to most IQAs, the PUP IQA made it a point that its composition is well-represented by all sectors in the University. This is considered a best practice because this ensures that all sectors are involved in reviewing the ISO 9001:2015 compliance and other practices of the offices in the University and that the integrity of the performance evaluation is intact.


The UBS Document Management System is an online platform utilized by the EXECOM in sending all matters for the approval of the University Board of Regents. Each sector has unique access to the system granted to select sector representative which they use to access, upload, and monitor the status of the document.

The UBS-DMS is mainly operated and moderated by the Office of the University/Board Secretary.

It is considered a best practice because it improved greater ease of communication and faster dissemination to concerned University officials and Board members of official notices of meeting, agenda items, and other documents. Further, it has been very economical for PUP because it lessened the cost appropriated for printing and copying of documents as well as man-power hours spent for the such tasks. In addition, it has increased the efficiency of the staff involved in assisting the BOR and the Execom.


For any institution, whether pubic or private, having on active online presence is a must. This is most especially if an institution has a huge population just like PUP and the communication platforms have to be effective and . Hence PUP has taken advantage of the different communication platforms available online to appeal to the interest of its diverse stakeholders.

PUP CreaTV is one of the University's main online platform. It is an online channel hosted by YouTube which started posting news, features, online lectures, and creative shows about PUP in 2013. At present, it has 7,520+ subscribers. It's one of the ways by which PUP provides entertainment to its viewers while advertising its programs, services, and projects.

PUP Facebook Official is one of the most popular and accessible online platform of the University having 724,044 followers. PUP takes advantage of the features of the Facebook (Meta) to reach as many stakeholders in the fastest possible way. Most of the updates, advisories, and important events of the University are posted in its official Facebook account, thus, students, parents, and other stakeholders are immediately notified of such information.

Official Facebook Account

PUP is a highly diverse community and one of the goals of the administration is to create synergy among all stakeholders and other interested parties. In 2016, PUP joined Instagram, a very popular online platform among the youth which mainly features pictures and short reels. Students, faculty members, and others are able to tag PUP's account in their posts which is great in marketing and advertising the University. As of the moment, it has 10,600+ followers.


Viber offers open chat and call features for members of a certain group or community. PUP joined Viber in 2021 in the midst of the pandemic as a response to the growing need to expand its communication platforms and accommodate the members of PUP community who are active users of the platform. Currently, it has 580 members.



One of the latest technology that PUP explored and introduced to the community is an AI-assisted messaging linked to its official Facebook (Meta) account. The application is called "Sinta" which is aimed at addressing the frequently asked questions received by the University involving admission, course offerings, location of campuses and branches, and many others. This technology saved PUP many resources, including manpower hours, that are spent in answering queries of the clients.