Parameter A


S.1 The governance of the institution is clearly defined in the organizational structure

S.2 The powers, functions/duties and responsibilities of key officials are clearly delineated


I.1 The policy-making body demonstrates strong leadership and supports the institution’s programs and operations

Proof of PUP-BOR's strong leadership and support on the programs and operations (2017-2020)

PUP Annual Reports

Proof of PUP-BOR's strong leadership and support on the programs and operations (2020-2022)

I.4 The Administrative and Academic Councils function effectively.

University Academic Council Meeting - April 5, 2017

University Academic Council Meeting - November 20, 2017

University Academic Council Meeting -April 16, 2018

University Academic Council Meeting - November 13, 2018

University Academic Council Meeting - April 5, 2019

University Academic Council Meeting - November 12, 2019

University Academic Council Meeting - August 20, 2020

University Admistrative Council Meeting - August 28, 2020

University Academic Council Meeting - March 19, 2021

University Academic Council Meeting - June 4, 2021

University Academic Council Meeting - August 5, 2021

University Administrative Council Meeting - August 31, 2021


O.1 Functions of various units and implementation of programs and projects are well-coordinated

Proof of Dissemination and Receipt of E.O. No. 4, s.2021

Proof of Dissemination and Receipt of E.O. No. 23, s. 2021

Proof of Dissemination and Receipt of E.O. No. 31, s. 2021

Proof of Dissemination and Receipt of E.O. No. 35, s. 2021

Proof of Dissemination and Receipt of M.O. No. 02, s. 2018

Proof of Dissemination and Receipt of M.O. No. 02, s. 2017

Proof of Dissemination and Receipt of M.O. No. 12, s. 2019

Proof of Dissemination and Receipt of M.O. No. 14, s. 2019

Proof of Dissemination and Receipt of M.O. No. 27, s. 2018

Proof of Dissemination and Receipt of M.O. No. 36, s. 2017


Flow of Communication in the University

Sample of Processed Documents Showing that the Flow of Communication on Requests with Financial Consideration is observed.

Sample of Processed Documents Showing that the Flow of Communication on Requests on Non-Financial Consideration is observed.