List of Academic and Administrative Councils and their Functions

In PUP, there are two councils that assists the President in the management and governance of the University. These councils shall draw institutional programs and rules of discipline of the University. At present, the University Academic Council consists of four hundred thirty three (433) members and the Administrative Council consists of one hundred thirty five (135) members.

A.2.2 university administrative council

The President is assisted by the Administrative Council consisting of the Executive Vice President and Vice Presidents and Deans, Directors and other officials of equal rank which meet annually to discuss matters involving administration, management and finances and other matters concerning the conditions of employment and welfare and benefits of personnel.


There shall be an Administrative Council in the University which shall be composed of the President as Chairman, the Executive Vice President and the Vice Presidents, Deans, Directors and other officials of equal rank as members.


The Administrative Council shall review and recommend policies governing the administration, management, and development planning of the University, subject to the approval of the Board of Regents.


The President of the University shall be the presiding officer of the Administrative Council; or in his absence, his duly authorized representative.

The Head of the Human Resource Management Department shall be the Ex-officio Secretary of the Administrative Council. It shall be his/her duty to issue the notices for meetings of the Council, to keep the minutes of its proceedings, and to furnish a copy of such minutes to each member of the Council.


The Administrative Council shall meet at least once every regular term and at such times as the President may determine.

The quorum required for Administrative Council meetings shall be a majority of all its members.


Pursuant to Section 9 of RA 8292 which mandates the Administrative Council to review and recommend to the Board of Regents policies governing the administration, management, and development planning of the university for appropriate action, the PUP Administrative Council has proposed the following:


Date of University Academic Council Meeting: January 26, 2016

The University allows Saturday Service of administrative personnel to support Saturday classes and service clients who are only available during the weekend. Aside from the undergraduate programs, the PUP Graduate School, Open University System, College of Law also has more students during Saturday. Service on Saturdays is considered as Overtime service for administrative personnel while Regular Faculty members are allowed to teach part-time (part-time/overload) on the weekends.

The Saturday Overtime Services will be affected by the implementation of the Salary Standardization Law 4 (SSL4) which is retroactive from January 2016. The increase in salary will eventually deplete the University funds used to pay for part-time faculty members and casual employees since there is no budget provided by the national government according to the chair.

In order to augment the funds of the University, the Executive Committee proposed the guidelines in rendering overtime services. The proposed Guidelines was based on CSC-DBM Joint Circular No. 1, series of 2015, issued on November 25, 2015.

The President reiterated that all the suggestions will be considered to come up with the viable guidelines and the same will be reconciled with the proposed SSL4. He further stated that the impending depletion of the budget of the University due to the expected decline in the University collections in view of the implementation of the K-12 program forced the University to limit the spending and part of it is by lessening the expenses incurred in paying the Saturday overtime services of officials and staff.


Date of University Academic Council Meeting: January 26, 2016

The President, as chairman of the University Administrative Council presented the expected losses in the income/collection of the University due to the implementation of the K-12 program in the coming Academic Year. The estimated losses in collections will be from the following:

  • PUPCET Php15,000,000.00;

  • Tuition (15,000 Freshman for 2 semesters) Php44,000,000.00; and

  • Miscellaneous Fees (15,000 Freshman for 2 semesters) PhP66,000,000.00.

Estimated amount of total losses is PhP125,000,000.00.

The above collections are the source of funds for the benefits received by the officials, faculty members and administrative staff of the University.

To augment the above losses in income, the University will be hosting initially 5,000 Grade 11 students which will generate 56.25 million. Additional 2,500 will be hosted by the PUP Metro Manila Campuses and Branches which will increase the collection by 28.125 million or a total of 84.375 million. These collections will decrease the deficit (losses) of the University to more or less 41 million. Only qualified faculty members with ranks Instructor 1 to Asst. Professor 1 will be allowed to teach in the Senior High School to limit the cost on personnel services.

The President called upon the PUP community to support the austerity measures to be implemented to generate more savings.



Date of University Academic Council Meeting: July 26, 2017

The 1987 Constitution, Executive Order No. 180 and the Amended Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Executive Order No. 180 govern unionism in the public sector and recognize the rights of government employees to self-organization and enter into Collective Negotiation Agreement (CNA).

The University believes that there is already a need to submit a CNA which incorporates the current dimensions of the faculty rights and welfare in the context of the present system. The UGPUP was proclaimed by the Civil Service Commission (CSC) as a negotiating representative of the academic employees of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines as defined by CSC Certification of Accreditation No. 560. The faculty sector initiated the ratification of the provisions of the CNA and the ratification has already been completed.

The PUP Management informed the Administrative Council of the start of the negotiation with Unyon ng mga Guro Sa PUP (UGPUP) as the sole and exclusive negotiating representative of faculty members with permanent appointment of the PUP including its units and branches with respect to salaries, hours of work, and other terms and conditions of employment.

The Management also presented the ground rules to guide the negotiating panels of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) and UGPUP during the conduct of the negotiation. Each panel shall be composed of eight (8) official members from each party or team and shall be made known at least five (5) days before the actual negotiations. Alternates shall be also identified and will sit as negotiator in case of absence of a member of a panel.

These developments are crucial because the faculty members have no existing and valid Collective Bargaining Agreement with the University for already a considerable length of time.


Date of University Academic Council Meeting: August 29, 2020

The University President presented to the members of Administrative Council the new Vision and Mission, as well as the Ten Pillars which will serve as guiding objective of PUP in the course of its operation, to wit:

Vision: PUP : The National Polytechnic University

Mission: Ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities through a re-engineered polytechnic university by committing to:

  • provide democratized access to educational opportunities for the holistic development of individuals with global perspective

  • offer industry-oriented curricula that produce highly-skilled professionals with managerial and technical capabilities and a strong sense of public service for nation building

  • embed a culture of research and innovation

  • continuously develop faculty and employees with the highest level of professionalism

  • engage public and private institutions and other stakeholders for the attainment of social development goal

  • establish a strong presence and impact in the international academic community

Ten (10) Pillars

Pillar 1: Dynamic, Transformational, and Responsible Leadership

Pillar 2: Responsive and Innovative Curricula and Instruction

Pillar 3: Enabling and Productive Learning Environment

Pillar 4: Holistic Student Development and Engagement

Pillar 5: Empowered Faculty Members and Employees

Pillar 6: Vigorous Research Production and Utilization

Pillar 7: Global Academic Standards and Excellence

Pillar 8: Synergistic, Productive, Strategic Networks and Partnerships

Pillar 9: Active and Sustained Stakeholders’ Engagement

Pillar 10: Sustainable Social Development Programs and Projects


Date of University Academic Council Meeting: August 29, 2020

The Vice President for Research, Extension, and Development and Quality Management Representative, Dr. Anna Ruby P. Gapasin presented the second revision of the PUP Quality Policy Statement, to wit:

The Polytechnic University of the Philippines commits to provide inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for human advancement and social transformation through re-engineered polytechnic academic programs. Toward this end, we, the members of the PUP Community will vigorously and steadfastly endeavor to continuously improve the standard of University services to the satisfaction of our clients through the adoption and continuous review of our Quality Management System.

After review of the body, the revision was approved. Further, Dr. Gapasin reminded the administrative council members of the scheduled virtual surveillance audit on December 2020. She emphasized the need for everyone to embody the Quality Policy Statement as it will help towards the achievement of the vision, mission and goals of the University.


Date of University Academic Council Meeting: August 29, 2020

The Vice President for Administration, Mr. Adam V. Ramilo discussed the proposed COVID-19 Test Support for employees amounting to Six Thousand Pesos (PHP6,000.00) to cover a maximum of two (2) COVID-19 test per year. The Administrative Council approved the proposal subject to further approval of the Board of Regents (BOR) and to the availability of funds.

VP Ramilo also recognized the efforts of UNAKA-PUP (the union of the PUP rank and file employees) to help the administrative employees affected by COVID-19 and instructed them to coordinate with the Medical Services Department for health monitoring of employees who will be be infected by the virus.

This proposal was submitted and was approved by the Board on its meeting on September 16, 2020.


Date of University Academic Council Meeting: August 29, 2020

The Vice President for Student Affairs and Services, Dr. Zenaida R. Sarmiento introduced to the Administrative Council the Online Student Support Services which aims to address the concerns of the students of the University. Information and Communication Technology Office (ICTO) Dir. Lutzer U. Reyes then presented the details of the Online Student Support Services Action Center. Dir. Reyes stated that the system is discussed how the system works and the responsibilities of the would be- created OSSSAC TEAM which will consist of a team leader and support staff, to wit:

Team Leader Responsibilities:

  1. Check the common email.

  2. Assess the nature of support needed.

  3. Login and create an entry in the Ticketing System.

  4. Assign to the support staff who can help.

Support Staff Responsibilities

  1. Check his/her own email.

  2. Login to the Ticketing Portal System.

  3. Log the activities that has bee done.

  4. Submit/save the information in the system so that the student/client will be notified.

Dr. Reyes further stated that the system will send to the student/client the solution and will ask for the client satisfaction. If the client is not satisfied the concern will be escalated to the Team Leader then to the Subject Matter Expert.

The inquiry feature of OSSSAC was also discussed by Dir. Reyes.