Institutional Profile

Parameter C

The 2016 – 2020 and 2020-2024 vision and mission of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines is congruent with the Philippine development thrusts and National Capital Region development thrusts of pursuing quality and innovative education, social and economic development, and improvement in the quality of life of each Filipinos. With these thrusts, the university to produce students who are globally competitive that can contribute towards the improvement quality of life of Filipinos.

c.1 vision and mission statements


The 2016 – 2020 and 2020-2024 vision and mission of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines is congruent with the Philippine development thrusts and National Capital Region development thrusts of pursuing quality and innovative education, social and economic development, and improvement in the quality of life of each Filipinos. With these thrusts, the university produces students who are globally competitive that can contribute towards the improvement of the quality of life of Filipinos.

(2012 -2020)




The Institutional Development Plan of the university was revised in order to anchor with the new vision and mission statement. The new IDP from 2020-2024 expand the 2012-2020 from 8-point agenda to 12-point agenda. The new IDP emphasized on the system improvement on the process of delivery of services given to the stakeholders, ensuring welfare of the university’s administrative and faculty, and sustainable social development programs and projects.

C.2.1 The Long-Range Institutional Development Plan

The Polytechnic University of the Philippines developed its academic and non-academic activities based on the four-year Institutional Development Plan (IDP). The PUP IDP contains the vision, mission, goals and objectives, strategies, programs and projects, and budgetary requirements of the University. It is formulated through a collaborative effort of executive offices such as the Office of the President, Office of the Executive Vice President, Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Office of the Vice President for Administration, Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs and Services, Office of the Vice President for Research, Extension, and Development, Office of the Vice President for Finance, and Office of the Vice President for Branches and Satellite Campuses. After the formulation of the PUP IDP, it was cascaded as a guide in the operation of different academic and non-academic units of the university.

C.2.1.1 PUP 2012-2020 Institutional Development Plan

With the vision introduced during the term of President Emanuel C. De Guzman that is clearing the paths while laying new foundations to transform the Polytechnic University of the Philippines into an epistemic community, the university’s IDP was guided by the Eight-Point Agenda.

PUP's Eight - Point Agenda

C.2.1.2 PUP 2020-2024 Institutional Development Plan

The first page of the 2018-2020 Institutional Plan is shown below.

C.2.1.2 PUP 2020-2024 Institutional Development Plan

The 13th president of the university, Dr. Manuel M. Muhi, advances the Ten Pillars as his reform agenda in the next four years, 2020-2024. These Ten Pillars are the following:

2020 - 2024 PUP’s Institutional Development Plan

IDP Masterfile 10-12-2020.docx

C.2.2 The Annual Operational Plan

To properly and efficiently implement the Institutional Development Plan and realize the PUP Vision and Mission, the University academic and non-academic units are required to formulate, monitor and evaluate the yearly operational programs and projects through Action Plan.

C.2.2.1 Brief Description PUP Action Plan

The University action plan contains the objectives, Key Results Areas, Strategic Action Description, time schedule of implementation, and budgetary requirements for each of the Ten Pillars.

IPO Unit-Action-Plan-Template_2021.docx

C.2.3 The Planning and Review Process of the Development Plan

C.2.3.1 Brief Description PUP Action Plan

The university uses a Top-Down- Bottom-Up Sequential approach in crafting the four-year Institutional Development Plan. The procedure starts with the information dissemination by the national government, through Commission on Higher Education (CHED), on the long-term goals and objectives of the education sector that will contribute to the Philippine Development Plan (PDP). Updated policies on budget spending from Department of Budget and Management (DBM) and SUC Levelling requirements from the Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC) are also obtained to determine the proper strategic actions and expenditures to meet such policies and requirements. Based on the inputs from the national government agencies and organizations, the Office of the President consolidates and cascades these inputs to the different sector heads, specifically, the Vice Presidents who then inform the heads of offices and units under their supervision. Said inputs, together with the University Vision and Mission, and the President’s Agenda, serve as references for each office in the crafting of MUST-DO Program. Each sector will then consolidate the Must-Do programs of the various units/offices under its jurisdiction to come up a unified Sector Plan. All Sector Plans are then taken into consideration by the IDP Committee to come up with a cohesive Institutional Development Plan for the University. This prepared IDP is endorsed and presented by the Executive Committee (EXECOM) to the University Board of Regents (BOR).

C.2.3.2 Brief Description of the Review Process of the Development Plans

The university continuously and regularly conducts mid-year assessment and annual planning conference of each office, and each sector to assess if the objectives, programs, and projects indicated in the IDP are being met by the organizational unit.

C.2.4 Programs and Projects

C.2.4.1 The Planning Process

After the IDP has been approved by the BOR, periodic monitoring of its implementation and assessments of whether the action items or objectives are delivered or being met on time are being done. The said assessment forms part of the basis of an individual office or unit’s Action Plan, which is further consolidated at the Sector level and in turn are combined at the University level.

C.2.4.2 The Implementation Process

After the formulation of the Unit Action Plan, the head of offices prepares Office Performance Commitment Review (OPCR) Form and Individual Performance Commitment Review form (IPCR). The OPCR together with the Office Final Output and Success Indicators (OFOS), and Individual Performance Commitment Review (IPCR) form must be aligned with the Must-Do Program of each of the delivery units and with the IDP.

C.2.4.3 The Process of Monitoring, Evaluation, and Improvement

The University is continuously implementing various measures to monitor and evaluate the program and projects of the university. The university has different units that monitor and evaluate the performance of each delivery units such as the Institutional Planning Office (IPO), Physical Planning and Development Office (PPDO), Campus Development Office (CDO), Research Management Office (RMO), Extension Management Office (EMO), Intellectual Property Management Office (IPMO), Institute for Science and Technology Research (ISTR), Institute for Culture and Language Studies (ICLS), Institute of Human and Social Development (IHSD), Institute for Gender and Development (I-GAD), and Human Resource Management Department (HRMD).

Institutional Planning Office which is responsible for the implementation of policies relative to planning conceptualization, monitoring and evaluation of institutional and units’ performance, quality management system implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of institutional development plan. The IPO is headed by a Director who is responsible in supervision and management of the implementation of policies relative to planning conceptualization, monitoring and evaluation of institutional performance, the university’s quality management system implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of institutional development plan. The director is also responsible in the operation of the Planning Section and Monitoring and Evaluation Section; and the directors is responsible in reportorial requirements and other agency periodic reports to the management through the Vice President. The Planning Section (PS) is primarily responsible in the planning process, define strategy or direction for the University, and helping the top management to make key decisions regarding allocations of resources, performance analysis using the following roadmap and tools which includes developing strategic recommendations for optimizing performance growth of the university, benchmarking the best practices and facilitating their adoption across the university, and operation process reengineering and internal planning. The Monitoring and Evaluation Section (MES) conducts annual and quarterly review of the performance of different operational units of the university to take self-evaluation, evaluate program quality and effectiveness, and analyze and evaluate performance strategies.

The Research Management Office (RMO), is the research arm of the OVPRED and hence, is in charge of providing support services to the VPRED on both administrative and technical matters. It has two centers which are Research Support Center and Research Monitoring and Evaluation Center

The Extension Management Office (EMO) is the lead unit of the University in the design and conduct of extension work. Its vision-mission statement describes EMO as being “designed to actively participate in the pursuit of social and community development to contribute to the empowerment of its beneficiaries, partner barangays and government and private organizations in collaboration with its partner colleges, branches, and campuses through relevant and responsive extension programs designed to address their needs.

The Intellectual Property Management Office (IPMO) provides assistance to researchers to secure attractive returns in the long term from the bulk of valuable research outcomes and intellectual property. It also assists researchers in identifying possible partners within the academe, other businesses and investors to promote translation of research innovations into new products through advice and support for early stage research and development. The IPMO provides a portfolio of new technologies created through University research for licensing or collaborative development.

The Institute for Science and Technology Research (ISTR) promotes the science and technology (S&T) research agenda of the University. It integrates holistic programs to implement various strategies in pursuing researches in the fields of life science, physical science, mathematics, engineering, as well as nutrition and food technology.

The Institute for Culture and Language Studies fosters research and/or research-based and workshop-led outputs and activities across divisional and disciplinary boundaries. The Institute promotes and engages with interpretative (or hermeneutic), historical, social and political researches as well as theoretical works in the Arts and allied disciplines.

The Institute of Human and Social Development (IHSD) serves as the research hub of the Human and Social Development disciplines; institutionalizes researches and encourages experimentations and empirical research on various approaches on social development; conducts thematic seminar-workshops and conferences; publishes journals; and acts as a clearing house that supports the research requirement of the College of Human and Social Development.

The Institute for Gender and Development (I-GAD) is an office whose main objective is to pursue gender mainstreaming as a strategy to promote and uphold human rights in advocating gender equality and sensitivity in the academe, research, extension, policies, programs, and processes of the University, including its branches and campuses, in order to preserve the welfare of its clients/students and that of the Sintang Paaralan.

The Human Resource Management Department (HRMD) is responsible in the monitoring of the preparation and submission of the IPCR with commitments and the IPCR with accomplishments and ratings of the individual performers.


For the year 2012- 2020, the 8-point agenda of the university serves as the strategic plan which are:

8 Point Agenda.pptx

For the year 2020-2024, the 10-point agenda of the university serves as the strategic plan which are:

10 PILLARS.pptx