We are observing Pledge Sunday on 7 Aug 2022. As we look to the new financial year as a church, we ask you to prayerfully consider your pledges for the new year. Each of our circumstances are unique, and we only ask that you respond in faith as the Lord leads. Please read the Budget Letter and submit the e-Pledge Card as an important aspect of our Worship to the Lord.


Even as our nation celebrates National Day in the month of Aug, we want to be keeping our nation in prayer. We will do this as the larger Body of Christ in Singapore by joining other churches in LoveSingapore’s prayer event called Day of His Power. Let’s ask together for God to bless Singapore on her 57th birthday, that our nation will fulfil her purposes in God.

This prayer event will replace our usual monthly Corporate Prayer Meeting for August only.

Date: Monday 8 August, 8pm to 9.30pm

Venue: Living Sanctuary Brethren Church, L2 Auditorium

Bethesda Ground, 2 Hougang Street 22 , Singapore 538728

* Participants will need to be fully vaccinated as this event will exceed 500pax


The PLMC Conference English session recordings are now available on

The Mandarin recordings will be available from Sun 31 Jul.


The Apostle Paul established his Gentile headquarters in Antioch, and from there, the gospel spread throughout the world. In this course, we will follow Paul’s footsteps by virtually visiting the cities he travelled to including Tarsus, Antioch, Pisidian Antioch, Troas, Ephesus, Thessalonica, Philippi, Athens, Corinth in modern Turkey and Greece today.


  • Discover the significance of the events taking place in the cities visited by Paul

  • Examine some of the archaeological evidence of places and events in Paul’s life

  • Read the Scripture while visiting the various sites virtually Reflect on Paul’s life as a missionary to the Gentiles

  • Consider how we can join the work of God in the world today

Date: Saturday, 20 August 2022

Time: 10-4pm

Venue: Hybrid (Onsite & Online)

Speaker: Rev Dr Lim Kar Yong

Rev Dr Lim Kar Yong is passionate about anything related to the New Testament – the Greek language, archaeology, geography, and the history of the New Testament era. He teaches at Seminari Theoloji Malaysia and other seminaries in the region and regularly leads study tours to Israel, Greece, and Turkey. He has authored four books and numerous essays.

Register by 14 August 2022 at

For enquiries, email Kwang Meng at

ALPHA COURSE (Closing Date: 7 Aug )

Are you curious about what Christianity is? You want to share the gospel with a friend or family member, but do not know how? Join us or invite them to the Alpha Course.

The Alpha Course is an opportunity to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed environment. It is a practical introduction to the basics of Christianity centred around a talk and small group discussion.

Click HERE for testimonies from past participants.

Who is Alpha for?

Anyone can come to the Alpha Course! You don’t need to be a Christian or churchgoer to qualify. We welcome anyone who is interested to know more about the Christian faith, and what God says about life.

What is it?

Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that explore the meaning of life. A topic is explored followed by a discussion where you can freely ask questions and share your opinions. It’s fun, relaxed, and totally no pressure.


The online course will be from 13 Aug – 1 Oct 2022 (10am – 12noon) with the following schedule :

Topic & Schedule

  • Introduction: Is There More to Life Than This? 13 Aug 2022

  • Who is Jesus? Why Did Jesus Die? 20 Aug 2022

  • How Can I Have Faith? Why & How Do I Pray? 27 Aug 2022

  • Why & How Should I Read The Bible? How does God guide us?

3 Sep 2022

  • Who is the Holy Spirit? What Does the Holy Spirit do? 10 Sep 2022

  • Holy Spirit Weekend

How to be filled with the Holy Spirit 17 Sep 2022

  • How can I resist evil? How should I tell others? 24 Sep 2022

  • Does God heal?

What about the church? 1 Oct 2022

Facilitators: Team ALPHA

Venue: Blended (Online/Onsite)

Register by 7 Aug 2022 at or scan QR to register. For further enquiry, email Kwang Meng at


You may collect the Holy Communion elements on the following dates and times:

  • Sun 31 Jul, 8am to 1pm, Fellowship Hall

  • 1, 2, 4, 5 Aug, 10am to 4pm, Office Reception (weekdays except Wednesday)

  • Sat 6 Aug, 9am to 1pm, Office Reception


WSCS 86th AGM - 13 AUG 2022

Notice of Women’s Society of Christian Service (WSCS) 86th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING

Notice is hereby given that the 86th Annual General Meeting of Paya Lebar Methodist Church - Women’s Society of Christian Service has been called by the Executive Committee to be held onsite on 13 August 2022 from 9.00am to 12.00pm at Jordan Hall, Paya Lebar Methodist Church. A bento lunch will be provided after the AGM.

The 86th WSCS AGM, will be held to transact the following business:

  1. Receive the reports of the Executive Committee Officers

  2. To adopt the Audited Treasurer’s Report

  3. To elect the PLMC WSCS Executive Committee Officers for 2022-2024

  4. To confirm the delegates and reserves to attend TRAC WSCS 47th AGM

  5. Any Other Business

Register here


Scan QR code to Sign Up


We are recruiting modern contemporary dancers for the Christmas Concert segment that will precedes "The Christmas Tale - A Musical" Those who have experience and background in this energetic dance form, we encouraged you to join us and serve the Lord with your gifts.

Kindly sign up using the QR code or link.

Sign up:

Registration closes 13 August. For further enquiries –


The 2022 TRAC Special Session took place on 16 Jul 2022 and you can read the Highlights & Updates here - 2022 TRAC Special Session News Update

Our own Ps Joey has been elected to the office of Elder and we rejoice with her and thank the Lord for her life and ministry here at PLMC.


Want to know more about the pastoral ministry? Ever wanted to know what TRAC pastors do? Vocational Conversations is an interactive session where you can explore more about your calling into full-time pastoral ministry.

Hear stories and testimonies from various pastors about their journey into the vocation and how the Lord has led them. This session is especially suited for those who have an interest or are discerning their call into the pastoral ministry. Come join the conversation.


Save the dates and invite a friend to The Christmas Tale – A Musical, for the story you expect may not be the one you hear! Come join us for a Christmas Extravaganza on the evenings of 22, 23 and 24 Dec.


Pentecost celebrates the giving of the Holy Spirit as the Paraclete / Advocate and the birth of the Church. Coming 50 days after Easter, the season’s liturgical colour is red, symbolizing the Holy Spirit’s fire and the blood of the martyrs. Pentecost focuses on the gift and the work of the Holy Spirit, and the themes include God’s community (the Church), the gifts and fruits of the Spirit, and spreading the Gospel.

  • Sign up for classes, talks & courses HERE!