
I am teaching following courses:

GEO 415: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) - Every Fall

  • Theory and Lab based

  • ArcMap and ArcPro

  • Offered as service learning class in Fall 2018

  • Individual Research Project

EAR 495: Senior Research Seminar - Every Spring

  • Discussion based

  • Research proposal and research design

  • Poser and oral presentation

GEO 408: Remote Sensing - Every Odd Spring

  • Theory and Lab based class

  • ENVI

  • Individual Research Project

GEO 420: Natural Resources - Every Even Fall

  • Discussion based

  • Offered as service learning class in Spring 2018

GEO 380: Biogeography - Every Odd Fall

  • Focusing biogeography of southern California

  • Species Distribution Modeling

  • Class project

GEO 308: Cartography - Every Even Spring

  • Map designing

  • Programs: ArcGIS, ArcPro, Inkscape, Google Earth

GEO 200: Physical Geography - Every Fall and Spring

  • Introduction to physical geography

EAR 416: Earth Science for Teachers (Winter and Summer Intersessions)