Upcoming Research Presentations

Upcoming Research Presentations


We have very exciting line up of research presentations in next few weeks. Myself and my mentees are working hard to finish our presentations. I am presenting a paper entitled "Does stand structure control treeline responses to climate warming in the Nepal Himalayas?" in ecological integration symposium ( 23-24 March 2017). Lillian will present her poster related to tree-ring climate response of Abies spectabilis in same symposium. EIS is the annual event organize my the student organization related to Ecology and Evolutionary Biology of the Texas A&M University. There is very great line up of plenary speakers for this year symposium. I am very excited for this symposium. More information about the symposium can be found at the website - http://eeb.tamu.edu/eis/2017-2/.

This year Association of Geography Graduate Student - Texas A&M University is on 25 March 2017. As department prerequisite to get travel funding for AAG annual meeting, I am presenting my work related to treeline dynamics of Betula utilis (Birch) from the Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve, western Nepal. Hank is presenting his poster related to treeline mapping of the Khachanjunga Conservation Area, eastern Nepal. Cara and Rachael are planning to present their Mountain Hemlock tree-ring related work in this symposium.

Student Research Week (http://srw.tamu.edu/) is from 27 March - 31 March 2017. This year I am presenting very exciting work related to undergraduate education as a poster. Title of my poster is "Engaging undergraduate in the geosciences research: A high impact learning experience", I will talk about impact and benefits of undergraduate research experiences in this poster. Daniel will present poser related to tree-ring pattern of Birch of Dhorpatan region, and Hank will present his work related to forestline change in the Kanchanjunga Conservation Area, eastern Nepal.

In second week of April 2017, Daniel, Lillian and myself will travel to Boston for the annual meeting of American Association of Geographers (http://www.aag.org/cs/annualmeeting). I am organizing and chairing vegetation dynamics sessions. I will present my Birch treeline work in this session as well. Daniel and Lillian will present their tree-ring and climate response related study posters in Physical Geography poster session.