International Forest Day

International Forest Day

Today (April 21) is the international forest day. The United Nations General Assembly decided to observed 21 April as the International Day of Forests. Forests support life of billions of people directly and indirectly, and harvest high biodiversity. With increasing population and changing climate health of forests ecosystem is deteriorating. To mark this day, I am posting here photos of forests I visited for my field works.

Above - Abies spectabilis (Himalayan Silver Fir) dominant forest near Chandanbari (3100 m), Langtang National Park, central Nepal. This forest extends from Deurali (2700 m) to Laurebina (4000 m) of the Gosaikunda trekking route. This forest is the habitat of endangered Red Panda.

Above - Betula utilis (Himalayan Birch) dominant forest from Rugakharka area, Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve, western Nepal. Forest extend from river valley (3000 m) to forest line (3900 m). Lower part of the forest is disturbed due to Water Buffalo grazing practice.

Above - Abies spectabilis (Himalayan Silver Fir) from Barun valley, Makalu Barun National Park, eastern Nepal. This forest is the important part of Barun valley landscape. Forest along the river valley is cut down for increasing the grazing area and support the tourism activities (constructing tea houses, fire wood). However, forest around treeline elevation is less disturbed.

Above - Pinus wallichiana (Himalayan Pine) forest from Nagwal area, Annapurna Conservation Area, central Nepal. Forest is less disturb due to religious forest protection status assigned by the villagers.