Fiber Mapping

Fiber Mapping for Texas A&M Information Technology

I am working as a Graduate Researcher with Texas A&M Information Technology to create a fiber network management system for the 5500 acres that comprise the university campus. This project gives me the opportunity to apply GIS concepts to solve and improve network and database management issues. I am applying the following approaches to address the problem: (1) reviewing the existing non-geospatial computer-aided design (CAD) records to extract relevant information for the project, (2) performing field surveys to verify existing data and collect new geospatial data, (3) integrate existing and survey generated fiber optics data into GIS, and (4) developing a GIS-based user-friendly network management and database system. The final outcomes of this project will assist in future university-wide construction planning and maintenance purposes. Similar concepts will be applied to solve the network and database management issues of sewer, water, gas, and electric lines.

Following youtube video will explain the work we are doing briefly.