
Research Lab News

July 2023: Anthony attended North American Dendrochronological Field Work  at Lake Tahoe, CA

May 2023: Gabriel and Michelle graduated with MS Environmental Science degree. Congratulations!

May 2023: Victor. Graduated with BA Geography degree. Congratulations!

May 2023: Angelo, Raju, and Dr. Chhetri published a paper related to Post Wildfire Vegetation Response to the Wildland-Urban Interface: A Case Study of the Station Fire 

May 2023: Alex, Tara, Raju, and Dr. Chhetri published a paper related to Energy and Climate Change Issues Around CSUDH 

March 2023: Anthony received CSU STEM Net Studnet Research Fellowship ($2500). Congratulation! 

March 2023: Gabriel and Michelle successfully defended their master's thesis. Congratulations! 

Feb. 2023: Congratulation! Michelle for Best Presentation Award (Physical Science) at CSUDH Student Research Conference

Nov. 2022: Dr. Chhetri and lab alumni Raju Bista published a book chapter on springer Book "Environmental Change in South Asia".

Nov. 2022: Ian Yoon from Portola High School joins the group as a research assistant to learn geospatial science applications in environmental science. 

Oct. 2022: Victor, Gabriel, and Michelle presented at the Association of Pacific Coast Geographers 84th Annual Meeting, 06-08 Oct. 2022 

May 2022: Jessica and Victor received the Office of Undergraduate (OUR) Summer Research Grant.

May 2022: Angelo graduated with MS Environmental Science. Congratulations! Angelo. 

April 2022: Angelo represented CSUDH at CSU Student Research Competition - 29 -30 April 2022.

April 2022: Angelo and Jessica Ledesma presented at the California Geographical Society (CGS) Conference: 29 -30 April 2022.

April 2022: Congratulations! Jessica and Skip for the office of sustainability Green Hero Award.

April 2022: Congratulations! Raymond for Office of Undergraduate Research award. 

February 2022: Congratulations! Angelo and Michelle for best oral presentation at CSUDH Student Research Conference -2022. Angelo's title of the presentation was "Wildland-Urban Interface Controls Vegetation Recovery after Fire – A Case Study from the Station Fire" and Michelle was "Tree-Ring Growth Response of Pinus ponderosa (PIPO) to Climatic Variability in Prescott National Forest, Arizona". 

January 2022: Raju Bista (Lab Alumni) joined the Department of Earth Science and Geography as a part-time lecturer. Congratulations! Raju and welcome to the CSUDH family again. Raju graduated from CSUDH with MS Environmental Science Degree in summer 2021. 

September 2021: Andrea, Jessica, and Raymond are joining the research group as LSAMP scholars. Welcome to the group!

September 2021: Angelo De Guzman (MS Environmental Science) is joining the research group as the Los Angeles Center for Urban Natural Resources Sustainability Fellow. Angelo will research focus will be using LiDAR and SIF to Assess Vegetation Composition and Structure after the Angeles National Forest Wildfires.  

September 2021: Dr. Chhetri published a co-authored paper entitled "Forest structure and anthropogenic disturbances regulate plant invasion in urban forests" in Urban Ecosystem

August 2021: Congratulations Raju for the latest paper entitled "Climate-Driven Differences in Growth Performance of Cohabitant Fir and Birch in a Subalpine Forest in Dhorpatan Nepal". Full Article Link 

August 2021: Gabriel, Michelle, and Skip are joining the group as graduate students. 

June 2021: Jeffery Pine climate response paper is out. Tree-ring climate response of Jeffrey pine in the Cascade Creek Watershed, Northern California | Journal of Forest Science ( Congratulations! Gabriel, Michelle, Skip, and Raju for the publication 

May 2021: Congratulations! Gabriel, Michelle, and Mike for the Graduation 

May 2021: Congratulations! Mike on presenting CSUDH at CSU 35th Annual Student Research Competition. The title of Mike oral presentation was "Habitat Distribution of Bristlecone Pines in Future Climate Change Scenarios"

April 2021: Congratulations! Raju for American Association of Geographers Mountain Geography Specialty Group - Mauna Kea Student Presentation Award (Master's level)

April 2021: Dr. Chhetri co-organized three Vegetation Dynamics Sessions at the annual meeting of American Association of Geographers, 07-11 April 2021 (Virtual)

April 2021: Raju presented his talk titled "Tree-ring climate response of Jeffrey Pine in the Cascade Creek Watershed, Northern California" in Vegetation Dynamics Sessions II (North America) at the annual meeting of American Association of Geographers, 07-11 April 2021 (Virtual)

April 2021: Michelle presented her talk titled "Tree-ring climate response of Fir and Birch from the sub-alpine forest of Dhorpatan Hunting Reserve, western Nepal" in Vegetation Dynamics Sessions II (North America) at the annual meeting of American Association of Geographers, 07-11 April 2021 (Virtual)

March 2021: Congratulations Mike for First Place in CSUDH Student Research Conference 2021 (Physical and Mathematical Sciences II Category). The title of Mike's oral presentation was Distribution of Bristlecone Pines in Future Climate Change Scenario

March 2021: Congratulations Michelle for Second Place in CSUDH Student Research Conference 2021 (Physical and Mathematical Sciences II Category). The title of Michelle's oral presentation was Tree-Ring Climate Response of Jeffrey Pine in the Cascade Creek Watershed, Northern California

Jan. 2021: Congratulations Michelle for CSU Edison STEM-NET Student Research Award 

November 2020: David Saldana "Skip" has received California Climate Action Corps Fellowship. As a Corps Fellow Skip will support local climate action projects in front-line and low-income communities in LA area. Congratulations! Skip 

October 2020: Dr. Chhetri and Raju Bista published a research article entitled "How does the stand structure of treeline-forming species shape the treeline ecotone in different regions of the Nepal Himalayas?" in Journal of Mountain Science.

July 2020: Mike received CSUDH-OUR Summer Research Program funding to conduct Bristlecone Pines species distribution research

June 2020: Dr. Chhetri published coauthor paper on Tropical Ecology journal. Tree-ring climate response of two Larix species from the central Nepal Himalaya,   

April 2020: Daniel, Gabriel, Ivy, Michelle, Raju, and Skip presented their posters in "all biogeography and paleoenvironmental change considered" session in AAG Annual Meeting 2020

April 2020: Dr. Chhetri organized virtual vegetation dynamics sessions with his Colleague Dr. Jhonson from Prescott College, AZ in AAG Annual Meeting 2020.  Dr. Chhetri also presented his research related to treeline dynamics of the Nepal Himalayas 

Feb. 2020: Gabriel, Raju, Ivy presented posters at CSUDH Student Research Day. And Michelle, Daniel, Raju, Skip presented in physical science oral session at CSUDH Student Research Day

Dec. 2019: Dr. Chhetri published coauthor paper with student and colleague from Nepal in Banko Jankari: Fire history and climate-growth response of Abies spectabilis: A case from Langtang National Park, Nepal Himalaya, 

Dec. 2019: Gabriel, Michelle, and Skip presented their tree-ring research at American Geophysical Union annual meeting at San Francisco 

Nov 2019: Michelle and Gabriel selected as McNair Scholars. Congratulations! 

Nov 2019: Raju received outstanding graduate student award from the Office of Graduate Studies and Research. Congratulations! 

Oct. 2019: Raju, Michelle, Skip, Ivy, and Gabriel presented their research work at annual meeting of Association of Pacific Coast Geographers at Flagstaff

July 2019: Michelle received Judith A. King Scholarship in Earth Science and Geography for 2019-2020 academic year. Congratulations! 

June 2019: Michelle, Skip, and Gabriel collected tree-ring cores from Lake Tahoe area to understand extreme drought events

June 2019: Daniel received CSUDH LS-AMP research funding to study species distribution modeling of Bigcone douglas fir in southern California 

June 2019: Elvis started his summer internship at Southern California Earthquake Center

May 2019: Dr. Chhetri receives Norris Summer Grant from Norris foundation to study "Modeling range shift of endemic and vulnerable Pseudotsuga macrocarpa (Bigcone douglas fir) tree in California under climate change". Earth Science Major Daniel Cole-Apt will work as a research assistant in this project

May 2019: David "Skip" received CSUDH LS-AMP research funding to study Understanding severe drought events using tree-rings in Cascade Lake Watershed, California  

May 2019: Elvis, Michelle, David "Skip" presented research work at Los Angeles Geographical Society Student Symposium at Los Angeles City College 

May 2019: David "Skip" and Michelle gave guest lecture about tree-ring science in GEO 200 - Physical Geography class

May 2019: Elvis was the second place winner in the Tom McKnight Physical Geography paper competition at California Geographical Society annual meeting at Big Bear

May 2019: Elvis and Eric presented the research work at Annual Meeting of California Geographical Society at Big Bear

April 2019: Elvis, Nichole, Eric presented the research work at Annual Meeting of American Association of Geographers, Washington D.C. 

April 2019: Dr. Chhetri published coauthor paper with Ms. Thapa and Dr. Klein in Climate: Cross-Comparison between MODIS and VIIRS Snow Cover Products for the 2016 Hydrological Year,  

March 2019: Eric received PEGS-GWIE travel grant to attend Annual Meeting of American Association of Geographers at Washington D.C

March 2019: Eric received Council on Ocean Affairs, Science & Technology (COAST) Undergraduate Student Research Support Program $2500 funding

Feb 2019: Elvis received CSUDH LS-AMP research funding to study Tree-ring growth pattern along elevation gradient 

Feb 2019: Elvis, Nichole, Eric, David, Michelle presented the research work at Student Research Day on CSUDH campus 

Jan 2019: Eric and Dr. Chhetri review article  published in Journal of Forestry Research.

Chhetri, P.K. & Thai, E. J. For. Res. (2019).