A stroll along the ‘Rheology’road

Speaker: K. A. Ramya

Venue : HSB 210 (S.N.Bose Hall: Physics)

Date : 22nd June, 2018

Time: 5:30 PM


Rheology is the study of deformation and flow behavior of materials with complex structures. The objective of my talk is to introduce rheometry, starting from simple shear to combined deformation protocols, and how to classify or describe different materials based on their mechanical response. Several mathematical tools are available to analyse the response and obtain material specific signatures for predicting the sequence of physical processes occurring during deformation. Physical insights thus obtained can help speculate structural changes and sometimes it is also possible to obtain evidences of the same from visualization techniques. Based on the analyses structure-property relations can be established. Common constitutive models can be evaluated and modifications, if necessary, to capture the material specific response can be suggested. This way, one can investigate the behavior of complex materials and tailor them for applications of interest ranging from cosmetics, drug delivery to shape memory technology.

About the speaker

K. A. Ramya is a Chemical Engineer pursuing her Ph.D. under the supervision of Prof. Abhijit P. Deshpande. She is currently working on understanding the large amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS) behavior of structured materials such as semidilute polymer solutions, crosslinked hydrogels and soft glassy systems.