
QUERY Email ( request to send screenplay )

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When a request is received, reply via Email:

Subject: As per your request, please find my Big Ears Screenplay in PDF Format Attached

Blah, Blah, Blah ....

Thank you for your consideration. Gratefully, Doug __

Lawyer - I am hopeful to sign with Dinah Perez Entertainment Lawyer in Los Angeles who is highly regarded.

Manager - I seek a manager who can work with Dinah Perez or a firm she recommends from one of the top tier Management Companies of The Gotham Group, Grandview Management, Madhouse Entertainment, Bellevue Productions, Circle of Confusion or any other prestigious Management Firm.

Agency - I am ever hopeful to be represented by an agency that can work with Ms Perez and the chosen Manager and be my agent employed with one of the premier Literary Agencies such as : Agency For The Performing Arts (APA), Creative Artists Agency (CAA), Gersh Agency, ICM, Paradigm, UTA, WME, 3 Arts or Verve.

=== Big Ears Logline ===

BIG EARS ( Action Techno-Thriller) When an acoustic scientist patents a sensitive listening technology and is awarded a military demonstration trial that is cancelled by a threat from North Korea he desperately steals cartel drugs, becomes an accidental drug dealer, uses Bitcoin as payment and remote control, cell phone technology for a mile high prison break to allow his distributor to return to the streets. (60 words)


====== Prospective Query Letter ( 1 page single spaced ) ===

Big Ears is an action techno thriller screenplay that will appeal to the techie generation, incorporates creative, original tech detail concepts of video recording sensors, cell phone apps, remote wifi surveillance, use of Bitcoin payments and QR code technology, a mile high prison break, remote controlled vehicles and following a suspect with a phone app.

Although Big Ears mimics some features of Mission Impossible, detective sleuthing and MacGyver-esque themes, the sequences are completely unique. The story follows ERIC IDLE (35) an acustic who discovers and patents an audio listening technology that uses the tight grouping of molecules to transmit and record sound, to become the world's most sensitive audio technology.

Our protagonist is mild mannered, engineering scientist who becomes an opportunist, a thief, an entrepreneur, a risk taker and enters the underworld with no experience and blind naivety. Eric succeeds due to his belief never to meet his drug partners in person and never to come in contact with drugs and money at the same time.

With these principles, Eric challenges the accepted protocol of the drug world and conquers trust issues , proves his loyalty and shows compassion for the wife and family of his distributor. Eric finances the distributors family while the father is in prison and works to regain the father's freedom and exchange the guilty rival to prison.


BIG EARS is an action techno thriller story of ERIC IDLE (38) an acoustic scientist who patents a sensitive listening technology, becomes an accidental drug dealer, uses Bitcoin as his payment method , creates remote control & cell technology to succeed. BIG EARS LINK

Your Log Line Here

Big Ears LogLine

BIG EARS is an action techno thriller story of ERIC IDLE (38) an acoustic scientist who patents a sensitive listening technology, becomes an accidental drug dealer, uses Bitcoin as his payment method , remote control & cell technology to succeed. (35)

Big Ears Synopsis - Acoustic Scientist Eric Idle develops a high tech listening device, patents his product, obtains a US Military Demonstration Trial, but when all military is placed into Defcon 4 by a threat from North Korea his opportunity to display his sophisticated technology is lost.

Dr Idle's demonstration trial is cancelled but his device accidentally overhears a drug cartel plan to move their product. Eric boldly decides to steal their drugs and uses his acoustic torpedo’s technology to bring the shipment back to the United States. Eric uses cell phone & distance video technology to track, monitor and establish contact with a drug dealer to distribute his stolen product.

Eric's distributor LEONARD is shown how to pay with Bitcoin and establish a flourishing, untraceable business without the two ever meeting. Eric points out how if the two never meet, they will never be implicated as conspirators. Distributor Leonard undercuts his rival drug distributor MONTY with better quality, lower prices and Monty has Leonard framed and sent to prison.

Eric watches MONTY with a unique digital telescope using cell phone technology and tracks Monty into Mexico where Eric plants drugs on Monty vehicle with an Remote Control model and has Monty charged with smuggling and sent to the same prison as Leonard.

Eric utilizes his cell phone technology experience to modified an approved radio smuggled into the prison to communicate with Leonard and executes a daring helicopter prison break from a mile above the prison and has Leonard's sentence erased but adds additional years to rival Monty’s sentence.

Leonard vows never to return to prison so he takes over Eric's role as distributor and Eric becomes a Bitcoin Cryptocurrency miner operating a data mining farm.

Concept 2 lines Synopsis = 2 pages Treatment = 30 pages Beat Sheet = List of Events (three pages Max. Each beat 2 sentences ) Outline = list of each scene

BIG EARS Screenplay is available for viewing in PDF format (100 pgs) by emailing Doug Gordon Vancouver BC Canada myscreenplayca (at )gmail.com

Create an Elevator Pitch ( 30 sec, 90 wds, 10 lines )

EP Premise = You step on your elevator. realize that the person who pushed the 30th floor button is the Director of your dreams and you have 30 seconds ( 30 floors ) to give him your Screenplay Elevator Pitch. Your 30 second Elevator Pitch is an encapsulated version of your LogLine, 90 words or less and no more than 10 sentences.

Hello ... My name is Doug Gordon and I have written a 100 page, techno thriller action screenplay about an acoustic scientist who patents a sensitive listening technology and is awarded a military demonstration trial that is cancelled by a threat from North Korea. In desperation he steals cartel drugs, becomes an accidental drug dealer, uses Bitcoin as payment and remote control, cell phone technology to pull off a mile high prison break to allow his distributor to return to the streets. This Academy Award winning Screenplay just needs to be read before it is produced and accepted by millions of movie fans. Would you consider reading two pages? Listen to Big Ears Audio Elevator Pitch (105 words http://fromtexttospeech.com/ )