

Chinese Digital Yuan Coin

The Digital Yuan, also known as Digital renminbi, or digital RMB or e-CNY or Digital Currency Electronic Payment (DCEP) has been authorized by the Chinese Central Bank who awarded sale of Digital Yuan tokens to YuanPay Group to distribute to the public. YuanPay expects new customers to open an account with the deposit of USD $250 but will not accept Canadian or USA telephone numbers on their registration form at https://yuanpaygroup.com/

To aid the promotion of the new Digital Yuan, the Chinese Government has handed out more than $40 million in red envelopes with digital yuan inside to promote the use in retail stores. A Digital Yuan wallet is forthcoming to store digital yuan given away.

The Industrial and Commerce Bank of China (ICBC) and the People’s Bank of China (PBoC) are using the BSN Network ( https://www.bsnbase.com/p/main/index ) to administer e-CNY movement. These banks have become the first in the country to launch the Digital Yuan together with Huawei Mate40 smartphones will integrate a Digital Yuan software wallet app. No mention of how encryption on the phone will protect additional digital yuan added to the Huawei app.

The latest projects which have joined the BSN are ShareRing, Solana, Algorand, Polkadot, and Oasis. Thirty more public blockchains are set to join China’s network this year. The BSN will have access to full financial knowledge regarding all transactions and individuals who use its services. This feature they believe is completely justified as it would be abnormal for any bank to work with anonymous clients.

The Chinese government will monitor the use of their Digital Yuan, which citizen buys it, who receives it, what it is spent on and who possess it just as easily as their Social Credit System. How Does China's Social Credit System Work? = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVkWokLqPOg

I believe the digital yuan is the largest threat to the West that we’ve faced in the last 30-40 years. - Kyle Bass, Chief Investment Officer

There is no need to "Register" as I don't collect email address's . But if you find additional knowledge, send me a link . - Doug Vancouver BC Canada