
The Blockchain is a collection of blocks containing data, linked together with other blocks in a chain that can not be edited once created. This blockchain is made public on the Internet and available to millions of blockchain readers. By making the blockchain public, the datablock is forever linked to it's neighboring blocks and creates an audit trail (an open ledger) for all to read where the block came from and where it was transferred to. Each blockchain address can be identified, so the last known address still owns the data within the block. There is no need to Register here, as I do NOT collect email addresses. But if you have links to share, send to Doug

Blockchains began with cryptocurrency but are now being used in many other industries.

Uses of Blockchains are in Cryptocurrencies, Smart Contracts, Financial services, Video games, Energy Trading, Supply Chain, Mining, Food Supply, Shipping, Anti-counterfeiting, HealthCare, Domain Names, Musician payment, Insurance, Proof of Existence. Each blockchain contains a timestamp to authenticate the exact time and date of each entry.

Data combines the value of blockchain technology shown in Chart 1 (calculated by Statista) with cryptocurrency’s market value in Chart 2 (listed by CoinMarketCap and predicted by Blocklr). All figures are rounded to the nearest 100 million.