CryptoBank - The Ultimate Storage

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The Market

There are 460 Million Bitcoin Users who purchased Bitcoin Wallets and need a place to safely store their assets. 

The CryptoBank is designed for long-term storage, not for crypto-traders who are buying and selling regularly.   ( )

Crypto Offline

Our Cryptocurrency is always STORED OFFLINE.  Each movement into or out from our crypto vault may require up to seven (7) business days to complete and any change in the registered owner details may take up to 30 days with verbal confirmation for security. Cold Storage Offline is the only secure storage.

 Storage Simplified

Your digital coins come with a two-part address/key.  The public key and the private key.  This numerical info must be stored in a paper wallet, a hardware wallet, on a mobile phone app, on an online exchange app or now a Bitcoin-Card.  If you make multiple purchases, you may need a spreadsheet to record the date, amount spent, price of the coin at that time and where you purchased.  All this information may be required for tax declaration or capital gain declaration.

Your CryptoBank can simplify all this recording and keep all your transactions together.

Server Rack Storage

Of the 18.5 Million Bitcoins created so far, around 20% ( or 3,700,000 BTC— currently worth around $140 Billion — appear to be lost or otherwise stranded / lost wallets. 

Our CryptoBank Storage Vault could safely store those $140 Billion in an offline serverfarm and provide monthly statements to reflect the increased value of coins held in trust and appreciating as crypto increases.  This does not require creating a public crypto exchange, risking capital or marketing services.  Simply a Storage Vault


Although Bitcoin was the first to appear, there are 5,098 other Altcoins attempting to become #2 crypto and these other coins need protection and storage facilities.  There are 296 known Crypto exchanges, but not one exchange that advertises a secure storage vault.  

Your deposits are protected with a verification process like  to insure all deposits and withdrawals are confirmed with digital dust that has been created by the owner.

Bitcoin Ownership

To own Bitcoin, you have to exchange cash money ( FIAT Currency ) and show your QRcode that sends your bitcoin someplace digital.  That QRcode shows where the Bitcoin came from, how much and who it was sent to and creates a digital audit trail on the public Blockchain that can not be tampered with.  Now you need to move the money to a Bitcoin owner and do it electronically on the internet.  QRcodes ( an image ) can be sent from one person to another via email, via online exchanges, person to person ( LIVE ) or even virtually as in a Zoom phone call.


Send & Receive with QR

You exchange money for Bitcoin, but movement & ownership of Bitcoin is done using  a QRcode.  This image contains where your purchase came from, who you are, how much Bitcoin is in the code and if you send it or spend it, where you sent it to.  This QRcode displays all this information on the "Public Blockchain" readable audit trail that can NOT be modified. 

Create your own CryptoBank 

A CryptoBank does not require any "Cost of Goods".  This CryptoBank is like operating a storage locker.  Once signed  up we supply a locker and padlock, you supply your own crypto to fill your locker and we send you a statement every month showing how much crypto you are storing, what the value WAS, what the value is NOW and that's it.

The CryptoBank is a secure vault to store and park your cryptocurrency.

If someone should discover your Crypto Currency and your private key that allows the finder to move your currency to another computer, the blockchain leaves a trail of "Breadcrumbs" on the internet to show where your coins are and who the owner of the account owns the coins.

We know you are the crypto coin owner but you did not just create them, you bought the coins from somewhere and sent them somewhere else for safekeeping.  This is one case where "Possession is nine-tenths of the law" does NOT apply.  Knowledge of the public key AND the private key means you own the combination of the padlock which unlocks coins and have the right to move them to where you want.

There is no need to "Register" as I don't collect email address's .   But if you find additional knowledge, send me a link .

- Doug   Vancouver BC Canada