
CodeWar ( The Screenplay ) is a hypothetical movie staring Tom Cruise as the lead actor forced to defeat a band of cyber terrorists determined to start world war three by using computer code.

CodeWar describes the next war fought by keyboard cowboys from the comfort of their homes in foreign countries using the top 10 types of hack attacks: Denial-of-service (DoS), distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, Man-in-the-middle (MitM) attack Phishing and spear phishing attacks, Drive-by attack, Password attack, SQL injection attack, Cross-site scripting (XSS) attack, Eavesdropping attack.

The hackers use virus' and malware software code inserted into a website that can attach itself onto a computer user who visits the site. The most common method is to make a visitor click on an executable file that installs itself to the visitors computer hard drive. Inside this malware software, are instructions to parse through each file on the host computer looking for specific words. These words are in plain sight and the file containing this word is stored and saved inside the malware and sent to the developers secret site that will not link back to the developers country of origin.

Economics of Hacking

The cost of hiring a computer hacker compared to sending a platoon of soldiers into a country is a "No Brainer". A single hacker can cause more damage to a country than financing a mini-war and the hacker can inflict the PAIN within minutes whereas the mini-war could take weeks to organize.

Hacking Alerts

Our story begins with multiple notifications from security companies hired by sensitive servers to let the system operator know that there have been attempt to login to the server and each attempt sets off an alarm that a denial of service (DoS) has been issued to let the perp know that their attempt has failed.

Buffer overflow attacks are the most common form of DoS attack. The attack is to send more attempted logins to a network address than the programmers have built the system to handle. If enough DoS attempts are made, the server may crash and allow default logins to gain access will follow.

A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack occurs when multiple systems orchestrate a synchronized DoS attack to a single target from many locations at once

2022 - Anonomous DDOS Tools =

2022 -

2021 - Israel Pegasus Mobile Phone Hack is astonishing =

2021 - Hacking =

Dan Tentler =

Brian Seymour could add his coding skill to the plot.

2022 Brett Callow of Emsisoft ( could help.

No need to register as I don't collect emails - Doug

============ Codewar ======

Our film opens with a gamer playing a brand new online game. This game has received all the best hype to make gamer's believe it is the next big game to compete in. Each level of the game is designed to be harder and harder and newbie gamers drop off the "Winners List" so that eventually only the top gamers survive.

This game was created to demographically profile the users so the game developers in China know the gamers name, location, age, email, phone number and other contact information. Each level of the game shows the developers how much coding knowledge the gamer has. As time progresses, the developer will offer the gamer a money reward for performing a task and pay the gamer in Bitcoin.

This gamer is being led down a rabbit hole that eventually leads to the gamer writing code for the developer and sending the finished game to other gamers to try and infect their computers with Malware. As more and more computers are infected, the malware is updated, modified and encouraged to hack into more sensitive computers.

As each hacker is unaware they are infecting each computer they hack into, the software goes ET. ( ET phone home ) and sends the login routine to the mother ship that created the malware.

The game developer has a long list of websites to visit to attract gaming coders. Starting with gamer tournament websites, the developer creates a catchy ad to place on websites announcing upcoming tournaments offering a cash prize and places a link to auto-register for yourself and other gamers on your team. By including gamer friends, the developer can obtain their contact email, phone number, age, name and location. This will be valuable for future contact and asking for that friends list of gamer contacts to add to the Big List of Contacts.

Running the tournament on the Tor network will further ensure the gamers are tech savvy and provide additional assurance that these gamers are anonymous. The countries most hackers come from are China, United States, Turkey, Russia, Taiwan, Brazil and Romania so all info is provided in the gamers language and the language they choose to read is stored against their name, so even if they attempt to disguise their country of origin, we can detect their home.

=== needs work ===

Twitter has said the hacker gained access to a company dashboard that manages accounts by using social engineering and spear-phishing smartphones to obtain credentials from “a small number” of Twitter employees “to gain access to our internal systems.” Spear-phishing uses email or other messaging to deceive people into sharing access credentials.
