Smart Contracts

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A Smart Contract is software code created using the decentralized, open-source Ethereum 2.0 Network and placed onto the Ether Blockchain Network. Ethereum ( ) is the most actively used blockchain after Bitcoin.

Smart Contracts are Immutable and can NOT be changed once created. Useful features include Multi Signature wallets requiring 2 or more signatures to withdraw funds, Smart Crowdfunding that verifies deposits have been received and Smart Paid contracts that release funds once a Delivery has been confirmed. Smart Contracts are often written in the Solidity Language for code

Smart Contracts make you anonymous, display trust, provide a backup, safety, speed, savings and accuracy.

Smart Contracts (SC) are

A transaction on the Ethereum Blockchain Network

A SC is triggered by an Externally Owned Account (EOA).

A SC contains a "Contract Code" & 2 public keys

1st public Key provided by the Contract Author

2nd public Key is a digital identifier of the contract

Smart contracts are distributed to all nodes on the Ethereum network.

Smart contracts can automate & execute tasks & programs.

Smart contracts can remain "dormant" & then self execute tasks.

Smart contracts can NOT be changed but CAN be deleted by author.

Smart contracts can be deleted if a task is implimented.

Smart contracts can create decentralized applications (DApps)

Smart contracts can interact with parties not known to each other.

Smart contracts are visible to anyone on the public blockchain.

Smart Contract Code

Smart Contract ("SC" ) Uses

SC to track packages shipped

SC to track payments, Real Estate progress, purchase of public shares

SC could determine who was at fault in an automobile crash

Speed up Banking Contracts and VerifyID Digital Identity of participants

An SC could be used to create a time and date stamp to verify entry or document viewing

A simple SC can cost $7000 - $45,000 up to $100K for custom SC

Ethereum “Gas” is the fee that is charged to post on the Ether blockchain network

2021 July Looking at the DeFi ecosystem competition

Smart Contracts by Platform

Top Smart Contract Developers

1 India

2 India

3 Pakistan

4 India