
PublicSpeaker can make you Famous.

Parked at No need to Register. I DO NOT collect emails - Doug

If you receive your 15 minutes of FAME it is important to speak intelligently and say something your audience will like. Learn to become a good PublicSpeaker here.

Follow the links to fame and fortune.

The process of Public Speaking should include: Preparation, Writing the Speech, Practicing & timing, preparing Visual Aids & getting ready for questions & answers. Be careful if you are considered an expert in any field. You may be asked to speak on your area and knowing the subject and speaking without warning could make or break your reputation.

Just because you have memorized a Barack Obama speech, don't think that you can duplicate it. It takes years of practice to deliver a compelling speech. If you are standing in a crowd, just finished a soccer game or are watching a fire, if a microphone is thrust in your face, the words you say could make or break your reputation.

Effective public speakers should have: Confidence, Passion, able to be Yourself, modify your voice volume, keep the story short, connect with the audience, paint a visual story in their mind and repeat the highlights.

Barack can hold a crowd

Use your mobile phone to record a couple of lines of your topic and then LISTEN to hear how you sound.

Open Android Voice Recorder or IOS Voice Memo, push the RED record button, speak into the bottom of the mobile phone where the microphone is and then press STOP and then play to listen. Use a clock or stopwatch to time the length. Shorter is better. Ask a spouse or friend to listen in person to your recording.


Android =

Open Android Voice Recorder or IOS Voice Memo, push the RED record button, speak into the bottom of the mobile phone where the microphone is and then press STOP and then play to listen.

Think what your listeners might ask you and what your answers might be.

An elevator pitch is a brief, compressed speech using a minimum of words that you can recite in the time it takes an elevator to travel from the lobby to the 30th floor. Write the words, cut out any extra words, memorize the 2 sentences and then practice saying the pitch over and over until it rolls off your lips. Refine the words until you can say them in your sleep.

Elevator Pitch Winner =

How To Create Your 30 Second Elevator Pitch! =