Future Screenplay Projects

"The Screenplay" describes how  a group of young actors, writers, directors & producers come together to write, act and produce a project so that they can work in the industry and wins an Academy Award.

"The CodeWar" is a movie about war that starts with malware, infected computers and countries that fight each other using the internet rather than using boots on the ground and bombs.

"The CoinSafe" is a story about the safe storage of bitcoin in the digital age.

"Digital Disappear" is a book or screenplay about a man (or woman) who sells all their assets and disappears off-grid to enjoys life as a bitcoin crypto-miner using cryptocurrency to pay for everything including phone, food, accommodation, dating, Uber and lives life as a virtual human by hoarding Crypto.  Needs work.

Russian oligarchs = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_oligarchs

Oligarchs Hack

This is the story of a group of elate hackers joining together to break into the accounts of the most prominent Russian Oligarchs.  These Oligarchs were Putin's closest friends and repaid Putin with funds from their enterprises.

From the Yeltsin era:  Boris Berezovsky, Mikhail Fridman, Vladimir Gusinsky, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Vladimir Potanin, Alexander Smolensky, Pyotr Aven, Vladimir Vinogradov, Vitaly Malkin

From the Putin era include Roman Abramovich, Alexander Abramov, Oleg Deripaska, Mikhail Prokhorov, Alisher Usmanov, German Khan, Viktor Vekselberg, Leonid Mikhelson, Vagit Alekperov, Mikhail Fridman, Dmitry Rybolovlev, Vladimir Potanin, Pyotr Aven, and Vitaly Malkin.

Winning Numbers

Winning Numbers is the story of a person who assembles a team to hack into a very secure server to replace a video and legally walk away with millions for each team member.  The story unfolds with the team leader (Mike) researching and then approaching potential members of the team.  As the hack is the most important aspect of the project, Mike starts researching hacking groups seeking someone who has stood out from his peers and is both quiet and anonymous.   Mike finds a method of contacting the hacker with an offer to pay to find the right person.  Mike is determined to become invisible both now and into the future so that if the project fails each member will not be able to identify other members.  This will become a blind team.

The next person required for the team is a graphic artist experienced in video production.  Mike searches for someone who has won contests and provides examples of their work to review.  Mike records the top three winners in each contest until the names can be remembered.  Mike needs to have some trust insurance, so he researches each person , their background, their friends, family, work peers and anyone the winner would protect to keep them safe.

Death to Putin

This is a conceptual screenplay about attracting Billionaires to finance a Reward Killing of Putin in Russia.  As the whole world is unhappy with Putin, a group finds Reward Money to pay to a group of activists who take Putin out with  hacking, poisons, drones and AI to co-ordinate a project to  kill Putin.

Academy Screenplay

This screenplay uses sponsor money to buy an LA residence to house aspiring actor-types who join together to write, direct, edit, promote and find all the necessary sponsors  of a winning screenplay with the express purpose of winning an Academy Award.  This movie will take the viewers through all the specific details of how a movie is written, sponsorship, star selection, crew selection and how the whole film is crafted with selected people to win the big prize.

Mobile Phones with Crypto

Once upon a time, I bought a used phone and realized the preious owner had bought crypto.  I contacted a hacker and employed him to create a hack that fits on a thumb drive, so I could insert it into a phone and search for the qr code that is used to move crypto around.

Government Sell Bitcoin

The USA Federal Government has the right to follow, hack, listen-in and seize proceeds of crimes.  Sometimes those proceeds are Bitcoin and they seize and sell the Bitcoin for cash.  Where that cash goes is anyone's guess.  It is a numbered account, tracked by the blockchain audit trail and pooof, where did the proceeds of a QR code go to.  Crypto geeks work for the government and can make the Bitcoin disappear and leave the correct amount sitting in an empty account.