Welcome to MyScreenplay

I'm 75 yrs old. My "Best Before Date" is fast approaching. The following are my un-followed views on screenwriting. Feel free to develop for the price of lunch. -Doug Gordon, Vancouver BC Canada

A Movie CAN NOT be made without a Screenplay:

Your Screenplay could be the next big Movie. Your LogLine displayed here will be seen by the industry groups that can review your writing brilliance. There is NO COST to display.

Literary Lawyer will negotiate the option (ing) or outright sale of your screenplay on your behalf.

Management Company will steer you to the extensive list of Talent Agents.

Literary Talent Agencies will represent you to Producers, Directors and Film Studios.

Without your screenplay, the Actor can not Act.

All these people and the companies they represent only speak to each other .... not to a writer directly. Experience has taught the Industry to only consider your screenplay through your agent and not to contact you directly, so you require an agent to advocate for you.

Your LogLine displayed below will draw attention to your screenplay, lead to clicking on your link to your query letter, your beat sheet, your synopsis and link to your screenplay in PDF format. Did we mention it was FREE?

LogLines This Month

=== Big Ears Logline ===

BIG EARS ( Action Techno-Thriller) When an acoustic scientist patents a sensitive listening technology, is awarded a military demonstration trial, is then cancelled by a threat from North Korea, he desperately steals cartel drugs, becomes an accidental drug dealer, uses Bitcoin as payment and remote control, cell phone technology for a mile high prison break to allow his distributor to return to the streets. (60 words) https://wordcounter.net/ BIG EARS LINK

READ MY SCRIPT - The Screenplay

Read My Script is the Collaborative Written Screenplay that describes the whole screenwriting process, from watching a film, realizing that all movies have a screenplay to direct the actors what to do and say, creating the dialog, following the prescribed format that all screenplay follow, finding people to read your script, rewriting and presenting your screenplay to the industry with query letters, obtaining an agent and having your screenplay sold and produced. The Academy Awards acceptance speech with 12 writers on stage. https://goo.gl/MJormb


During the Nazi invasion of Russia, a gifted Soviet chemist is summoned to a secret lab and charged with a disturbing, unnatural task: administer her experimental stimulant to keep five prisoners awake for 15 days. But she quickly discovers that — even in the absence of sleep — nightmares will find their own way in. Now, she and her test subjects must battle the terrifying demons they’ve unleashed from within themselves.

ALGONQUIN - ( by Eddie Swiss eddieswiss )

Five friends take a camping trip in Algonquin Provincial Park to help their friend cope with the suicide of his girlfriend. Their weekend quickly turns into a living nightmare as they soon become lost within the deep woods and discover that an ancient spirit that lives within the park has been responsible for the disappearances of the last few hundred years.

UGLY CHORDS - Horror-Comedy Feature Film

A college-aged metal band treks across the country to play a gig in a small backwater town. As they play their set, a bad strain of pot is passed around and a large number of concert-goers become infected and develop a serious case of the munchies.


Jack, A 15y.o. Pathological liar, is participating in a time travel experiment where he will receive a message from himself 20 years in the future. When the experiment fails, Jack begins to lie about what his future self said. But when Jack’s predictions begin to come true, he’ll have to decide if it’s alright to continue his lie, or tell the truth at the expense of his own happiness.

Your Log Line Here

BIG EARS Screenplay is available for viewing in PDF format (100 pgs) by emailing Doug Gordon Vancouver BC Canada myscreenplayca (at )gmail.com

Concept = 2 lines, Synopsis = 2 pages, Treatment = 30 pages, Beat Sheet = List of Events (three pages Max. Each beat 2 sentences ), Outline = list of each scene