
spacejamedition's skin in Minecraft Tribes V
spacejamedition's skin in Minecraft Tribes VII: All-Stars

Player Summary

spacejamedition is a player participating in the fifth season of Minecraft Tribes.

Player Stats

Minecraft Tribes V

Tribe(s): Ondu

Finish: 4/8

Alliance(s): Ondu Alliance

Challenge Wins: 5

Votes Against: 5

Days Lasted: 6

Minecraft Tribes VII: All-Stars




Challenge Wins:

Votes Against:

Days Lasted:

Minecraft Tribes V

spacejamedition's Voting History

[PIS] - As spacejamedition had been cursed with the Poison Ink Sac from Day 2 until the merge, he was subject to an extra vote.

º - On Day 4, spacejamedition was due to attend an Elimination Ceremony, but due to the disqualification of f_urrry, he had no need to vote.

Minecraft Tribes VII: All-Stars

"Surviving against the odds of a struggling tribe, they made it to the merge all alone from their original tribe and played the rest of the game with unfamiliar faces. Playing the underdog game quite well, they became liked and planned to be taken to the final 3, but as a result of the original target winning immunity, was instead voted off as the only other option one day short of the finale. With prior experience from hard luck, will they overcome the obstacles needed to win?"