
DerpyChoco52's skin in Minecraft Tribes VI
DerpyChoco52's skin in Minecraft Tribes VII: All-Stars

Player Summary

DerpyChoco52 is a player who participated in the sixth and seventh seasons of Minecraft Tribes.

Player Stats

Minecraft Tribes VI

Tribe(s): Dwyrain, Dwyllewin

Finish: 4/9

Alliance(s): Dwyrain Alliance

Challenge Wins: 5

Votes Against: 6

Days Lasted: 6 {4}

{   } = Days lasted not on Redemption Island

Minecraft Tribes VII: All-Stars




Challenge Wins:

Votes Against:

Days Lasted:

Minecraft Tribes VI

DerpyChoco52's Voting History

º - JivJiv2001 used a Hidden Immunity Idol on Fox_Trot44, negating DerpyChoco52's vote against her.

Minecraft Tribes VII: All-Stars

"In his season, he made an impressive showing in the pre-merge, being an early finder of idol clues and positioning himself as the swing vote within his tribe. He was voted off after the merge due to plain unfortunate circumstances, won his way back into the final 4 when it counted, but couldn’t penetrate the tight alliance in the end-game. Does he have the ability to find himself in a better position this time?"