Keys to the British species of family Limoniidae

This family as well as the others in Tipuloidea have been covered by a series of test keys by Stubbs and Kramer. These are published on the Catalogue of the Craneflies of the World site ( Click on the Literature tab and type Kramer in the author box and 2016 in the year box. You will then find a list of keys starting with Stubbs, A.E.; Kramer J. 2016a.

The key to British subfamilies includes a detailed introduction to the wing venation of this group.

Family Limoniidae, key to British subfamilies.pdf

Keys to species in subfamily Limoniinae

Subfamily Limoniinae genus Helius key to British species.pdf
Subfamily Limoniinae, genus Rhipidia key to British species.pdf
Genus Symplecta key to British species.pdf

Afrotropical Limoniidae

Afrotropical species of genus Atarba.pdf