Key for the identification of British Cerambycidae
According to Duff's checklist of British Coleoptera there are 67 species of Cerambycidae (longhorn beetles) which are either native or introduced with viable populations in the wild. These are classified in 6 subfamilies
Subfamily Prioninae (1 genus, 1 species)
Subfamily Lepturinae (18 genera, 25 species)
Subfamily Spondylidinae (3 genera, 5 species)
Subfamily Cerambycinae (16 genera, 19 species)
Subfamily Lamiinae (11 genera, 17 species)
Since Joy's 1932 publication, Duffy gave updated keys in the Royal Entomological Society's Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects. This publication is available under a Creative Commons License at The file below has been adapted from Duffy's work with substantial modifications using German works by Harde (1966) and Lompe (2013). Refinements have been made with checking against museum and personally collected specimens with line drawings and photographs added.
Please continue to send any comments about parts of the key that don't work. I want to ensure that the information is accurate. The keys are supposed to be "living" documents.
This latest version of the key includes distribution and status information from Alexander (2019) A Review of the Status of beetles of Great Britain and has the "status" updated to the NBN Atlas as at May 2020