Keys for the identification of British leafhoppers

There are a large number of leafhoppers in Britain, classified in nine families

A key to British families of Homoptera-Auchenorrhyncha.pdf

Family Aphrophoridae

Family Aphrophoridae key to British species.pdf

Family Cicadellidae

Family Cicadellidae key to the British subfamilies.pdf
Family Cicadellidae - a guide to the male and female abdomen.pdf
Family Cicadellidae, subfamily Idiocerinae key to British species.pdf

Subfamily Deltocephalinae

Subfamily Deltocephalinae British tribes and some genera.pdf
Tribes Athysanini and Fieberiellini key to genus.pdf
Tribes Deltocephalini and Paralimnini key to genus and some species.pdf
Tribe Macrostelini key to British species.pdf

Subfamily Typhlocybinae

Family Cicadellidae, subfamily Typhlocybinae key to tribe and genus.pdf
Family Cicadellidae, subfamily Typhlocybinae, tribe Empoascini key to British species.pdf
Family Cicadellidae, subfamily Typhlocybinae, tribe Typhlocybini keys to British species.pdf

Family Delphacidae

Family Delphacidae key to British species.pdf