Thursday 25th April

Radio program Spanish history in five minutes

Monday 4 th March 

Here you have Nathan's example . It can help you to write your ideas about your project.

Remember that you have to practise  during this week in order to explain it next Monday the 12th!!

En este enlace tenéis el ejemplo que escribió Nathan en la pizarra . Os puede ayudar a escribir vuestro resumen, Practicadlo durante la semana, para exponerlo el próximo lunes, día 12.

Monday 19 th February

I assume that you are finishing the lap book ( Two first points). In case, you have not finished it, you have to take home and do it.(You organize your group members).

Here you have some ideas about the last points of the lesson. Read carefully, look up the words you don't know, and write them in your notebook. You can use to finish the project next Monday in class. You also can use our book.

( Supongo que estáis terminando el lap book ( los dos primeros puntos). En el caso que no sea así, tenéis que llevarlo a casa y terminar ( poneros de acuerdo entre los miembros del  grupo).

 Os dejo un resumen de las ideas más importantes de los últimos puntos del tema. Leedlas despacio y buscad las palabras que no sepáis, apuntadlas en el cuaderno. Podéis utilizar, esas ideas para terminar el trabajo, el próximo lunes en clase) Podéis usar también nuestro libro de Social Sciences)

 He quitado el enlace del kahoot, porque caduca. Cuando lo vayáis a practicar se lo enviaré a Belén o a Nathan.

Monday 8th January

This is the glossary, with the most important words in this lesson.

Read and review these words. ( You can print these page or write it in your notebook)

Monday 27th November

New lesson about this unit: What happened during the Age of the discovery?

You should read carefully this page  and look the words up the dictionary if you don't understand.

You only have to read it !! We'll do exercises next Monday in class.

 Monday 6th November

Homework, next week: ( Monday 20th) You have to complete the two worksheet. You can use this links  to complete the exercises.

And here you have some games to practise.


Monday 6th November

 You sholud read the text "The catholic Monarchs" and copy the works you don't know. Look the word up the dictionary.

Here you have the link.

Monday 23rd October

Homework next week.

Read this text about the Catholic Monarchs and the Inquisition.

You can watch this video about them as many times as you want.

Monday 16th October

Homework next week.

Open the link and do exercises 3 and 4.

We 'll  check the answers next week.

MONDAY 9th october 

Unit 1: Early modern Spain

Homework 😀

Terminar el mapa de los viajes de Colón  ( Paint a world map representing Christopher Columbus journeys)

Responder al cuestionario ( You have to answer the 8 questions. You can find  the answers using the text and the map.)

GAMES  to  play  about Columbus.