Michael Saltzstein Discusses HR’s New Post-Pandemic Roles

After working with numerous HR personnel, Michael Saltzstein has noticed a definite shift in the job description, especially in the post-pandemic world. Following the significant disruptions to global economies that have forced companies worldwide to realign their priorities, HR has become a crucial department in maintaining morale and handling employees.

Consider some of HRs new roles and responsibilities:

Employee Welfare is Now Compulsory

With record-breaking unemployment up and down American businesses, HR has to improve employee retention and seek new talent for companies. If they want to succeed in that endeavor, employee welfare must come front and center.

More employees around America are seeking job opportunities that care about their physical and mental health and provide good benefits. Michael Saltzstein has noted that HR is now required to ensure that it can meet these needs.

Making flexible working situations work

A majority of employees globally also prefer flexibility in workspaces, with many preferring the remote work setup. It helps them avoid commutes and extra costs. HR is responsible for protecting that work-life balance and finding ways to make remote working remain productive and healthy.

It means finding ways to ensure that being available from home doesnt mean employees can’t participate fully. And it also means ensuring that working hours remain productive.

Upskilling employees

As part of the new people-centric goals of global workplaces, employees are the focus. Michael Saltzstein has noted that many HR departments have opted to help boost employee performance and retention through upskilling programs.

Some HR departments have begun in-house training for employees who want to add to their knowledge or develop the skills necessary to move upward in the company ladder. These initiatives allow employees to be nurtured and maximize their abilities for the company, and they can take this knowledge with them in the future.

Michael Saltzstein knows that as the world transforms, so should HR. The evolution of their role shows how vital the human” part of human resources truly is.