All the reasons entrepreneurs must invest in cybersecurity

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The business sector has been overwhelmed with a surge of technology in recent years. As a result, businesses of all shapes and sizes must invest in cybersecurity to protect their systems from cyberattacks.

In business, it’s important to win the trust of customers. When online shoppers think a seller’s website is compromised, 40% of them are likely to cancel their purchases. Now that customers are tech-savvier, companies should prioritize website security as not doing so can result in losses in conversion. Businesses can make security one of their selling points. With trust seals from accredited cybersecurity and privacy companies, businesses can easily earn their customers’ trust, says Michael Saltzstein.

Company database logs sensitive information and classified data dedicated for business use. When left unprotected, cybercriminals might hack into weak systems and steal private information that could endanger a business. Suppliers and clients trust businesses to safeguard information meant for transactions. The global business industry loses $400 billion due to hacking, making cybercrime some sort of terrorism every business should learn to combat.

While many might think hackers prioritize large-scale companies, small businesses are also prone to fraudulent acts such as email phishing. Michael Saltzstein mentions that small business owners tend to slack off on cybersecurity, which should not be the case as their businesses are much easier targets than large global companies. For businesses to succeed in the digital age, a strong online presence is paramount. Business owners should build a strong cybersecurity system to keep their companies and clients safe from cyberattacks.

Michael Saltzstein specializes in risk financing, loss control, technology solutions, workers’ compensation, safety, occupational health and safety, crisis leadership, strategic alignment, and many more. He is effective in delivering multimillion-dollar expense reductions and bottom-line improvement, maximizing coverage, and minimizing cost. For more updates, head over to this page.