augmenting life experience
Muhammad Mustafa Hussain (Full CV is at the bottom of this page)
Professor, Elmore Family Schools of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University
Director, vFabLab (
Phone: +1-323-252-4153
Muhammad Mustafa Hussain (Professor, ECE, Purdue University) pioneered vFabLab for equitable access to semiconductor training. His initiatives, including Chips Changing the World, STARS, VICTORS, Berkeley Engineering Innovates, Winter Camp on Microelectronics Gadget, IEEE EDS Workshop on Sustainable Electronics, Podcast with EDS Luminaries, Nano-scholarship, Semiconductor Fabrication 101, etc. have aided over 30,000 learners. His research spanning UC Berkeley, KAUST, SEMATECH and Texas Instruments focuses on futuristic electronics. With 22 supervised PhD graduates, 425+ research papers, and patents, he is a Fellow of IEEE, APS, and IoP. Awarded the CES 2020 Best Innovation Award, his research is frequently celebrated in global media.