This cabinet is positioned in the Beken room.

 In 2004, David Dyer designed the trophy cabinet with fluted columns to match those in the bar, and David's brother Terry built it to our requirements. It was originally fitted at the entrance of the Beken Room to ensure the safety of the most treasured trophies, which are now kept permanently on-site. The cabinet has recently been moved inside the Beken Room. These trophies are presented each year for various races, but because of their value, they are held in the Club for safekeeping.

Top shelf

          Silver Guilt Bowl                 Gold Roman Bowl                Silver Roman Bowl

    1st.O/A ISCRS class(RIR)    1st. O/A IRC class(RIR)    2nd.O/A IRC class(RIR)         

For more information about these RIR trophies, visit the link below.

                                                   2nd shelf

                 Damant Salver             Cup ?                   Crankshaw Bowl              Observer Trophy  

Damant Salver

This salver was presented to Mr & Mrs Damant to mark their silver wedding anniversary on June 22nd 1935, by some fellow members. The signatures of very many club members are inscribed upon it. These include Hans Hamilton, C W Lallow, Bruce Benzie, Uffa Fox and Bruce Atkey. Also .....Flanders (The Great, Great, Grandfather of David Flanders. ISC present Front of House Manager)


No details known about this trophy

Crankshaw Bowl

ISC Round the Island Race

1st O/A ISCRS Group 4

Observer  Trophy

ISC Round the Island Race

1st Monohull to finish 

3rd shelf

       ISC Cadet Seamanship Trophy    Pleydell Bouviere Trophy   Conrad Ritblat Trophy  

ISC Cadet Seamanship Champion

This Trophy was presented by 

Lt. Col. F. J. Mew 1951

Plydell Bouveire Bowl

ISC Inshore Series Trophy

1st IRC Class O/A

Conrad Ritblat

ISC Round the Island Race

1st IRC Class

For more information about these RIR trophies, visit the link below.

For more information about these Inshore Series Trophies, visit the link below.

Bottom shelf

Maori Canoe

This was presented to the XOD Class (Cowes Division) as a Trophy by Freddy Downer from Gurnard after he emigrated to New Zealand in 1970.