

Jackson Travers @ Thinkukbator Spring 24


Majoring in computer science and economics, I had previous consulting experience in data analytics. When I decided I wanted to participate in the Vienna Plus program and looked through the company listings, Thinkubator caught my eye. Their focus on consulting and closing the knowledge gap of circular economic practices with data stood out to me, and their sustainability perspective was particularly interesting given the lack of experience I had with the topic. Through my research of entrepreneurship institutes within Austria, I got to work on my data collection skills. Thinkubator is a circular economy and sustainability consulting company and thinktank that first began about five years ago. They have three primary objectives: research, education, and consulting.


My position was as a ClimateLaunchpad (CLP) Impact Intern. CLP is a global annual sustainable startup competition that Thinkubator participated in two years ago, won, and is currently the lead host organization for the competition within Austria this year. As an impact intern, I was responsible for research and communication with entrepreneurship institutes across Austria, drafting and sending out information emails and invites to events, and helping with small tasks whenever needed. I was fortunate to work closely with Felix Ambros, one of the co-founders of the organization and my mentor, from whom I have learned a great deal.


I primarily developed my communication and time management skills. With the various entrepreneurship institutes and startups that I had to communicate with, I learned more about how to address target audiences. Also, my role required proper communication within our team, which I strengthened because of the importance of competition recruitment. The research I did required me to invest a lot of time into my work, and this in combination with my classwork required proper balancing and scheduling. I also became more adaptable and grew my cultural agility through the different communications and cultural norms that my position required. Applying these to my potential future career as a computer scientist, I will need to apply my cultural agility to the diverse teams that I will collaborate with and utilize my communication skills to properly complete projects that involve coworkers and clients.

Advice for future Vienna Plus students

You should be as proactive and involved as possible in your internship. You will get to work with some amazing people and the semester goes by fast, so take chances to grow yourself personally and professionally. Do not be afraid to speak up and voice your opinions to your mentors if you ever have questions or concerns.

Olimpia Kacouris @ Thinkubator Fall 23


Growing up in Chicago with extensive exposure to the social and environmental impacts of enterprises, along with a childhood spent in Ecuador, spurred my desire to make a substantial contribution to the environmental sector because I saw the environmental effects of businesses. By selecting Thinkubator, I was able to obtain insights into sustainability and its complex interaction with company activities. 


As an impact intern, I was responsible for studying case studies and scientific articles in order to integrate knowledge and create a thorough business guide for businesses migrating to a circular economy model. My main accomplishment during the internship was the drafting of a business review report that advised entrepreneurs and firms on how to use circular economy principles. In addition, I helped by creating graphics to improve the guide's accessibility and appeal. I was able to learn how to present my work thoroughly and confidently to my mentors through weekly business meetings. 


My writing, reading, and analysis skills were greatly improved as a result of the internship. With mentors, I learned how to successfully explain and advocate for my views. I hope to use these talents not only in academia, but also in my future professional efforts, particularly when working with businesses in sustainability. I can use these skills in the rest of my college life through network events such as career fair and when working with registered student organizations (RSOs) such as the partner RSOs my RSOs work with. 

Advice for future Vienna Plus students

I would say that the importance of self-assurance cannot be emphasized during the internship. To also not be afraid to ask a question, and add your ideas, because active interaction will maximize the value of your learning experiences. I would also advise students to consider challenges as stepping stones to personal and intellectual progress as you begin this incredible opportunity. Vienna Plus acts as an essential link, seamlessly bridging the gap between education and the professional world.