
Economics, PolitIcal Science & Global Studies

Josephine Thannert @ Sindbad Spring 24


I am double-majoring in Global Studies & Women's Studies and I pursue a minor in German studies. 


Sindbad is a social business that focuses on one on one mentoring from their mentors and mentees. These mentors are here to help kids find what they want to do after school, apply for jobs, life advice, and so much more. I was the social media and marketing intern, where my main job was to take pictures and videos at events. I also was tasked with finding new ways to make Instagram more engaging to attract new mentors and mentees. This was initially hard for me as I have never had an internship or position like this before. In the end it ended up being a good experience and pushing me out of my comfort zone. During this internship I also got to go to a middle school and take pictures and videos there. I also got to introduce myself and pass out papers. While this seems small, I had a lot of fun doing this and got to use my German skills.


This internship was an amazing experience and I am very grateful I did it. This opportunity adds a lot to the study abroad experience. It truly made me feel like I was not just in Vienna for five months to study and travel, but that I also lived here. For any future study abroad student I would tell them to throw themselves into the internship. You get out what you put in, so much as much in as you can. Choose Vienna Plus because it's an amazing way to make roots in Vienna. Vienna Plus is a great way to boost one's resume and find new opportunities. 

Anna Lavalley @ VICESSE Fall 22


In studying international relations, I have often seen research primarily relating to economics, culture, or other areas concerning the humanities. But VICESSE (The Vienna Centre for Societal Security, a private non-profit research organization) joined subjects of international relations with science and technology, a combination that is incredibly relevant to the world we live in today, but not one that I have often seen. So, I was excited for the opportunity presented by VICESSE to do a research project including first-hand accounts of people and their experiences.


I have had a rather independent role as an intern. I have been given the unique opportunity to work alongside an experienced team while simultaneously building the skills that come with approaching research alone. This internship challenged but bettered my research oriented skills, which I had not spent much time developing before. I found it most challenging to form a basis for research. I consulted the mentors, and they helped me form ideas with fine tuned brains for this work. As I said before, I found the team at VICESSE especially accommodating and helpful during my time there.


One of the most helpful things I did in the beginning of this experience was attending the weekly Monday check-in meetings attended by the whole VICESSE office. From observing these meetings, I quickly gained a better understanding of the dynamic of this office. I saw how each project was organized between teams of people and the pace of operations on a weekly basis.