Refugees problem



  • The problem of refugees is very important today They are sometimes seen by the people of welcoming countries as bad people even criminals, so refugees feel excluded from the society. A study showed that if people don't feel part of the society, they could bring out a negative side of their personality.
  • If refugees try to look for work, they are exploited by the employer creating new forms of slavery. Can we believe we are in new age or we are still in the Middle Ages?

  • Victims of social injustice, refugees face a lot of difficulties in their lives, such as racism and absence of a sense of belonging to the new country . Racism is the way to establish a link between physical aspect and culture prejudices. This is deeply incorrect as we all come from the same species. Since the middle of the XX century it has been proved that human races don't exist, so why do people keep thinking about this? It must be difficult for refugees to live in a territory where they are not accepted, surrounded by a culture which isn't theirs. If you want to understand their problems you should try to identify with them. It is really hard. Nowadays it is important to try to change those narrow-minded thoughts which are spread by social media or simply by certain politicians. The effect is that we are influenced by the opinion of someone else. A solution could be information, you should read about real and authentic stories and events. It could help to improve personal perspectives towards this harsh problem.