by Anagnostopoulou Nonni

Christmas… The prettiest time of the year! Just the presence of the colorful, shiny balls and Christmas lights decorating the Christmas tree in combination with the Christmas songs echoing everywhere and all the celebrations that take place one after the other are able to take us straight to the festive and cheerful atmosphere of this period. Simultaneously with the celebrations , though, there is another issue that occupies millions of people.

While in the entire Europe everybody is preparing for the coming of the holidays and every country is deciding how are they going to decorate their cities and how will the count down for the new year be displayed, people in Chile and Libya are fighting for a more fair treatment and additional respect towards their rights. Protestings and revolutions steal the spot of the holiday atmosphere and the top priority of the governments is not Christmas decorations but their cease.

All of that goes to the fact that the “democratic” governments of these countries decided, despite the strong disagreements of their people, to raise taxes in various sectors, for instance, public commuting. Especially during the past years, the immense action taken by thousands of people, from different mainlands (let’s not forget the yellow vests) , has been noticed in order to claim their rights and it is certain that the evolution of technology and the internet had played a vital role in these gatherings. All humans have the right and the obligation to react, when it comes to their notice that someone is taking away their privileges. Besides , this is one of the most important advantages of democracy.

One of the most common reasons of mobilization of citizens is of course, the changes in the economy, which usually appear in the form of salary or pension decreases or tax increases that they have to comply themselves with. Therefore, they often flee towards the easiest solution, which is an action based disagreement that is possible to lead to the governments higher ups to withdraw some of the changes that they made and therefore tranquilize the citizens. However, the constant lack of collective thoughts will always signal a burden in a country’s prosperity,

So, the correct confrontation of such cases from every human is not only protesting and revolution but to always set as a goal the collective well being. Persuiting only personal advancement is what has led modern societies to collapse. Citizens nowadays do not care or misjudge their fellow people. Vote for presidents that will temporarily satisfy their expectations while worsening lives and fortunes as time goes by. Of course, in order to change this situation, re-educating citizens and sharing common interest for society is needed.

Summarizing, it is clear that the preservation of the democratic constitution in a country devolves to the country’s citizens. They must realize that their self-interest rests on the prosperity of their country, on the defense of their rights and their quality of lifestyle. It relies much more, though, on social cohesion the Christmas holidays are a great opportunity to build it.

So, this year, let’s help in a common meal or let’s organize festive events in our neighborhood, our town, our city. If we find again each other, if we celebrate together and help a fellow citizen of ours with actions, there’s a chance that we will realize our power as a whole. And, 2019’s Christmas might be good, but 2020’s can/will perhaps be better!