by Alexandra Draganoglou

This may be the most daunting thing that people of the LGBTQ community have to deal with. This moment when you have to reveal to your family, your friends and your social circle that you are gay or bisexual or that you want to change your gender, because simply you feel trapped in a body in which you don't belong to.

And then these phrases start: “why did you do that to us?”, “it's something temporary, you will get over it”, “this guy enticed you into this”, or even worse “what a sorrow has found us?”. For what sorrow are we talking about? Is it bad that these people wanted to talk openly about their sexual identity to their close people from which they expected comprehension and support? On the other hand though, these people get punished daily by social racism, having even their families against them.

In this “polite" and “civilized” Europe of the 21st century, it seems that there are still problems of sexism and racism against the LGBTQ community. And as it seems, these problems will never end… Amnsety International, though, has substantiated cases of torment against gays, lesbians, pansexual and transexual people in ALL continents. In fact, according to a UK's research, relationships between people of the same gender are considered as “crimes” in 76 countries around the world, from which, 38 are countries of Africa.

25th November of 2019 was considered as a day of bashing for the human rights of greek LGBTQ community. One hundred and seventy parliamentarians voted against the constitutional establishment of prohibition of discriminations due to the sexual identity or orientation or characteristics of gender, fessing up in the most civil and formal way, that they don't represent all the citizens and that they don't care for their equal treatment.

In this way, it’s like they admit that they are responsible, individually and retrospectively, for all the suicides, barrings, abuses, humiliating treatments, murders and after all the disrespect among the humane dignity.

So, it's clear that, for the combat of violation of basal rights and discriminations, big efforts are required. It's important, from the politicians’s side, to have a clear attitude against homophobia and discriminations that LGBTQ people deal with, contributing, in this way, to the positive switch of people's perceptions and behaviors.

Let's become a society which accommodates everyone. A society of real acceptance. A society in which Gay Pride is cancelled, not because it annoys, not because it “provokes” , but because we are all so equal that Pride's Month is appointed for all the humanity, regardless of the sexual orientation.