Refugee Woman: constant violence and discrimination

’Refugee Woman: constant violence and discrimination

By George Terzis

‘’ As they came together after a bad game of fate, refugee women who escaped dangerous areas, finally find the courage , similarities and remarkable durability towards one another’’, declare three refugee women , who met at the Reception and Identification Centre of Samos. The three of them are from Afghanistan and their common experiences and difficulties they faced brought them closer and they achieved to develop a good friendship bond. And to be precise the experiences they gained and the difficulties the refugee women tackled are not that different, even if they come from different places.

All of these women are exposed to violence and sexual harassment on a daily basis, while they survive unprotected with their children under awful conditions without the presence of their husbands. But even if they had, domestic violence isn’t a rare phenomenon in the house which are granted to them. They are exposed to violence even when they walk carefree in the city they live in, because their external appearance provokes the locals to judge them , let alone to act violent at their expence.