US-american top-level Sufis as defendants (Angeklagte) in one of the world´s biggest financial scandals ever

report by Assad and Phantomas

Ba adab ba nasib; be adab be nasib.

Ya Allah, Ya Haqq! God alone knows the truth. But being the Pir of a spiritual order without answering to his pupils / mureeds and to the public in general, in such a situation under charge, makes him look bad! The question arises, if the high moral standards, which are boldly claimed and presented over and over again by these people are standing the test of reality, a reality which is suspect of criminal deals. Between the most often claimed high moral standards (Adab) and the questioned financial deals of the clan there is an obvious gap unbridged. Everybody knows how much Pir Zia values harmony. He is failing now to prove, that he values truthfulness and uprightness to the same extent. Or do we witness him favouring harmony at the cost of truthfulness and uprightness? Yet this attitude is in accordance with the teaching of Zia's grandfather Hazrat Inayat Khan: "A truth that disturbs peace and harmony is worse than a lie" (HIK, Sayings - Chalas-  an illuminated word). A most dangerous and dishonest attitude (outside the holy realm of the soul), which is incompatible with democratic principles.

Now, in the 9 years that passed since the Madoff-fraud 2008, there has been no statement of Zia Khan or other members of the Khan-clan about their involvement into the fraud, neither to the public, nor to the mureeds of the Inayati-Order, and not to the inner circle, the Jamiat-Khas (exception Richard Glantz: "I knew nothing".). Judge yourself, if you believe this to be a reasonable conduct for a "Grand-Master of Chivalry and Adab". He really has a credibility problem, for more than one reason:

recently (in 2017) I got insider-informations from a very trustworthy person, that the money, which was fundraised 2015 to save the Abode, was used to purchase the new facilities at Richmond and to sponsor Zias move to this place. 

Ba adab ba nasib; be adab be nasib.


Until today the negociations and deals behind dismissals (Vergleiche / Einstellungen) accepted by court regarding some defendants in the years since 2008, are hidden from the public (see Court-Dockets below). One central characteristic of a sect is intransparency.

2011 Dismissal Defendant Mirza Inayat Khan (Hardship application) - CD 20 and Nathan Johnson (individual) CD 14

2012 Dismissal Defendant Nathan Johnson as Trustee of Zias Children Education Trust - CD 25

2013 Dismissal Defendants Zia and Taj Inayat Khan CD 49, 50

No dismissal for Richard Glantz, the shady central key figure, and foster-father of Zia and Mirza

Quotation: When he was married to his ex-wife, Glantz worried that she was spending too much. But instead of talking to her, he decided it would create less conflict to try to earn more money.

From 1988 - 2004 Richard Glantz was married with Taj Inayat Khan (alias Carolyn Buckmaster, alias Jamila Johnson, alias Taj Inayat-Glantz, alias Carolyn Glantz, alias Taj Begum Inayat,  as she likes to call herself),- the mother of Pir Zia - see -  as a matter of fact, she never was, nor is the Begum Inayat. An article about the remarkable career of Taj Inayat Khan we have published here at News.

Richard Glantz, who promotes himself as generous supporter of the underprivileged residents of Basti Nizamuddin and Hope-project (see his vitas on the web), still is (in 2014) subject of a claim by the Madoff-Trustee of more than 100.000.000 $ ! (see CD 62 !)

CD 62 is the detailed complaint-document filed at US-Bankruptcy Court against Richard Glantz and many Glantz familiy-members!

Many investors lost very much money. Up to 17% of annual gain were promised by Madoff and Glantz and paid off as long as the Ponzi-scheme expanded. Imagine the greed on the part of the investors!! Any layman knows, that such a profit is impossible to achieve in legal ways. That's a fact and not to discuss! Yet Glantz is not even a layman, he's a financial expert.

Richard Glantz tried to make big money not only in the big financial world. He seems to have been dealing as well with real estates, together with Taj, moving millions of $. Follow this link and see yourself:

Sales and Buys real estates R.M. Glantz and Taj Inayat 2003 - 2011.pdf

While reading, keep in mind that Carolyn Glantz is Taj Inayat


deutschsprachig: Neue Züricher Zeitung

The Court-Dockets

Since 2008 this above link was valid to access the original court-documents. Now (2018) the link is dead for whatever reason, I don't know. I could publish these dockets here myself, but I don't dare, it could really get me into trouble. What I can offer is, if you are interested in specific documents get in contact with me and we' ll see to it. You find my mailadress at Contact.

Nevertheless I have still found this document (lawsuit-file) at the web. which can be read and downloaded through the following link:

The list of all the defendants is right at the top