Esoteric Papers, Sangathas, Sangithas

History proves that the divine mission, the divine message of the Rasul always was connected with a political dimension, and still is. The life and teaching of every single prophet proves the truth of these words.

It is NOW the time to spread the message of Hazrat Inayat Khan which is called THE MESSAGE OF OUR TIME. The Esoteric School is for few, yet the message is for the whole world. But the Sufi Order International (SOI) is afraid of this political dimension, which could easily spoil its idol of harmony. Without the inclusion of the political dimension the light of the message is hidden under a bushel of elitist self-sufficiency. There at least it shines beautiful and warming.

Yet if the people of our time do not become aware of the message of our time because it simply is not perceptible (except inside an exclusive and elitist circle), there are two possibilities: either the message is not The Message of Our Time, or the organization, entrusted with this message is not fulfilling its responsibilities.

We, the Whistleblowing Sufis understand the political dimension of Hazrat Inayats Khans´ message very clearly. The teaching of the Unity of Religions answers the needs of humanity facing global fragmentation and global destruction. By divine Unity everything is linked with everything. The message of the Universal Worship (though many people believe this ceremony itself being antiquated) is the answer to the screaming of the souls, suffering from the many bad and horrible effects of Globalisation.

Please have a look at the below pdf.-file