Hazrat Inayat Khan

Online - Database (Datenbank) of the Complete Volumes of the teaching of Hazrat Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan

In the searching mask you may indicate a subject of your interest, f. ex. "willpower" or "harmony" and as result you get anything Murshid ever said about it in the Complete Volumes, embedded in the context. This database is very helpful to undertake research on a specific topic. This database was constructed and is published by the
Institute for Applied Meditation on the Heart (iamheart.org)

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Most of the Complete Works online, of Hazrat Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan. Like the perfume is the essence of the rose, the Esoteric Papers are the perfume of the Complete Works. We love and adore the roses and we are intoxicated by it´s perfume.

Please follow this link:


Complete and authentic Esoteric Papers online, of Hazrat Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan

Dear seekers and pilgrims,

Those texts, we offer here to the public, were not meant being published. This could be said of quite a few sacred and spiritual texts of old. They were kept secret, and open only to a very limited group of initiates. Times have changed. In our days the divine wisdom should be open to everybody. Everybody may read it, some may understand it, some may be moved by it and few will be changed by it. We wish to grant all of you the freedom to throw a glance behind the door. We are convinced that no harm is done by just throwing a glance.

Until recently these Esoteric Papers were published online by the honorable Sufi Qalbi Terry Loveall. After his passing from this plane in early spring 2009, his website was shut down. I know that the Sufi Order International (SOI) always had a vital interest for this to happen (without reasonable arguments), but during his lifetime Terry always refused any demand to remove the Esoteric Papers from his site. He claimed having had a vision of Hazrat Inayat Khan, where the master asked him to publish all of the Esoteric Papers.

In the tradition of Qalbi Terry Loveall and the Malamatiyya, within our own tradition of spiritual freedom we are the only website now to publish all of the authentic and authorized Esoteric Papers worldwide. A public print-version (of Sangathas and Sangithas) is not available.

You may download the GATHAS and GITHAS right away, here and now. Note, that the Gathas and Githas are like the lower steps of a ladder, the Sangathas and Sangithas relate to the steps above.

Seekers who apply to get from us these SANGATHAS and SANGITHAS of Hazrat Inayat Khan, we ask as a requirement to share with us about their spiritual background and becoming in advance, by email.

We will be pleased to get from you such information. We are very much interested to learn about the spiritual / religious background and motives of all those asking us for these precious papers.

  • I have found out recently, in february 2016, that rumours are true: there is a serie Sangithas III (this was confirmed by Nebakht Foundation). I had no knowledge about this one, it is not in my possession, so I am not able to share it. If you have it and you want make it accessible to earnest seekers, please send it to me.

  • The content of the Esoteric Papers is spread all over the Complete Volumes. If you have read the Complete Volumes, which are all published, you have read most (not all) of the Esoteric Papers as well. The difference is that the Esoteric Papers are collected following a systematization with regard to a spiritual hierarchy. This hierarchy is organized by degrees of initiation. If you are at the bottom of the hierarchy or an outsider, you will have no access to the higher papers. They are for the eyes of an elitist network only.

Alle Suchenden, die sich für die SANGATHAS und SANGITHAS interessieren und sie von uns beziehen wollen, bitten wir als Voraussetzung, zunächst ihren spirituellen Werdegang mit uns zu teilen , bzw. uns ihre Anfrage - per email - in diesem Sinne zu erläutern.

Wir freuen uns sehr, etwas über Ihren spirituellen Hintergrund und den Grund Ihrer Anfrage zu lernen und derart den Menschen näher zu kommen, die sich mit dieser Bitte an uns wenden.

  • Ich habe kürzlich entdeckt, dass mir bekannte Gerüchte über eine existierende Serie Sangithas III der Wahrheit entsprechen (die Nebakht-Foundation hat mir das auf Anfrage bestätigt). Diese Serie kenne ich nicht, und habe sie nicht. Ich kann sie nicht mit euch teilen. Wenn Du diese Serie hast und möchtest sie interessierten Suchenden zugänglich machen, sende sie mir bitte zu.

  • Der Inhalt der Esoterischen Papiere findet sich verstreut in den Gesammelten Werken. Wenn du die Gesammelten Werke von HIK gelesen hast, welche alle veröffentlicht sind, dann hast Du auch das meiste der Esoterischen Papiere gelesen (nicht alles). Der Unterschied liegt in der Systematisierung der Esoterischen Papiere nach Kriterien einer spirituellen Hierarchie. Diese Hierarchie unterteilt sich nach Einweihungsgraden. Bist du zu weit unten in der Hierarchie darfst du die oberen Papiere nicht lesen. Sie sind nur für die Augen einer elitären Auswahl

The early Death of Hazrat Inayat Khan

At any place it is reported that HIK died in 1927 in Delhi from a flu. This must be doubted. We have trustworthy information from a decades-long close friend of Pir Vilayat, PV telling him, that his father was poisoned by a Hindu-fanatic. Having the flu a doctor came giving HIK some medicine. Yet it was poison. The fanatic was of the same group which later assassinated the great Mahatma Gandhi. When the corpse of HIK was moved later his hair was green. Those in charge of the Sufiorder after his passing decided to conceal the truth to avoid religious fighting or turmoils.
