CAS Learning Outcome:

1. Identify your own strengths and develop areas for personal growth.

This internship at Medconsult has taught me a lot. It was an amazing opportunity. I shadowed a few of the nurses, made calls to different HR managers asking about their schools, handled their advertisements on their Facebook page, organized medicines, made calls to clients, and much more. From this, I was able to clearly see where my skill are and where my weakness are. While making calls, I was very confident while talking to the clients. I was told exactly what to say and then from then on, I had to improvise. I think my strength lies in improvising. This is a very useful skill as it will be handy when I am in the work place and there is a sudden shift is my job. My weakness lies in organizing. My attention span is very short, therefore it is difficult for me to be concentrated while doing tedious work. I have to learn to work on this.